Wednesday 29 April 2009

Grace...'s so late liao...the night just zips by.

Dear God, I pray tomorrow's big meeting is going to go so well. No cancellations, everyone gets there safe and on time. All communication is good. That everyone agrees to agree and agrees to disagree. =) That it be fruitful and progresssive. That all ideas and plans are within an actionable time frame. That everything will work out so well. I pray his presence will be there too!


Me also ask for protection for everyone involved in our projects. Including our families. Because so much is happening these days...let's not take anything for granted. =)

For every individual at work...that we have strength and capacity to push through.

For favour on every e-mail/ proposal and meeting that we are a part of. Let it be firmed quickly and smoothly and in good report. Let everything we send/ arrange/ confirm be guarded and not be taken by the devil!

And God, I know..sigh...there's so many things we've missed...and I defintely missed praying for too. But I pray You'll cover the mistakes with Your grace and lift us up whenever we feel defeated or fearful. That we hear only your voice as we turn left and right, and follow the way that is blessed.

We praise your name in all we do! In Jesus name I pray, Amen! =)

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