Yeah, 911 I turned 30..=) Many would hide and wail old already, but it's as though we can turn back time eh? ..hehe...So here I am to share about the pressies I got.
Oh...but first, let me introduce you to the things I had to spend on myself involuntarily for my brithday...broke man...broke...spending on a tons of other intangibles other than what's in the pic below!
yep, my backup hp and modem...hahaha...Thanks to ge's bestie, mich who braved the crowds in suntec this week and took the time to pick this modem up for me.
Ok, here's the real gifts. From 2nd sister, whom I nickname Fur-coat, she got me a Mr Happy mug (M&Ms included! hahaha)..I'll probably use it in the office...
Ge, gave me the slinky (the original US one 'kay!) at work on thursday as part two of my work pressie.'s a Spring of Happiness, named after a silly project we did on our training course. =) It is quite hard to put down...
Alamak, I dont' have the part one present's in my will have to KIV then. But it's a toy. Yay!...thanks to boss who picked it..hee..
Next up, from the cellgrp....
heh...i just realised in these photos you can see my laptop in the background, where I'm tracking the F1 race in Italy. =P
*Drum roll*...last but not least....all these pictures were taken by my new camera! Which is a present from ge! heee...=D
It's a basic digital camera, but it's super sleek and small..heh...even the giver was envious..=P My only fear is that it's so light, I tend to forget i'm holding on to it! Bwahahaha....
My big sis was actually 'disgusted' how small it was...i.e. you mean they make then so small now!?!? Kekeke...
Thankews ge!
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