Sunday 1 April 2012

Happy April Fool's Day!

It's amazing how fast time flies.

On a late saturday night, I had a curiousity to come in and have a look at my blog, and started thinking if I should do a clean up of sorts for my widgets. Most of the free widgets I'd signed up in the past are no longer FOC or simply non existent (for reasons that I've not bothered to find out.)

Anyway, I've only left my chat one there, because I'll just find the time to look out for a nice one. I liked the one shoutmix gave in the past due to soem customisation and cute emoticons it gave back in it's day. But am sure there are more advance ones out there, equally if not more cute, that I'll soon discover.

Today is officially April fool's day. Yes, 1 April. There's somethign in me that is a form of uneasiness I do not quite comprehend. maybe it's just tiredness given that I'm ill and the office move means having to get used to a new environment. room is too big...i dont' know but seriously i seem to develope a headache when I'm in that room. either because it's too bright...or the paint smell is still there...

I reaslly should be going to shower and sleep. I only have weekends to really rest these days. So with my flu, all the more I should. So ok, i'll try to post up more when I can.

Smile!! =)