Wednesday 30 January 2008


For those who know...i DO NOT join frenster or facebook...and have no intention to do so in the near future still trickles down...

I heard from my JC council president that one of our council members died in a motorbike accident yesterday... her name is Sunita.

Gosh...she is still one of the few people from JC which i still remember their face to their name.

We were not in the same class or faculty. But in the times we spoke, she has always been friendly and helpful.

It is sad news to hear. She is the same age as me.

Reminds me of a newspaper article i saw towards the end of last year in the Newpaper. Where i found the girl of a picture of a couple in the cover page very familiar. Yes, that girl was a junior in one of my uni hall orientation grps...a very sporting and friendly girl. Joined the sports club camp too...The article was about how her new hubby just died in a drowning incident away from home in china, and how they had made all the plans for the future and had been together for years.

Yes..i still remember her mentioning about him in our late night sharing in hall...(back then he was just her boyfren lah)...she was a nice of the few girls in the group that did engineering and showed their appreciation by remembering me on my birthday to chip in for a gift. =)

It was a heart wrentching story to read about...and although i had not met her for 10 years...i wanted to just go see her...but i didnt know where or how...

But my heart went out to her those few days and i remember praying for her. Her name is Debbie.

Though i'm sure frenster and facebook would give me all this news...ha...i refuse to sign up stop inviting me!!! =) i am not kaypo...

still...back to the seriousness of things...Yes, it has been years...yes...we have lost touch...but hear such news....

my condolences go out to the family and close friends of my friends above. May God take care of them and bless them.

Thursday 24 January 2008

today...(what a creative title *sic)

I attended a full day course today on report, proposal and paper wasn't too bad...but it's the sort where you have to go back and just use it because there are so many configurations, not all can be taught. == alot of self study.

To keep myself entertained at one point i read the dictioanry for 'Z' to learn new words...i've seen this word before...but never knew the let's all have a class here...the word is 'zephyr' pronounced 'zef' (like 'left') then 'fur'...usued more in literary context..the oldie english means 'a gentle wind' there...a new word..that is POSSIBLE to be used..hahaha...

it ended early today at 440pm. It was great! so i went maxwell hawker to eat which is just across the road. Seldom in that area, so must grab the oppotunity!..hahaha...

Then i went to visit my grandma on her request..hmmm...i hardly ever see was a session that was to be done sooner than later...oh family and relatives have relationships issues...BUT...relatives who judge me by my acts of ommission...i seriously just want to shut them up on the spot. but out of respect i dont' ( i tolerate to a level) is not that i am proud of what i do...but there is no need to harp on it...AND> wat if they DO do it? have i ever lorded over them on the things that are obviously wrong too? or make superior remarks?

sometimes i just remind myself everytime i get angry is that it is just SAD that they have to say such things to me when they do not really know me...if it makes them feel be it...

I'm not saying that what they say is wrong...but...hmm...there's no need to say it if I enjoy the fact that i do not do certain things...

Ah well...before i left, i assured my grandma about something...that though i lack certain acts...i bear no ill feelings that led to my is just a lack of capacity on my end that i struggle with. I never want her to think it was something she did or did not do. =)

i just came upstairs after playing with my dog...suddenly i don't' feel came so abruptly...i quickly came up to relax and see how my body reacts..i suddenly had a heavy/ tired feel on my chest...abit on the want to puke sort...

i pray i do not fall sick...but even if i do...let it happen now so that i can recover in time for the major events!!! hahaha...

I think i'll take the second half of my day off tomorrow...helps to take a break and also be appropriately dressed for a warm steamboat session with my cg...hate the icky feeling!

talked to Duck on the phone earlier. this year is a tough year for her...but i told her to cut herself someslack and jsut plough through...of stop taking repsonsibilities on herself that others showuld take...=) else she will tire out.

invited her for AR bernard this weekend. i really think she'll be blessed by the message because it will encourage her in her present situation! Hope she comes...and just be happy...i'm not expecting anything pressure nothing...=) just come and enjoy...

work work work

Work surrounds my life these some it can be a sad thing.

But i believe i'll be alright as it is only for a season. Work is so hectic in the day, i'm really drained at night when i'm home.

Is it comparable to school life? you raelly can't compare it directly. But still school life is good for the other reasons it has, far outweighs a working adult's life..hahaha...

I've been on the busy mode since nov (abeit a break in the year end season) is cumulating to the big string of events that will come up in the second quarter of feb 2008.

Of course, i'm not handling everything...but, in an organisation like mine...the organisation's project, even though you have no full responsibilty, it MUST happen..and everyone is involved whether by information, support or coordination of manpower and many things to look at...can faints!!!

So here goes:

1 Feb, Fri - 4pm breifing for teachers for the AIIp studnet event happening on 23 feb

1 to 14 feb - renovation of next door unit we are expanding into...

14 feb, thur - management meeting day

15 feb, fri - dateline for all publications to be ready.

18 Feb, monday - 6am registration for the Assn golf tournament starts..144 the ulu but nice place of Seletar country club. Do i know any thing about golf...hardly...but i'm there to work and lend support. The golf lasts till 2pm. but in between this is what my boss is running around for...
9am - meeting the brit group who have come for the airshow at the high commission
10am - meeting the aussie grp who have come for the airshow at another hotel.
1230pm - back to seletar for the lunch and prize presentation for the golf (other country groups to join in)
3pm - tour of the seletar aerospace park for the country grps
4pm - networking session for the netherlands grp in seletar country club
LET's not forget that this is the DAY BEFORE THE AIRSHOW somehow must find time to make sure the booth is READY...

19 feb, tues - (AIRSHOW DAY ONE) the airshow begins and will last till Sunday. we are managing the singapore pavilion for the airshow...with 17 local companies around us. We have a booth to man too...
- Launch of our maiden magazine Aerospace Singapore!!! ( which means now my boss is stressed over the product!)
- launch and distribution of the Aerospace indsuty directory 2008!!
9.30am - media conference for the career show starting on 28 feb ( the following week!!!) at some hotel
6.45pm - dinner networking for the US grp

20 feb, wed - (AIRSHOW DAY TWO)
8.30am - brit grp to poly A
1130am - brit grp to poly B
2.30pm - brit grp to IT E

21 feb, thur - (AIRSHOW DAY THREE)
10am - event at a another pavilion at the airshow
lunch - with a training sch for the brit grp

22 feb, fri - (AIRSHOW DAY FOUR)
4pm - Venue for the 23 feb AIIP student event organised by get studnets interested in aerospace as a gg to the venue to pack 1000 goodie bag...soundcheck..prep...test slides...which suddenly reminds me....i need to chase the speakers for their details...=S

23 feb - sat (AIRSHOW DAY FIVE)
- launch of the maiden AeroCareer guide - for mid transition and new grads
8am - registration for AIIP, talk, then to the airshow.

24 feb sun- (AIRSHOW DAY SIX)
the fact u work on a sunday...SAYS IT ALL>>>GROWL...

25 Feb, Mon - prep for the next event/ rest
26 Feb, Tue - prep for the next event / rest

27 Feb, wed - move in to set up the pavilion at the career show in suntec...we have 7 other aerospace companies around us...and have a big common area to take care of...

28 Feb, Thur - (CAREER SHOW DAY ONE) lasts till Sunday 2nd march
and we have to coord a glider competition with one of the poly in the middle of the show...

2 Mar. Sun - last day of career show

16th Mar - jointly organising an award show/ briefing...

Frankly i haven't had the time to look at the 16th mar event..hahaha...

so now u have an idea of my work...=)

ok...enough for today. I should go sleep...i'm on course full day tommorrow...ARGH!!!...less time to work!!!!

*breathe*..think positive!!!

Wednesday 23 January 2008


Been having problems connecting to the internet at home for almost a week! GRRR....

what to do...but it's good too...shows how dependant you are on being online..hahahha...

I was pretty ok...found other things to do...but could be irritating when i had some transactions to be made online but couldn't do so...=(

Sunday 13 January 2008

New blog look for the new year...=)

I've been unable to come online the past week due to internet connection problems. -- drat!! and those were the times i felt like blogging...hahaha

Anyway, i decided to change my blog look too. got tired of the first one after looking at it longer. And i think a fresh change will be great!

almost picked the black...but went for the blue look instead. Let see how it goes...may just swap to a black background...i'm in an indecisive mood...

Changed my pic too.

It's been another hard week and so quickly it has become mid jan!! YARGH!

I'm still reviewing what i want to do for this year...

And of course, still cleaning my room...spent 4 hours today doing another section. =)

Ok I have to go, there's service tomorrow morning and i've been late for the mornign prayer meeting recently...not good not good....i'll post again...=)

Sunday 6 January 2008


I am in a dazed mood now. It is 11pm and I have just wrapped up part of my room clean up for Chinese New Year.

You see only once a year do i do a major clean up of my room where i clean the walls, nooks and corners and wipe everything. Other times, it's just a general wipe or tidying. So the year's worth of stuff just piles up on my table.

With such a magnitude task, i usually start in the new year. BUT this year CNY is early!!!! must be more efficient.

because i still need to LIVE in my room, it is best to do it in phases to ensure i still have a bed to sleep and that i am not too ambitious. (ie. I'm sure you experienced cleaning your table or cupboard, and you have everything on the floor or somewhere else, and not necessary everything goes back to THAT cupboard. so it must be temporary housed till the proper place is cleaned and ready to take in that item!!!! ---hahahaha.....complicated right?)

so i divide out my room into segments and clean accordingly. It's like a project man...

So now my next few weekends will be spent like this. several hours doing the CNY clean. Hope i can make it in time.

Can't stand the look of my secondary work table right now...even though I've cleaned still looks messy...because i have a whole lot of things that are waiting for me to clean other areas before i pack them there, so they are just stacked on my table... =( looks horrible...

Oh well...aiyo...and my mum just came in and said the most 'helpful' words lor..." I thought you were cleaning your room...that's it??? (referring to the messy stack on my table)....see your room so messy you will take one month to finish..."

I refused to answer NEGATIVE...=S even though it is true...she said the entire sentence herself...without any of my contributions ( to explain about the table) encouragement...bah!!! Bo chap!!!

So know what i have been up to this weekend.-- and i promised to blog =P

Oh oh oh....I just ate the most horrible sweet in my life --- LICORICE...God!! how can kids and adults like that horrid taste...eeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... it left such a bad taste in my mouth, water didn't help, so i just had a chocolate to get rid of the taste...EEEWWWWW....never never try it!!

Ok , I'm going off...just dazed I'm going to spend some time to myself before wrapping up my night.

see ya...=)