Hee! Remembered to take my camera out of the car today to upload the pictures, so here are the random ones over the long weekend!
First up -- Blooie's first time taking part in a wedding! You see how proud he is of his ribbons on the handles? =D

Beanie and me taking pictures at the groom's home -- already finsihed the tea ceremony..heh.

This was the sticker on Beanie's door...so cute right..hahaha...

Matrimony in Church -- while waiting for pastor. I was in the hall and took this through the reinforced glass that is why it's abit blur. But i think the shots are special coz they capture the moments when they notice a camera in the small window...and those that they don't...

The march in was led by the couple's friends who dressed up in the RV and SA uniforms! LOL, yep, they've been together since Sec 2...hence the significance.

Where's pastor!!!!! I'll never forget we sang worship 3-5 times over!!!...heh...these corsages are rented!!! must return! else kenna $9 fine...win lor...the returning was real inconvenient coz none of the sisters thought need to return.

Beanie getting fussed over....and her nice dad whom I had the pleasure of ferrying in my humble Blooie with her other relatives to and from the church. Uncle is a taxi driver and I really had a nice time chatting with him in the car.

Hee...Beanie spotted me with the camera and posed...=) I think ironically this was the happiest I had felt the whole day as I took this picture, beacause beanie looked so sweet and is just being herself, enjoying the moment. =)

Dear yun, once an usher, always an usher..Bwahahaha...another long time church friend since...hmmm...wah...2000!! She's known beanie in school too...and here she is cheekily posing for the camera

Honestly, I dont' attend many weddings even though invited. I've always felt it's better to really know the couple or at least one of the two lah, then you can really share the joy. =) Some view it as selfish, or no big deal...but to me, I feel it's important. The heart is important. And i'd rather give my all to the couple than to just 'be there to be there'.

It was like a large gathering of long time friends/ church friends who have gone overseas/ changed zones/ changed CGs...and it's just cool seeing the young ones all grown up and working adults/ in Uni...and the others with families and kids/ preggers!
Here's Rick! Now in KPMG...I've always called him Sonic the hedgehog after the computer game, coz of the energy he brought to the cellgroup always last time. Of course, even after he changed cell, he won the best freshman of NTU in the emerge if I dont' recall wrongly...and why am I not surprised?..hahaha...am proud of him. And remember his testimonies of conviction he used to share.
And beside him is Debbie...dear Debbie...heee...I'll always remember her in her SA uniform...and studying hard in school daily! But she would always make the effort to go the extra mile just to spend time with God in church for Bible study or cellgroup, coz she always had to ask for time to 'check in' late in hostel, at times, getting into trouble for it. She was tired, with long school hours, but she had a ready though tired smile when you 'shriek' her name from far away and run towards her to bundle her with a warm hug...heee...all grown up now...She's now final year in medicine in KL!

Sunday evening, I went out with bowl for dinner makan. =) I decided to try out the Black Angus next to the botanical gardens in the old NUS campus. It was cozy in the redone colonial house. Got bit lost finding my way there...but..heh...curious mah...but that's the great part about having a car...can go to these inaccessible places! heee...

The black angus is upstairs! we almost thought we went to the wrong place. Until we realised that the chinese retaurant was downstairs only..LOL

Very limited parking in the immediate area. But parked further down the road and had a leisure stroll there, with the fresh 'greenery' air as we were surrounded by the botanical gardens.

To save $$$ we opted to have desert at NYDC in Holland Village.

And in killing time, we roamed the 24 hour cold storage in HV. Just poking at stuff and looking at various types of produce. =D This was close to 12mn already.
And guess what I found!
A drink with G's name on it lor...must be another one of her diversified businesses...WAHAHHA....tho...hmmm...this drink is made partially with...erms...Horny Goat Weed...kekekeke...Naughty leh this G....
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