Tuesday 14 April 2009

When boss is sheepish...

Today...I really couldn't do much when boss is in such a mood...meaning, he wants you involved in his thought processes, especially with the new staff coming in.

When I had a pocket of time to escape it, he just had to send me two e-mails that told me his outlook had a problem. Haiz...iw as tempted not to tell him..but, what if he sent out more? It would look unprofessional lor.

He just got the new mac lappie...and somehow his e-mails gg out displayed on receipients e-mails as 12 font bold..which looks bad lah..like you scolding people, and dun look good lah...

So i hauled my laptop over to show him. And he wouldn't let me leave till he settled it coz he wanted to send me a test mail. While waiting for the reload, he shared with me his frustration about booking a airticket to UK. Seems that all online options were fully booked even if you opted to fly in 3 days before the date. he was whacking all airlines. Even Thai!

I went..Muh?...I thought you booked your airticket liao.

He told me he was booking for an associate lor, and another associate had volunteered to pay for the ticket. How and why he got involved being the guy to do the booking I have no clue..haiz..and I dun wanna know...*runs away*

But of course..haiz..i didnt mah...so I thought for a moment and told him. You should try travel agencies. Online is based on a limited batch of seats that were probably truly taken up liao. Maybe agencies have the lobangs/ deals with airlines on seat bookings that can help him get one.

I paused then cringed...HAHAHAHA...really i did..and said:" If you want, i can go check with our travel desk if they can get a ticket bah" ...he gave an evil smile, waved me to him and scrawled the dates to go in and out of London on paper.

I started leaving his room...and he called me back! =S

He told me need to call the associate to tell him we're looking into it ..uh!?!?..i said..hah..why like that, it's not even confirmed. Later then call lah when confirmed lah...haiz. No need now what.

But he insisted. Coz the person was bugging him to confirm the tickets and he now wanted me to be the informant of "no confirmation but trying"...aiyo...now i become scapegoat.

As he scrawled more details on the paper,..you probably dun say such things to you boss lah, but I said..."Yue4 bang1 Yue4 mang2 leh...".....HAHAHAHA...true mah..offer to help end up more work!

He gave me a sheepish look ...and said thanks.

hahaha..oh well...raaarr...

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