Thursday, 30 April 2009
What a day
Sensing the schedule and atmosphere of the day. I went about 'interviewing' the staff to gauge their interest in lunch.'s the kind of day you're just too busy to bother about your increasingly growling stomach. So I went to take makan orders.
Finally I found one willing recruit..hehe...easy to gauge. I just stood in front of her table and before i could open my mouth, she asked: "Are we going for lunch?".. LOL
I replied. Congratulations! You're officially recruited to go buy lunch with me for everyone..hahaha..=) She not the offensive sort lah, and she understood the atmosphere too.
Drove to Eastpoint and we split up to buy. Jen headed for the food court to get the healthier food for the 'not feeling wells' and 'no fast food for me' types, and me settled the Burger King for the kids + Starbucks for ge. =)
Coming back, Jen was so thoughtful. She saw there was still Today paper on the rack at the lift lobby, and took a spare one just for ge to read.
We had a problem with the projector this morning too...thank god for some good thinking and we sorted that one out! We have brains! *smug look*
Wine and bag sponsorships are in! Sigh...but got some aspect i'm not happy about lah...have to think about it tomorrow.
had a stressful time with my guitar when i got home...long story.
Hmm...ok ...very obvious that I'm getting random ...means tired...time to gooo...
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Dear God, I pray tomorrow's big meeting is going to go so well. No cancellations, everyone gets there safe and on time. All communication is good. That everyone agrees to agree and agrees to disagree. =) That it be fruitful and progresssive. That all ideas and plans are within an actionable time frame. That everything will work out so well. I pray his presence will be there too!
Me also ask for protection for everyone involved in our projects. Including our families. Because so much is happening these days...let's not take anything for granted. =)
For every individual at work...that we have strength and capacity to push through.
For favour on every e-mail/ proposal and meeting that we are a part of. Let it be firmed quickly and smoothly and in good report. Let everything we send/ arrange/ confirm be guarded and not be taken by the devil!
And God, I know..sigh...there's so many things we've missed...and I defintely missed praying for too. But I pray You'll cover the mistakes with Your grace and lift us up whenever we feel defeated or fearful. That we hear only your voice as we turn left and right, and follow the way that is blessed.
We praise your name in all we do! In Jesus name I pray, Amen! =)
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
The past weekend, I tried calling her at least 5 times a day, at various times so as to have a higher chance of picking up. i dunno about you lah...but 5 times in a day is not a random/ accidental/ non important call right...besides i think sat was her bday lor...and just wanted to wish her. Sheesh....
OK lah...granted actual bday you may be too busy, but sunday oso can rite? or cut me some slack and at least sms me back that you're busy/ what happened. Or even something at the end of the day like, "been really busy, sorry...too tired now..but talk to u again.." something along that line, you know i'm not that unreasonable one what...
so why didn't I sms?..Just say happy birthday lah, get it over and done with...I of course also wanted to see how she was mah..tough period lately for her, easier to talk over the phone right?
Haiz...I know I probably sound like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Like some child demanding attention. =S It's not the attention's so hard to describe...raaar..maybe it's just me...
Very xian you know...coz it happened to me not just with one person but two over the weekend! oK OK...diff set of circumstances, not that both had birthdays/ I called the latter 5 times too...but it's the context of the reasons behind it all.
Suddenly i'm reminded of Pastor's illustration of a fridge. You usually only open it when you need to take something from it. Haiz...
Good thing boss was in a better mood today, given that my own 'feel mood' would not be able to tolerate his nonsense. At least his spirits are up.
It's all too much...
Just a simple prayer of "That things will get better." Already feels like it needs a miracle.
OK. Need to go sleep, these days none of us can afford to be less than 120% at work.
I miss really happy days...
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Having heart...
For me, today I think my body and spirit just gave out and I felt really short-tempered and crabby since morning. Thank god for entertaining office colleagues, ge's encouragement and of course most importantly, God's encouragement.
I initially thought I was upset over the latest development in our exhibition. But I think with the help of moody hormones, I was overall feeling discouraged and had no more in me to chase all the ghosts away...
I was alot better after lunch. =) thank god...i was turning into a monster...even my part-timer was afraid to come an inch into my room...sigh...
God's encouragement...ah yes...there's a story behind it.
I accompanied ge for an impartation service in her church in papaya...LOL...yeah...=P For a start, we were late and we went in one car, with me as the human GPS. Enroute, I was exposed to what i thought was 'insulted turtles', that left my sides trembling in laughter...too bad for the cab driver that really deserved it.
Once parked, we ended up walking round and round the HDB estate trying to find the church, when it barely 100m from where we were. Only later did I akin the feeling of the Children of Israel being brought round and round the desert for ....for...oh man...was it 40 years? And I remember, studying somewhere that they did not go round and round in a large area. In fact they weren't too far from the promised land. But God that led them in circles.
So yeah! It did feel that way..haha..let's not forget, my footie's still not back in full working condition and ge's back is still there we were dragging ourselves around and asking God to show us where it was...we walked for at least a good 20 to 25mins!
Though I was just as frustrated that an entire church buidling can be so well hidden, I was also very very amused that we couldn't spot such a large buidling. hahaha..=)
When we reached, we were late. The place was packed and we had no choice but to sit on the floor between the blocks of seats. We caught the last 10mins of the sermon and the impartation part started! And you know what, coz we were seated on the floor, we were the first to be prayed for and was able to be the first to goooo....hehehehe...last to come, first to be blessed and then able to go eat.
Hahaha..I know I know...=P But you see, I really think God planned it all. I'm serious. He probably knew these two girls just need immediate emergency 'medical' procedure, get straight to the point and let them be on their way to fill their stomachs, given the trying days that we've been experiencing. Hee...macham like a father lor...
Okie, so you're all eager to know the prophecy that was prayed for over me. I dunno what to really make of it lah...dunno if for the season or for longer years to come. So here it is:
First thing the pastor said was that for what was ahead of me, I'm going to experience and need a new kind of faith ...a stronger that is different from the one I'm used to. It will have to be. It will be of a higher level than the kind of faith that I'm having with God.
Ok, I admit after this, it was all kinda fuzzy. Probably coz my child-like mind went: "Hah...really ah...sounds like what's ahead is worse than now...eeppps..God..what you mean by that..." =S
Next thing I caught was that something I usually get when I'm prayed for "...the people around you will never understand how you feel and what you're going through...But God understands and He loves you." =) it's pretty sweet lah, He's reminding me he's still watching over my life.
The next hour, I felt calm but abit 'eeeps'...hahaha...Sorry lah God, as much as I knew it's all good, I couldn't help but feel =S about it...hahaha...New kind of faith for obstacles ahead -- U mean there's more daunting stuff?!?!...Gak!!...sigh...more longsuffering...*sobz*
But thank you for building me this way and never letting me go. Providing in good time, what I need to fight the battles. Hee...
And it was in good timing indeed, coz while travelling up the elevator to the office this morning, I had my head tilted to the elevator walls, breathed deeply and felt absolutely crappy, when will it end...what is the point... Then suddenly revelation came. He's already starting the engine on the new will be a coughy and uncertain beginning...but still...=)
Yesterday, my msn nickname was Treasure in Jars of Clay. Tuesday night, the verses just popped into my mind! Out of no where lor...must be the Holy Spirit..hee...sooo it's how we all feel now...Boss, Ge and most others in the office.
And then the very next day Ge asks me if I wanna go for the impartation service lor...Master planner he is!
It's all in 2 Corinthains 4:
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. >>
Yeah...We do not lose heart. And we will not lose heart. Because we have heart. God is the strength of our heart, and our portion forever.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Where to find...
I shouldn't have opened my mailbox for a peek at another e-mail. But i spotted a reply on something jen sent out...haiz..where am i gg to find the $$ from really...
sigh..she'll probably ask me about it tomorrow...
I'm tired...I'm just going to sleep.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Chicken Log: Earth Date 22042009
Compared with previous encounters of Malay, Chinese and Western varieties...this new one came with a side of flavoured rice.
It was Chicken Briyani. Indian. =)
Let the record was good! Though I knew I was pining for ge's Beef bowl...with the most lovely mouthwatering onions...ahhahaha
Thankfully, for dinner, me was steered towards fish and chips. =) the best thing about it was that it as fresh. That's the thing about fish. Once it's's moving to the bad stage. Also I was happy to eat it coz it's a 'safe' fish for me. (I hope) ...=) Hard to find safe fishies...=)
It's pouring outside now. the temperature just dropped suddenly!
Earlier it was scary...the wind was suddenly so strong, it triggered the alarms of the cars in my neighbourhood!!! No joke lor, my windows are closed by my curtains started ballooning with each fresh gust!
Free car wash! hee...HOI!!! dont' say I cheapskate ah!...I'm environmentally friendly -- car wash wise..Wahhahaha..=)
Can sense a form of stress creeping up in the office these days. I dunno what to do much except send the occassional 'jiayous' via msn to the few people I know who are in the foray.
Something happened today that did leave me concerned. But I hope the idea that came up today will be accepted and quickly diffuse the situation. Many times, I feel as though we're holding sand in our hands and we're just trying not to let it fall through our fingers. When it starts falling through, the other hand scrambles to do something...but somehow, sand starts leaking elsewhere...haiz...
Am hungreee...or more like greedy...anybody want Instant Noodles? =)
There are times...
Ah footie felt worse last night and I was quite afraid. I was even afraid to sleep coz I was scared if I should wake with it hurting like mad. I don't know why it would hurt more suddenly. But it's a mad illness I have.
I've been eating alot of chicken lately hoping by avoiding the more drastic food i'll be ok. But it's been almost 3 weeks of chicken..*yecks*...and I'm concerned too mcuh chicken and it can be trouble too...
I'm quite amazed how much chicken variety there is out there..hahaha..sunday, lunch was chicken porridge, then dinner was chicken lagasane at TCC, Monday lunch was McWings, Dinner was..mmm....hainanese chicken rice. And today's lunch was Ayam Penyet. Dinner was sphagetthi with one wing!
Hahaha...I apologies to all's not that I have a vendetta against you lah.
But i do miss eating other foods. Other meats..hahaha...*slurps*...=)
But tonight my foot is better. =) Well, it feels better lah..=)
It's been a relatively eventful few days, mainly trying to rush out work stuff and on the side hoping that whatever happens it's still ok. Especially sisnce boss is away for a week. I jsut keep sending him stuff and hope he comments and gets back fast.
In the meantime, I'm thinking about how to get $$ back from people. Whether it's by threats/ bargaining installments/ finding a way to offset. Which is the worse choice. And also thinking how I'm going to make the next round of payments, that my staff reminds me off and on...of course, they threaten on their end it's a bloody cycle...
It's been hard getting exhibitors on board ge told me one of the companies said no. ='( That was one of the ones that I prayed a whole weekend over...ya..and the polys said no too...eeeps...God come to think of it...what happened!?!
I really pray companies will come and say they will exhibit. Beyond just the buyer program we need more exhibitors, visitors and a good balance of everything. =) We need favour, wisdom and strength to push through. God help us turn the 'no's into 'yes'!!! For it is completely out of our control! =(
I should go rest...yep...Tomorrow's another day..and I pray for good news..on all fronts! =) I still have faith for that!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
when dogs convene...
An msn window is of my colleagues, Vinnce is chatting with me on msn. And a few minutes ago I just received an sms from Ge. Then I noticed....I had two open e-mails...both from my two other colleagues. Jen and Ellyn.
And it ALL reminds me once again -- I AM SURROUNDED BY DOGS...Gak!
We noticed this that day in the office already when we just hired another 'dog year' person for corp comms, and I wailed about the dog pandemic to ge and boss!
For those of you who do not understand:::--
Boss is a dog year
I have 3 real dogs at home
Mum and Sis are dog year
Vinnce, Ge, Jen and Ellyn, born in the dog year too!
The new staff is also a dog year...
OMG....I just realised...our managing editor is also a dog year!!!! *blink blink*
You have to 12 staff..6 are dogs!!!!
I'm surrounded!!!
....oh no...even a worse Blog is entirely Dog themed....*faints*
I surrender to my surrounded...LOL! Doggie Woggies!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Prayer KPIs
This morning, I got to work about half an hour earlier than my usual time. Which gave me a chance to monitor what time my staff trickled in. One of them was still coming in late 11.06am!! such a period and still like that. I know she worked late till about 8pm the nite before.'s about the working hours as well. Anyway, I shelled her with several questions on work statuses via msn before she even came in. I hate doing things like that, especially when I know I'm falling behind in some other areas myself.
But I know that if she doesn't do what she's supposed to do, every project will have a problem.
I had a strange inclination in choice of work music today!! extremely rare -- I was in a mood for symphony! So i jsut whacked youtube for symphony had me tapping my foot at some point..hahaha...
Went as a group for lunch today. Simei. =) And gave ge a starbucks treat coz she's just been working so hard lately.
In the afternoon, I had a site visit to one of our award contendees facility. I had been there before but this time for a different purpose. The objective and scope of things it was quite mind boggling, byt he time we were halfway through the introductory presentation.
Apparently I had a rare...extremely rare chance to visit the hangar area. And it was pretty cool coz the A380 just pulled in for servicing, so me got to see the cockpit, and all the various classes...and ever sit down and take pics..hahaha...I took a solo pic at the REAL A380 cockpit..wooohooo!!!..Anyway, the problematic thing was all the walking...alot of walking...and stairs, that does not bode well for my footie, which did its best to protest...haiz...i oredi walk quite slow till paiseh liao...
Walking from point to point, I started thinking about work and colleagues and irritated that I was stuck here...rrraarrr...But at least my two colleagues who went with me totally enjoyed themselves, as they beamed in excitement..=)
After the long walk, it was back to the conference room for another round of presentations...=S
tiring sia...anyway...dun complain lah...=P
This weekend, me got prayer KPIs!!! WAHHH!!!!...ya prayer list is so interesting...first time i have such a prayer list..whahahaha...commissioned by the kopi queen!!! good lah...specific prayers give the edge! hee...=)
Now...why am I suddenly so high???? With all the !!!! and expressions....i think...coz brain is moving into non-thinking
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Today, at lunch something funny happened. It was just boss, ge and me. We each had a bowl of wonton noodles, (or what was supposed to be noodles..Horrible makan place) and Boss ordered a plate of ‘yong tau foo’ to share...I avoided the soy ones lah, and targeted the fish cake sorts.
Anyway, it was down to this last triangular piece of tofu.Boss indicated to me to finish it. I said I can’t lah...want to kill my footie ah (still recovering here remember?!). Boss challenged, who said you can’t eat one? Doctor lor...then we had this mini ‘smart alek’ exchange about whether to trust doctors...coz ge was too trusting with one yest and kenna-ed her back! (But that is another story)
Giving up on me, Boss turned his sights on ge to do the deed. She shook her head...she was full...and her unfinished bowl of ‘oodles was an indicator too. (Then again, as mentioned, they were horrible ‘oodles)...ahem... so back to the story.
So he looked back at me!!! "EAT!!!!"
Meeps...*sniffs!!!*.... I won’t die eating it lah...but now it ain’t good for me lor..other times can eat but in moderation. And I’m never keen on food wasting... So me picked up my chopsticks and started poking at it to get a grip.
Ge yelled so suddenly that it dislodged my chopsticks: “Why you eating with your leg like that!!”
In an attempt to make my boss feel bad, I said: “If you don’t eat, I have to eat full mah... Else he’ll make noise.”
She gave a frustrated grunt, and the next thing I knew, she was biting off a piece of the tofu! ...and she went on to finish it!!! =)
I could see boss was shocked, which quickly turned to amusement ...then he say I emotionally black-mailed her...hahaha...Not that I meant to ahhhh....I totally didn’t expect her to do that lor...=S
I was bit stunned lah...
I know this sounds really stupid, but no one’s ever done that for me before....hahaha... I mean, I’ll do that for my friends one lah...but no one’s ever done that for me before lor...really...most would scold for bothering about my boss/ just scold me, but not do something to remove/solve the problem...
=) To many this is probably something so small or just a funny story to remember... but I realised my stunned reaction led to me being so touched...=)
Hahaha...remembering the episode later in the day made me happy and laughing to myself in the middle of Suntec city! I then understood why I’m so touched.
Coz it’s like sacrifice and protection rolled into one...over a piece of tofu...haha...and I experienced the love of a good friend, with no demand/ expectation. =)
*Big Smile*
If I had...
The new 2009 ING Renualt Team technical jacket!

It's out!! And it looks sho good...*sigh*...It's the patches and the colour lahz...heh, and the lion too...i surfed the entire F1 shop for all the other team jackets...and thiers is really still da best in the cool factor..=D
I'm a F1 Renault fan for the stupidest underdog but most fun reasons...all coz of the shirt..hahaha..but Alonso is a good driver too lah...

The rate ING is going, maybe next year they not in liao...*gasp*..I'd probably not like the design then.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Teee Veeee
But so regret it the next day bah. Just like today. It was like a haze...
Better described that I felt as though my body and mind were seperated and connected by a loose thread.
After my event site recce, I waited to meet bowl at suntec.. for dinner. I was so tired, I slept in my car (engine off of course) and almost cooked within..hahaha...
Anyway...moans and groans aside...Am watching Project Runway now! glad I can catch it when I remember. =) It's a nice show coz I think it's really creative. And I like to see the kind of ideas they eventually come up with coz the challenge can be so daunting sometimes. Not only that, you have to show your style within too..hmmm...
I always like the supermarket make a dress with supermarket products that can include the challenge of fresh produce. Means you must put the garmet in the fridge!! =)
Back to the show!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
I finally have the heart to post that ...i'm guilty...
What do I mean by hard enough? It’s hard to quantify. But they’ve been in my prayers of course, just not so intense. No warfare and hard specific facts. Just that it would all turn out good and it’s going to be in His hands. We will do our best and He can bless the entire projects. I had faith that God is faithful.
Don’t get me wrong. God is not into theatrics. He CAN still bring success to the event with what we commit and surrender to him.
But God looks at the heart.
And two weeks back my heart spoke to me. It had been quiet. A week before I left for Aussie, something bugged me inside. The usual me with no clue passed it off as airshow worries. But while I was in Melbourne after the airshow, it turned out to be a silent fear.
I remember pastor asking in service. I can’t recall if it was pastor phil...but he asked. Can you experience faith and fear together? Many in the congregation was unsure. Answer?
Two weeks back, the silent fear reared it’s ugly head. Time was running out. You’re all close to flopping. It’s going to be bad. Either there is so much to do that is essential, yet you get the feeling nothing else is moving. What is happening God? Boss’s and ge’s frustration was apparent toos.
I hate fear. It big time because of what it can do to you....was I afraid with all the facts laid out before me? Of course. I didn’t even want to go to work. I just want to be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand and hope it will all go away.
But I thank God for the knowledge that in as much as there’s fear. There’s Him. And I heard myself saying out loud in my car on the way home. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind.” It changed the atmosphere in my car. God is good. =)
It felt good waving the sword around abit again. Hahaha...the Sword of the Spirit. =)
That’s when I realised that I had not been giving my spiritual best for the two big projects. I felt bad. I should’ve started earlier. I was just too lazy I presume. Or maybe, I just wanted to avoid the warfare altogether. Well, see what happened lah...haiz...
So yeah, the war is had always been on, but I didn’t want to wear armour..hahaha...I know lah, Christian so many years and still so...*shakes head* time for regrets!
Am rusty, but started speaking into the mountain situations...prayed for favour upon my co-workers who were going out to close deals. Good reports. Favour from man. God we need your help. And any area we fail to look at...please intervene. And every area that is out of our hands, we give it to you.
Should fast lah..but with footie like that, I can’t...sooo...nevermind...
Of course I still feel like an ostrich. But an ostrich that will try...
So now we have ... with targets next two weeks!
16 exhibitors – target 30
5 buyers – 3 more!!!
90 conference – 130
let’s not forget..the other projects that need to click into place...SVAC – final phasesà right results! SAA – entire judging process and event logs and coord.
Neeeeed to chiong harder....Raaarr!!!
When boss is sheepish...
When I had a pocket of time to escape it, he just had to send me two e-mails that told me his outlook had a problem. Haiz...iw as tempted not to tell him..but, what if he sent out more? It would look unprofessional lor.
He just got the new mac lappie...and somehow his e-mails gg out displayed on receipients e-mails as 12 font bold..which looks bad you scolding people, and dun look good lah...
So i hauled my laptop over to show him. And he wouldn't let me leave till he settled it coz he wanted to send me a test mail. While waiting for the reload, he shared with me his frustration about booking a airticket to UK. Seems that all online options were fully booked even if you opted to fly in 3 days before the date. he was whacking all airlines. Even Thai!
I went..Muh?...I thought you booked your airticket liao.
He told me he was booking for an associate lor, and another associate had volunteered to pay for the ticket. How and why he got involved being the guy to do the booking I have no clue..haiz..and I dun wanna know...*runs away*
But of course..haiz..i didnt I thought for a moment and told him. You should try travel agencies. Online is based on a limited batch of seats that were probably truly taken up liao. Maybe agencies have the lobangs/ deals with airlines on seat bookings that can help him get one.
I paused then cringed...HAHAHAHA...really i did..and said:" If you want, i can go check with our travel desk if they can get a ticket bah" ...he gave an evil smile, waved me to him and scrawled the dates to go in and out of London on paper.
I started leaving his room...and he called me back! =S
He told me need to call the associate to tell him we're looking into it ..uh!?!?..i said..hah..why like that, it's not even confirmed. Later then call lah when confirmed lah...haiz. No need now what.
But he insisted. Coz the person was bugging him to confirm the tickets and he now wanted me to be the informant of "no confirmation but trying" i become scapegoat.
As he scrawled more details on the paper, probably dun say such things to you boss lah, but I said..."Yue4 bang1 Yue4 mang2 leh...".....HAHAHAHA...true mah..offer to help end up more work!
He gave me a sheepish look ...and said thanks.
hahaha..oh well...raaarr...
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
yeah...the way it sounds..u have this image of a bimbo..or this completly nonsensical child...
X says:
i am a beembo k
X says:
i want marry rich guy
X says:
and go shopping when i want
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
u dun need to be a bimbo to marry a rich guy lah
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
u not a bimbo...bimbos are not cute
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
X says:
i am bootiful
X says:
i am a bootiful beembo
X says:
X says:
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
the beembo is back!
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
X says:
the beembo deigns to commence toking to u again
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
win lors
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
X says:
very well judged
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
*wrinkles nose in disgust*
X says:
yesh i agree
X says:
the stench of normal human beings
X says:
is quite repulsive
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
yeah...we all loooong to self actualise as beembos
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
yeah...maybe u all argue over the stuff eh...oooooooooo..the drama
X says:
can't argue la
X says:
i aint no expert
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
yeah...but beembos have opinions..
X says:
X says:
the gucci or fendi bag ah?
X says:
or bean sprouts or spinach?
X says:
X says:
i think perhaps you should go to jester school
X says:
i'm in need of a good jester
X says:
i think they have some humour courses
X says:
can go
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
really?!...wooohooo...ALL MY LIFE...MY ULTIMATE GOAL...the reason y I to serve a beembo as a jester..
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
and to think....i get a chance to meet the queen beembo!!!
X says:
X says:
this is pleasing to me
X says:
your response
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
i'm laughing so hard now..i'm doing the hyena thgy
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
I never used to laugh like that leh
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
probably coz i lost parts of my voice..
X says:
X says:
please keep ur laughing down
X says:
wait u wake up other beembos in the district
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
oooo...but it's only serve da ONE beembo
Jeanooo Beanooo says:
X says:
well done
X says:
good girl
X says:
Oh well, look at it this way... at least in such hard economic times, I have an alternate job option as Jester....hehehehe...
Da Beembo has contributed to Job Creation in SG! Wahhhhh....
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Liners from Devil Wears Prada --
N: I see, that means you're doing well in your job.
(N takes a step away, hesitates and leans over to A)
N: Let me know when it's gone up in smoke. That means you're due for a promotion.
Positive thinking ??!! ..if you think your job sucks, then the above should be a good
If only...
Ya pair of feet. This time it's the right footie. Been a long time since the right one kenna-ed. Well, not exactly long, the most recent episode was when the day before I left for Melbourne. Yep! Thank God for his strength! But the last time was when I first had my gout back in Uni. Since then it's been affecting my left only, and i hoped that it would only be on one foot.
Been limping around the last two weeks. Am in walking condition, hurts with each step so I can't go for long stretches, or funny steps, else it'd turn into a tingly numb sensation. But of course, I do get rebellious...Mahaha..*innocent look*
=) well, no use getting all dramatic about footie can be alot worse!
So...I'm just hoping my feet could talk so that i can do what I have to to make it better lor. Coz I've been keeping off all the baaaaaadddd fooooood...=(
Saturday, 11 April 2009
It's over...
Even though I only joined in after i called her to find out the status at about 5.30pm, those few hours in the hospital has left me real tired. I guess it's the emotions that everyone carried, especially the others that were there to say goodbye. They were really upset.
I said goodbye several times, coz they just weren't willing to let him go. I guess I was the only arse who smiled once in a while, coz i wanted Mox to know he can go in peace and we will be okie. There was so much sadness...and tears from them...
The only guy and me were the ones more ok one...we talked about it being the right thing to do and settled the logistics stuff..probably coz ...well, you kinda feel abit heavy with the emotional atmosphere.
Even with pets, there's never a good time to talk about settling the I just went outside and handled it while they spent more time with Mox. Cremation and all has been settled, this Thursday afternoon at 3pm. =)
Anyway, I'm not here to mope about it's over and I'm glad my junior told me she felt his relief when he finally breathed his last.
=) i'm so happy for him...=)
Have fun moxie!
Friday, 10 April 2009
Was supposed to do this mid week...
Happy Work Anniversary Ge!!!! =P
Yeah! It’s officially been one year neh! Feels like a long time hor! LOL, who would’ve thought that a year ago we’d be pulling our hair over the things we are now?!!
When you came along, things were so new...we were clueless, and everything was so we’re just mostly numb and desentisized..i guess if we took a step back and looked at it’d still be overwhelming. But who has time to be overwhelmed anymore eh?
A trip down to Ikea Tampines with you always reminds me of more relaxed days when you first started and we had more energy to enjoy our lunches! Hahaha...of course, we still enjoy our lunchies, except no more energy liao...hahaha
A turbulent and challenging year, and we’ve changed abit here and there... but our steps are ordered by the Lord and I hope he’ll help us keep what’s good in us and mould us to be better in what we can be...well, God’s in charge lah, and wherever and whatever we do, he’ll be faithful to his word that he will take care of us!!
Our org is blessed to have you on board lah...sure, there will always be a better manager out there (same for me toos!) ..but it’s about the overall package, fit and what’s needed to be done now. You’re working so hard and doing the best you know how. I have faith in you and believe your fruits will come.
I’m blessed to be given the chance to be a part of your life and I’m happy to call you a good friend, if not my best friend... have kept me sane many of the days, and me can’t imagine how me would’ve survived the past year without you in so sooo soooooo many ways...LOL Thanks for your love care and just you being you, makes you so endearing to me...hahahaha...
For the big things that are ahead. Keep believing!!! I guess almost everything we do requires this whole lot of faith, that God will see things through. That He will move the mountains now for us when we ask, seek and pray. He said two or more right? LOL, just nice we have 3..wahahaha...=P
Boss looked sad when I told him it’s your work anniversary and you were not around...hehehe...I’m sure he would’ve done something..=P of course he wore that impish look too...Mahaha...=D
Get well sooooon....
We’ll all fight hard in the battles okies?...If our God is for us, who can be against us!! RAaaarrRRRR!!!!
Well, I’m not good with words vocab, dun express myself well..haha..this took me an hour to write lor...but am smiling from ear to ear...heee....
Thanks Ge! *Hugz*....=)
Thursday, 9 April 2009
He's a stray dog and i estimate his age to be abotu 10/ 11 years old. Yeah, that's 70 in human years! Like I said, he's hospitalised since saturday and i went to visit him a couple of times when I could with my Junior.

The kitty below was up for adoption!! really adorable and I spent some time playing with him coz he was just so bored!

I took this pic to teach Red and Whisky the dangers of running outta the house! humph!

Actually, I kinda have to say with a heavy heart that I've already said goodbye to Moxie and ready for him to go anytime. though i'd like to try to see him one more time before he goes of course.
I'll try to summarise his condition. Basically, he's losing blood due to tick fever and stones in his bladder, which cuts his insides making him pee and poop blood almost non-stop. Just a bad combination of two conditions that have consequential effects. Can't do anythign about the stones till he's arrest the tick fever.
The tick fever ahs made his blood count low too...and he's not clotting blood making the loss higher. Thus Mox needs blood transfusions. He got his first one on Saturday night got better on sunday..but his blood count dropped again on monday.
On tuesday, Mox urgently needed a blood donor. A dog can't give blood twice and a match had to be found (on the side, for education, dogs can't take too many blood transfusions as it will reach rejection stage eventually)..thank god, my junior's cousin's dog Hunter could give...and coz of moxie's size, only big dog's could give.
The same day, i told my junior to think about letting moxie go if he doens't make it after this round of blood transfusions. It's a hard thing to say...but i told her, that after the time period for hte bone marrow thg to kick in and his body still can't fight for's best to just bring him home and let him die at home...=) At least he a familiar place...not in that cold hospital away from fond memories.
Today, Thurs, i got a call from my junior again. Mox needed another transfusion. As sad a prediction, i had guessed it would happen. Coz the pattern was that he got better one day after the transfusion and the next he's in dire straits (coz the blood runs out) ...she told me in fact that yesterday he vommited blood...haiz...
It was really hard to say...I felt horrid as I had to tell someone to consider letting their dog go. I brought it up again. To let Mox go home and rest. And if the vet advises that he can go home but his final hours will be in extreme pain....I suggested she just put him to sleep to end his suffering, since his body has already given up on fighting, by giving the transfusions, it's as good as keeping him alive by a machine.
She said she would never put him to sleep. Hmm..i understand, all her other pets have thankfully died of old age at home after mild suffering...But i told her that Moxie's case was diff lor...and she may need to consider. I guess it's hard lah...if you've never done it before.
Most of my dogs died of old age at home after a day/ two of suffering (thier bodies just gave up)...except Iako, which was a tough thing to decide on...but the moment I heard the vets options...i knew it was not an option...there would be no peace for her or real joy ever again. It was a day I never thought I had to say goodbye to her...
In the end, over the phone she decided she wanted another transfusion for him. I had not much to say, and I could sense she knew I was a dead end in a way...yes, I can help her find big dogs...btu no one I really knew had a big dog that i kenw well enough to risk.
The conversation ended quietly...I just didn't know what to say anymore. But I did tell her, please think about it coz i didnt want her to reach this same cross road and be in panic for a donor again.
It's really her choice...
Though I've said goodbye to Mox, i'll still go see him tomorrow if I can. If he's going to revive in this transfusion, at least he sees another familiar face. =)
Monday, 6 April 2009
Indignant patients...
Among other complications, the dog urgently needed a blood transfusion yesterday. Thank God they found a match. He was hovering on critical level and would have died in less than a day if action was not taken. alos, if the blood was rejected he was sure to die. So the night was critical...
Even though my leg hurt today, I had to make the trip to go see him and do the necessary to get all vet opinions. At present, even with the blood transfusion, he could have about a few more days only.
It had been sometime since I last visited him at his home. I felt so sorry, he's lost so many of his 'siblings' in the past 1-2 years, especially his companion and best friend, who is ironically a stray cat, that died a few months back.
He was initially sad when he just saw my junior..LOL...but he perked up so much when he saw me. He actually looked up and stared into my eyes. And when I patted him, he wagged his tail in appreciation even tho he was so weak. He was on a IV drip coz he wasn't drinking...
I pep talked him the whole time and reminded him to fight hard and we'll bring him home real soon...he wagged his tail...hahaha...i dont' think he understands completely lah..but i htink he knows I love him and want him to recover..=)
Soon he got up and even walked outta the cage and started showing some energy like bugging the dog next door..hahaha...he even made me panic by dancing ard his IV drip lor..=) ... I beeped his nose, told him he's a strong and faithful dog no matter what...before saying goodbye..=)
The dog next door looked miserable. I found out later that he was involved in a car accident..haiz...
I took a couple of pics of the other patients with my hp...several cats and dogs..I'll share soon k..then u'll be able to see what a dog hospital looks like and how sad they look...depressing environments! hehehe...they give me pissed and indignant looks as I took the photos..ahaha...coz they look their worst really...
After that was a long day of waits, requests for last minute appts and listening to bio/medical advise...
Talked to my junior in between too...not to worry and that things will work out. I told her that she did the best she can and some things is outta her what she gotta do is believe that he's coming home and must not be afraid and want him to come home, no matter what his condition. And even...and even if he has to go...he'll go happy knowing he's loved. And she should be glad to let him go coz it's time...and he will no longer suffer...=)
He's still in hospital now..will be for another 3 days coz he needs more donors and transfusions..
I only got home at 10pm...finally can eat dinner! =) I showed off Red's xrays too..yeah..I got them printed.
Okies, gotta go sleep..really tired, wanted to earlier..but thot I wanted to write something about the sweet dog coz he fought so hard through the critical night,...this is for him. =)
Oh yeah, his name is Moxie I've known him for over 8 years. hee..Night night Moxie..
Saturday, 4 April 2009
You can checkout any time you like,But you can never leave!
Haven't blogged much about work recently...because I know real soon, ..really soon...I'm just going to on and on and on about it...hee...remember my event peak/ audit periods??? hahaha...ya for now when I am still able to hold I spare u lor..
OOOoooo..just to let you know, i finally plucked up the courage to watch a show last night that i'd been keen to watch in a curious way to see how horrified i'd be..LOL
It's called "Snakes on a Plane" 9 parts on youtube.
Yeah, my closest and dearest frens know me no like snakes...really really no like snakes, dont' care if they dead, stuffed or behind a two inch thick glass...I just shudder and get all irkish...and scuttle my way through...hahaha...
So yep, the show is about this plane FILLED with TONS AND TONS of POISONOUS SNAKES of ALL KINDS...and it starts attacking the people...they are everywhere and comes outta EVERYTHING!!
Though my toes were curled throughout the show, i'm proud to report that I kept my eyes OPEN throughout and NO HIDING behind pillow k....*puffs chest*...
Though I suspect my eyes were wide open in shock and disgust!! ahahaha...
But yeah, it's truly a pure entertainment no value add show except for the awe of seeing so many snakes in one place! yikes!
Anyways, today something so farnee happened I still cracked up thinking about it 2 hours later..hehehe...I wonder if I can document it here...tho ge is probably gonna kill me...
Today we had to recce this venue for our event lah. I shall not divulge the name to save them the embarassment...but really lah, no brains these people.
OK, ge and I drove there lah. Entering the carpark, you have to press for a ticket. After our meeting, we took the lift down to B1 (where we parked) looked around the lift lobby area -- there was NO SIGN that says where to make payment lah. (You know the usual, "Autopay station is at level blah-blah-blah")...just make a mental note to call this Lift A.
OK, my gut instinct told me these kind of ticket need to pay before exiting one lah...but ge was valiant and went to drive up to the gantry to try in case it's a pay by cash card kinda thing..=) She said she'd call me if it nice hor...=) but...she ended up driving back, muttering under her breath about stupid carpark systems..hahaha...-- little did we know that this was just the beginning man.
We decided to try the NEXT NEAREST lift lobby (let's call it Lift B) to find the pay station lah -- I mean, makes sense right, since the Lift A we were at had no signage..maybe its located at another one, right????
When we reached Lift B, THERE FINALLY was a sign that said. "Autopay station is located on B3 at Lift A" ...What the ...!!!?!?!!!?!?!....
Now the distance between Lift A and Lift B is about a 15 sec walk lah,... but yeah, you know I'm in hobble mode now with my right giving me my old pain? ge walked patiently next to me lor...=)
Back at Lift A, we waited like civilised people for the lift to go to B3..hahaha...I say civilised because you have to understand that the day had been quite trying already...and it's like this kind of carpark SYSTEM is just SOOOO amazing lor...U just need to throttle something/someone!!!
Ta-Da! The pay station was on spotted all signs plastered all over it immediately.
1) The slot to accept 'notes' spoil liao. -- so must use coins only!
2) Even if the slot accepted 'notes' it does not accept new notes.
OK OK...coins shoved her ticket in and it flashed $3...
1st what are the chances that you carry around $3 worth of coins!??!...but we started digging our wallets and stuffed the coins in...but the stupid machine kept rejecting our coins!! Raarr!!!
One of us wailed in exasperation:" You mean it doesn't accept old coins too??!!"....hahaha...
Finally the $3 was paid and it was my turn! My ticket was $3 toos! I was hoping Ge had more coins coz me only had less than $3 having stuffed some for her ticket earlier...hiak hiak...but no...we were out!!! Yikes!
The 3rd sign answered our question:
3) To exchange for coins, please take Lift B to Level 1, turn right and look for Reception. (Remember we're at Lift A!?!?!?!?)
HAHAHAHHA....I just couldn't stop laughing..I even had to catch my breath..laughing at the situation lor...I mean, it's the like the ultimate challenge of patience and sheer stuipidy of the system!!!!!!! Agreee or not?!?!
In between laughter, I managed to tell a 'highly pek-cheked' Ge that I HAVE coins (I store a stack of $1 coins in my car for situations like these)...BUT...our cars are parked on B1 and we are now at B3 remember!!!!!!!!!!!...Mahahaha...
Ah well, you know the rest of the story, we had to go up to get the coins, but ge was so kind coz of my footie, she made me stay put in my car, while she went down and made the payment for my ticket. =)
But while waiting for her in my car, an amused thought flitted through my mind --- I actually passed Ge exactly three $1 if the machine keeps rejecting any one of them?....*snicker*...I mean, looking at how things are going so far, if that DID happen, i wouldn't be surprised lor...hahaha...
I could imagine the look on Ge's face if that happened...hahaha...
I actually said a small but still amused prayer.."God, i dunno what is going on lah...but I pray what I just thought of dun happen k..."
Haha...I swear I was beaming when she walked back to my car with no trouble and waving the paid ticket...hee..
So yeah...absolutely's like the last line in the song Hotel California -- "You can checkout any time you like,But you can never leave!"
MAHAHAHA...still cracks me up man...=)
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
I experienced an earthquake!!!
You see I was sitting in my office, then heard the aircon fan shudder, which left me staring upwards warily. You see if the fan is between my seat and the exit of my room. So if the blade decided to snap or the whole thing to explode, i'd have no where to hide!!! hahaha...hee..morbid thoughts.
So yes, back to the earthquake, my table was trembling too and i had that painful hum in my ear that i recognised was low frequency vibration...eeeps...
So i did a chicken little and msn-ed ge who's about 5m from me..."Earthquake!!!"
She was unfazed..apparently she'd been feeling it the whole afternoon. Seems it's caused by the construction opposite lor...but none of my colleagues on my side of the office felt it neh...strange...
Ah well, it got hard to concentrate on work after awhile coz my eyeballs were vibrating in their sockets..hahaha...
OMG!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!...I typing all the above i suddenly remembered about my terrapins that i took out of the tank to play with at work!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!
You see, last time I took them out often, but I've been neglecting them, so today I let them roam around my table and they'd fall asleep in some corner...heee...cute hor...
Anyway, I was packing up when boss chat lor...then ge came over coz we supposed to go down together....EEEeeepppsss....the poor terrapins...hope they are not too scared and don't move too far...else I'll really have a hard time finding them tommorrow!
They are the size of 50 cent coins lor...=S
*blink*..i'm too stunned now...I totally forgot about them till now...=S