Sunday 13 September 2009


That's the word I'd use to describe the past few days starting Wednesday. Another word will be frustrating. Who would've though all this would happen on my birthday week.

But I'm going to go into it, because i've been griping about it. And I reached a personally sick about it point. Hahaha...I shall summise it in a few words. Modem, Mobile phone, work, and birthdays.

Hmmm...Yep, that's about it.

Letting gooo of all the bad stuff...for my personal benefit...hahaha..however, I hope my hp can be fixed. I'll be so sad if it can't. it is still such a cool looker.

Thank God i had a nice friday evening. Far away from the bad things and horleeble events, that seemed to have attached themselves to me.

Better go sleep soon, tomorrow morning got ministry interview. Zzzzz..hope to accomplish some stuff tomorrow too. Need to be focussed. =) god help me!

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