Sunday 27 September 2009

Photo surfing..and found...

...Nano's car with the Flyer. =)

Saturday 26 September 2009

From the F1 website -- my fav photos from Friday

Both Ferarris rounding Turn 14....It's the Supreme Court! =DI've found the green band around the tyres so obiang, but one look and you know they are the soft tyres used. You think FA means Fernando Alonso? Hahahaha.... So hazy...I read they say the track very dusty...see lah...the haze also affect the night shots...I hope it clears up...the shots will be so spectacular!
Singapore on the kerb at Turn 2....Cooooollll!!!!
Thier photographers just take the best action shots lah...The buzz in the Ferrari pit.

I just watched...

...the entire first Rocky movie on youtube. I'm glad someone loaded it up. It was just a sudden inspiration because I heard the theme song while watching some F1 training videos. =) And I recall the memories this movie brings....

And I know what a driver that song is for alot of people i know to this day. Hah...and i know even boss has it on his list of songs, whenever he needs a booster...=)

It's the tune of the song that makes you believe you can overcome the odds...and the few lyrics it has, doens't paint a pretty picture. It doesn't shield you from the reality of the pain, in fact reminds you of it. But there's this essence of belief that you're reaching there! =)

Rocky was definitely not a show during my time. In fact i wasn't even born yet! was realeased in was such a surprising hit. Because the story was so simple and quickly filmed with in 28 this day, it's a part of history.

I was introduced to the movie by was none other than my dad. Whom I know loved the show alot. Forcing my sisters to endure it in their young the time they grew up, and he had succesffully "influenced" them,...he only had me left to work on. LOL...not that it was hard for me to be influenced anyway...hahaha

All i remembered from my impression of the first time I watched the show was that --- how can a person eat RAW EGG....6 of them somemore!!! EEEeeeeewwwWWWW!!! I still recall papa tryign to explain to me why exactly Rocky had to do that. But at the tender age of seriously CATCH NO BALL...hahaha

The second time I watched it, it was with papa too...he'd never miss a re-run of it on TV. =) This time, I'll never forget the scenes of Rocky struggling with his first morning run -- the pain on his face....and then after hard and long training he finally conquered those damned was so emotional, you'd just want to celebrate with him! =)

After that for a whole week, papa had to contain me as I went around and punched all the pillows/ bolsters and cushions in the house...and being so young, papa would let me spar with him...hehe....using his hand open wide as targets. Heh....even my poor dog then had to tolerate me dancing around him while punching the air like a near target...=)

In my late teens, I understood why it was such a loved movie. It celebrated the underdog. And the girl he got was no drop dead looker or some attractive personality. In fact, she was flawed and awkward.

I had finally understood why papa liked the show too...well, i'm guessing lah, because he never really told me. I think it's because it's the story about an ordinary person that in a real situation can do extraordinary's not a fairy tale scenario...but with hardwork and humility.

Rocky was not an educated character. He was awkward too, and had his life shoved down his throat, he doesn't speak well and has very low self esteem. But I always remembered that he had a good heart, and that good heart was what made the difference. =)

I never remember the ending.


watching it again this time round...i'm bringing back something new with me...

realistically, he knew he couldn't win the fight. But he wanted to last to the end moment, which had never been done before. And he could tell himself that he just wasn't some bum from the street.

The night before the fight, he was shrouded wtih fear and doubt. But he talked about going the distance. Perseverance.

It was not about the win on the outside...but the win on the inside that mattered.

And of course, as the show clearly presented it comes with a whole lot of PAIN! especially at the end, where to reach the end point, he ASKED for more pain to be inflicted, coz it was the only way he'd reach the end point...wahh....

I almost died...LOL...

ok ok...time to go sleep...super late...but i feel like the kid i once was again...celebrating with my hands in the air...simply coz rocky made it!! =)


It's here again! year ago, boss gave ge and me a pair of tickets for the saturday race lor...heh...this year dun have lah..but it's ok...

Am happy I can catch good coverage on TV!!!

the cost just ain't worth it lah..really. =) unless they are super good seats...close to track and a big big screen!

Weekend is here...yayee!!

it's going to be another late night...coz it's friday!!!

Wonder how ge is doing now...she lah..the poor girl..sneezed yest morning and hurt her back big time again. Am thankful her parents are in SG to take care of her and not overseas. =) So glad for msn...i can chat and rant with her about F1! kekeke...She been abit grumpy today...but thinking about it..I should be the first to understand lah...I would be the same too...with swollen ankles and stuck in bed in pain.. and no matter what you do, you jsut can't get comfy...HORRID feeling...until you suffer from chronic pain, you'd never understand how we feel. to watch some online stuff...buaiz!

Wednesday 23 September 2009

photo blog -- Finally!

Hee! Remembered to take my camera out of the car today to upload the pictures, so here are the random ones over the long weekend!

First up -- Blooie's first time taking part in a wedding! You see how proud he is of his ribbons on the handles? =D
Beanie and me taking pictures at the groom's home -- already finsihed the tea ceremony..heh.
This was the sticker on Beanie's cute right..hahaha...

Matrimony in Church -- while waiting for pastor. I was in the hall and took this through the reinforced glass that is why it's abit blur. But i think the shots are special coz they capture the moments when they notice a camera in the small window...and those that they don't...

The march in was led by the couple's friends who dressed up in the RV and SA uniforms! LOL, yep, they've been together since Sec 2...hence the significance.

Where's pastor!!!!! I'll never forget we sang worship 3-5 times over!!!...heh...these corsages are rented!!! must return! else kenna $9 lor...the returning was real inconvenient coz none of the sisters thought need to return.
Beanie getting fussed over....and her nice dad whom I had the pleasure of ferrying in my humble Blooie with her other relatives to and from the church. Uncle is a taxi driver and I really had a nice time chatting with him in the car.

Hee...Beanie spotted me with the camera and posed...=) I think ironically this was the happiest I had felt the whole day as I took this picture, beacause beanie looked so sweet and is just being herself, enjoying the moment. =)
Dear yun, once an usher, always an usher..Bwahahaha...another long time church friend since...hmmm...wah...2000!! She's known beanie in school too...and here she is cheekily posing for the camera
Honestly, I dont' attend many weddings even though invited. I've always felt it's better to really know the couple or at least one of the two lah, then you can really share the joy. =) Some view it as selfish, or no big deal...but to me, I feel it's important. The heart is important. And i'd rather give my all to the couple than to just 'be there to be there'.

It was like a large gathering of long time friends/ church friends who have gone overseas/ changed zones/ changed CGs...and it's just cool seeing the young ones all grown up and working adults/ in Uni...and the others with families and kids/ preggers!

Here's Rick! Now in KPMG...I've always called him Sonic the hedgehog after the computer game, coz of the energy he brought to the cellgroup always last time. Of course, even after he changed cell, he won the best freshman of NTU in the emerge if I dont' recall wrongly...and why am I not surprised? proud of him. And remember his testimonies of conviction he used to share.

And beside him is Debbie...dear Debbie...heee...I'll always remember her in her SA uniform...and studying hard in school daily! But she would always make the effort to go the extra mile just to spend time with God in church for Bible study or cellgroup, coz she always had to ask for time to 'check in' late in hostel, at times, getting into trouble for it. She was tired, with long school hours, but she had a ready though tired smile when you 'shriek' her name from far away and run towards her to bundle her with a warm hug...heee...all grown up now...She's now final year in medicine in KL!
Sunday evening, I went out with bowl for dinner makan. =) I decided to try out the Black Angus next to the botanical gardens in the old NUS campus. It was cozy in the redone colonial house. Got bit lost finding my way there...but..heh...curious mah...but that's the great part about having a car...can go to these inaccessible places! heee...

The black angus is upstairs! we almost thought we went to the wrong place. Until we realised that the chinese retaurant was downstairs only..LOL
Very limited parking in the immediate area. But parked further down the road and had a leisure stroll there, with the fresh 'greenery' air as we were surrounded by the botanical gardens.
To save $$$ we opted to have desert at NYDC in Holland Village.

And in killing time, we roamed the 24 hour cold storage in HV. Just poking at stuff and looking at various types of produce. =D This was close to 12mn already.

And guess what I found!

A drink with G's name on it lor...must be another one of her diversified businesses...WAHAHHA....tho...hmmm...this drink is made partially with...erms...Horny Goat Weed...kekekeke...Naughty leh this G....

Monday 21 September 2009

I am so...

mentally kicking myself now ok...why..coz i left my camera in the car..and I'm all comfy in my room now...

Lazy...but i wanted to put up the pics i've been taking lately with my camera for the activities the past few days...aiyoooo... got to the car and get now..heh

Tomorrow no work!!! YAY!!!!

Monday 14 September 2009

30 -1st...

How coincidentally close the number of this post is to my beeday age...big 3 - zero. But this is the 301st post in my blog..=) I guess that calls for a celebration fo sorts? duh...haha...

Yeah, 911 I turned 30..=) Many would hide and wail old already, but it's as though we can turn back time eh? ..hehe...So here I am to share about the pressies I got.

Oh...but first, let me introduce you to the things I had to spend on myself involuntarily for my brithday...broke man...broke...spending on a tons of other intangibles other than what's in the pic below!

yep, my backup hp and modem...hahaha...Thanks to ge's bestie, mich who braved the crowds in suntec this week and took the time to pick this modem up for me.

Ok, here's the real gifts. From 2nd sister, whom I nickname Fur-coat, she got me a Mr Happy mug (M&Ms included! hahaha)..I'll probably use it in the office...

Ge, gave me the slinky (the original US one 'kay!) at work on thursday as part two of my work pressie.'s a Spring of Happiness, named after a silly project we did on our training course. =) It is quite hard to put down...

Alamak, I dont' have the part one present's in my will have to KIV then. But it's a toy. Yay!...thanks to boss who picked it..hee..

Next up, from the cellgrp....

Bear + a crumpler pouch (called the Million Dollar home)...crumpler has the weirdest names for thier bags....thanks to the cg for organising a bday dinner for me, torturing my stomach, but at least letting me go home with the gifts hor! hahahaha...

heh...i just realised in these photos you can see my laptop in the background, where I'm tracking the F1 race in Italy. =P

*Drum roll*...last but not least....all these pictures were taken by my new camera!

Which is a present from ge! heee...=D

It's a basic digital camera, but it's super sleek and small..heh...even the giver was envious..=P My only fear is that it's so light, I tend to forget i'm holding on to it! Bwahahaha....

My big sis was actually 'disgusted' how small it was...i.e. you mean they make then so small now!?!? Kekeke...

Thankews ge!

Sunday 13 September 2009


That's the word I'd use to describe the past few days starting Wednesday. Another word will be frustrating. Who would've though all this would happen on my birthday week.

But I'm going to go into it, because i've been griping about it. And I reached a personally sick about it point. Hahaha...I shall summise it in a few words. Modem, Mobile phone, work, and birthdays.

Hmmm...Yep, that's about it.

Letting gooo of all the bad stuff...for my personal benefit...hahaha..however, I hope my hp can be fixed. I'll be so sad if it can't. it is still such a cool looker.

Thank God i had a nice friday evening. Far away from the bad things and horleeble events, that seemed to have attached themselves to me.

Better go sleep soon, tomorrow morning got ministry interview. Zzzzz..hope to accomplish some stuff tomorrow too. Need to be focussed. =) god help me!

Thursday 10 September 2009


Funny how my modem has kept me up. The challenge that it was a power adaptor problem and not the modem itself meant i'd save $$ not having to get a new one altogether. \

I went aroudn the house looking at various appliances to see if i could find a match.

i borrowed my sisters power adaptor and started surfing for a solution. Then it dawned on me...all those stupid years doing my FYP clicked. Dare I say that my FYP project could save the day?...I did a bit of hunting...and i found it! To my dismay, i had modified it to suit my project.

Still, I had kept the tools and started rewiring and stripping. My modem sprang to life! But momentarily....AIYAH....i figured it could be coz i was short of wire to do the right mods. So i stared at my 'dead' adaptor....and considered the risk...perhaps they would not replace it if it were damamged. then again, my warranty is over. I'd probably need to buy a new one...dang!

but the stupid engineering side of me just pleaded to be tested.

so i cut the original adptor.........HAIZ...still sprang to life momentarily again...

But i think I kinda got it figured out. if i'm not wrong, I should be able to get my replacement tomorrow. now that i understand how this thing works....

sigh...I was tired 2 hours i'm more tired than ever...

should've just taken the hint and let go and GO SLEEP...grrr...coz it's a long day tomorrow and I'm really tired...

Ending NOW!

Tuesday 8 September 2009

not sleepy...

2 am...goodness, no, not the Korean group, it's just exactly the time i'm here blogging away, and like what ge just msn me -- am not sleepy.

Which is surprising considering the pacey day I've had. First, I clean forgot that my intern will be in today. Until I swerved into the carpark, then I started reorganising my morning in my brain to accomodate her.

Two of my staff are in the AA show in HK for the week...eeeps...less manpower to coordinate especially so close to the big event day next thurs. I've managed to move some follow ups to the rest. many things so little time. Sometimes I wonder what's my problem.

After that I rushed down to discuss some wedding stuff for an old fren's wedding, which is taking place 2 days after AGM lor. Only to be caught in an accident jam right outside the ECP exit at my office. (An often quiet exit lor!)

But it was a serious one (ambulance on site), and it just happened not long before I reached, it looked like a black honda jazz flipped over and crushed. on the 1st other vehicle was involved, so driver could've lost control. Yikes!

I immediately called my collague who left just minutes before me in the same car model. By right she would take the PIE but who knows...

Anyway, all was well. =) She was safe!

Tiong bahru Plaza BK was the destination for the meeting. Goodness, it's been so long since i was last at that shopping centre. But i only got a view of level one. =) After thinking up of the most =O and --___ -- as much as it was nice to gather and shoot the breeze on suitable songs, it was getting late, and I have two teachers who have a glazed look on thier face. ie. they wake up at 6am daily.

10pm..I egged everyone home and gave an old friend and ex CGL a lift back to her home in yishun. =) we hardly talk on a regular basis, but it's always comfortable even after so long. =) we've known each other since...hmmm...almost since we first joined this church? Possibly a few months apart. =)

Siam-ed one traffic road block -- not bad eh?....and had a smooth drive home. On the way, another old uni friend who just came back from US called me. I was quite surprised, as she doesn't call without reason. (I'll call her Lychee here)

True enough, a common friend in uni hall had just passed away. Frankly, i don't remember her name at all. so I'll recognise her as an acquaintance....even after the vague description given, I really still couldn't recall. And i told her that she should talk to bowl instead. Who's err....hahaha...I dunno what better way to put this...ah...more 'involved' in the happenings and who's -who in hall...HAHAHAHA

Aiyah...u know me one mah..not my biz nor my fren's biz I wun chup one lor. You tell me the juicy story, I'll listen, but you can forget about me asking what's the latest or even bothering to go 'observe' to get a scoop. hahaha...

this aspect of me had it's pros and cons. For one, it didn't help in prominence and hence fighting for places was hard. However, it was with the same characteristics that I guess, meant I offended no one, and led to the right people. (of course, looking back, i really attribute it to god. Wahahaha...seriously...why? can ask me when you meet me,...hahaha...keep you in suspense mah...

Ok, back to that girl that passed away. Lychee was quite ok with her, as she had visited her in the US, plus just this May had invited Lychee (who already moved back to SG) to her wedding. Unfortunately, Lychee missed it coz she was sick, and she was feeling absolutely horrible now, coz just last month, the girl had tried to reach her ..but lychee didnt' reply...haiz...

poor's an awful feeling to have...It really must've been in the late stages of the cancer to have not known and for it to be so sudden, especially since they only met in the US last year.

I don't know the girl btu all i could say to lychee in a feeble way to comfort her was that her friend had a happy wedding. =) At least she lived to have her wedding, one not knowing that she was going to die, but one that was blissful and could enjoy the occassion with someone she loves. (whoever that may be..heard it's another hall person...see how cham i am...)

Better than having a wedding knowing that you're going to to enjoy when there's no future to dream together with too? =)

*hair stand*...what am i saying..hahaha...*buries sentimental reactions*

Of course, even with what i just said, there's the negative side...but..there's always good...and focussing on the good stuff helps celebrate the person. What they had.

Ok, i had more I wanted to share..but now i'm drained...need to zzz...

Monday 7 September 2009

Weekends pass by so fast.

I thought of recapping my weekend. But...nah...I'm good. =)

there can be so much to gripe about...but after a while, it doesn't add anything. =)

Am blessed. At least I can think of a string of things I can be thankful about. Heh...and I think that makes the difference.

I just had a laugh out session watching a comedy earlier. And you know what...I actually thought about way we feel when we laugh, it's such a nice feeling.

Think about something silly or funny that happened recently that just made you burst out laughing...


I'm glad God created that. =)

Thursday 3 September 2009


Time really flies these days whether I'm staring at the clock or not.

It's September already. The best month of the year in my opinion, for obviously biased reasons...hahaha...only destroyed by AGM in the past 5 years..hahaha...

Work seems to encounter the same woes but diguised in different forms. God help me when there's portfolio switching next month. I'm just trying not to picture any death or sorts. we're supposed to think positive right?..hahaha...

This week...been quite busy brainstorming about one of my colleagues beeday presents. It is tiring work...esp since i spent 5 hours on satuday afternoon brainstorming for another one, figured out all the celebration all the way to the end (including presentation)...and got all the necessary approvals and had to repeat the idea over 6 times to various parties. And with regard to this, i just heard the update, and I jsut wanna stranggle everyone! Haiz...sometimes, I wonder if anything is ever genuine anymore when it comes to, for this case, it's about the sacrifices the person makes for you.

but what if the person doens't appreciate it? Well,...too bad lor, *grin*...part of life mah...but u did what u could and chipped in that teeeney bit, better than nothing what...

Work...$$$$ is a big issue these days,...a really big one... but things must go on by faith...

OMG..its 12 30 already!! See...time flies...aiyo...that's it..i'm gg to relax with something else..buiaz!