Sunday, 12 April 2009

If only...

...feet could talk.

Ya pair of feet. This time it's the right footie. Been a long time since the right one kenna-ed. Well, not exactly long, the most recent episode was when the day before I left for Melbourne. Yep! Thank God for his strength! But the last time was when I first had my gout back in Uni. Since then it's been affecting my left only, and i hoped that it would only be on one foot.

Been limping around the last two weeks. Am in walking condition, hurts with each step so I can't go for long stretches, or funny steps, else it'd turn into a tingly numb sensation. But of course, I do get rebellious...Mahaha..*innocent look*

=) well, no use getting all dramatic about footie can be alot worse!

So...I'm just hoping my feet could talk so that i can do what I have to to make it better lor. Coz I've been keeping off all the baaaaaadddd fooooood...=(


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