Friday, 14 December 2007
had intended to post
you may have noticed i finally removed the cowboy game. Wanted to just change the game, but couldn't find one that i liked....
Anyway, I thought a layout change would be nice. Next I'll work on my side panel.
But today, I felt to add some Christmas cheer to my blog...that's because this year for me, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all...or more like no festive or holiday mood...
Unfortunately, it can be easily attributed to my work, and also by the fact -- just got no mood to get into it lor.
You know me lah,...I'll pick the cute stuff ...this one of the Santa and reindeer is so cute! hahaha...
Hope it brings some Christmas cheer to your heart toos...=)
Can't yak long, eyes are have to postpone...*yawn*...thanks for reading my blog!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Do they know it's christmas time?
I heard this when i was only 5 years old and loved the song since. I look forward to the radio playing it during the christmas period. Indeed even though the message is sad, this is one of the songs that has survived over two decades (it was recorded and released in 1984) and remains one of the most played songs during christmas, whether on MTV or radio.
Thanks to youtube, i can enjoy it again. =)
For most of my friends, i do not think you would recognise the singers, but they were the 'biggies' back in the 80's and they look so young here..haha..people like U2 (leas singer Bono) Sting, George Michael, Phil Collins, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, Boy George,...i know them all thanks to my sisters who grew up in that era...=)
They re-did it in 2004 (new bunch of singers..) but was bad...the orignal brings the best out of it! =)
You can watch it here.... I picked this version as it carries the reminder of the hungry out there...=)
Monday, 3 December 2007
Looking back at my weeks...

Last i heard the cross went for SGD60K...I wonder what the final one was..i will go ask around. hee...
After service, because i drove that weekend, i decided to bring 'what was left' of my cellgroup to somewhere different for lunch. We went to East Coast Park and decided to try out the new korean restuarant above the Burger King, which i heard was pretty good. It was Emy's first time eating korean! haha...I thought the plates displayed were cute and Anna's and Emy's coloured t-shirts too!
I ordered Soba fish (see the plate in front of me?)...yummy...i like certain fish...this one is one of them as it's nice and crispy, with a burnt taste. =)...hahaha...that's anna having a serious moment reading her hp sms...HAHAHAHA.. =P
Candid shot!
Monday, 26 November 2007
Time flies again...
Been very busy. the first week, my boss came back earlier on the wednesday instead of friday. But already iw as rushing to make sure some things were in place from monday onwards.
then second week no need to say, becasue i had an event on thrusday. the days before that was terrible. besides the event, there were other things of course. But preparation of the event made sure that i was sleeping at 5am in the middle of the week. I slept form 8 to 10pm prior lah...but taht's because i was tired from work.
By the end of the event on thurs i was really stoned...i just marooned myself at home to recuperate! hah!
anyway, after taht was busy preparing for cg outing on saturday, 24 was good, nice place but no aircon!! GRRR....but it worked out well...=)
My fren from aussie was back on the 18th Nov. that nite was insane...after chompchomp session tath ended at midnite...we jalan Mustaffa till 4am. And i had to work the next big mgt meeting day....not only that, i had to pick up mum with all the coordiantion and rushing her to the airport between her two join shaz duck and boonie again for dinner at holland V...and let's not forget...we got abit lost..haha
oh well...i'm pretty tired actually, and dont ' feel like sharing...lazy lah...but i've got some highlight's like pst Phil's paintings, lunch at the korean restuarant, stardust movie ( fantastic show) and trip to T3...all happening this week...haiz....lazy and uninspired...hahhaha
I'll try to share another time bah...=)
Monday, 12 November 2007
...yak yak....
then went into my mum's room to BUG her. She's busy packing for 2 back to back trips. she's leaving for taiwan on tuesday till the 19th on some sch trip. then on the same day 6 hours later she'll be flying off to Israel- Jordan for 10 days!
*celebrate*...hahahaha....true more naggy mum..hahaha...
thinking back, i remember when i was still in school, i'd look forward to my mum being away. then i can 'take over' her room...and stay up late. Not that she doesn't let me stay up late when she's around. Only back then, my mum was the only person with TV in her room!!! with a VCR somemore! *hiak hiak*...her room also had room only had a fan...but these days...i have 2 DVD players in my room, a TV and 2 computers and*ahem* room is now better equipped than my mum's tho she has upgraded to a flat screen tv in her room...i'm happy to have my colour bulky tv!
why 2 DVD players? well , these are the rejects from my sister..haiz...u can call me cheap skate or karang guni,...but they still work, just that abit temperamental. so when one kicks a fuss and refuses to play the disc..i just swap the cables behind and Voila! - you can continue with your movie.
talking about staying up late...those who know me,..know that i'm a night owl. My old sec sch pal commented that day that i'm still keeping the insane sec sch hours..hahaha.. all must know my history...It all began...when i was in Pri 6....and my evil older sister decided to introduce me to the throes of the World Cup...the amazing thing called -- soccer skills!...needless to say, it was held in europe, this the match was on at some ungodly hour, keeping me awake till 5am. heheheheee...
I remember mum complaining about that...since then it was too late to switch back. i always found i was more productive at night. in JC I would sleep at one plus earliest. And that was late back then, considering there was no such thing as the internet, computer or cable tv, etc. and also by the fact i had to wake at 5.45am the next day to catch the 6.15am bus. =)
I was busy studying really wasn't easy...though of course tv played a part too.
University...*nostalgic sigh*...that is indeed a laugh...hostel days..for 5 years..i don't remember sleeping earlier than 2am on ANY day. unless i'm really sick. heee...aiyo...hostel environment...and you know my character lah...people come and chat chat with me. watch tv in my room...take breaks in my room...whine in my room..complain about their problems with their projects/ with the toys in my room...feed me...hahahah...ask Bowl...she will furnish you with the details...after all..*ahem* she was the cause of most of the late nights!!! --- i know she doesn't read my blog unless reminded...but i'm sure i'll kenna for this..hahaha...
Of course, i admit i'm kay-po also lah...i'll go over and check up on them and nuahz on thier bed...heee...
Ok...back to the PRESENT Time. =)
i'm sick...sniffling abit. But my tonsils are swollen making it hard to swallow. This has been on the past 2 days. It didn't help we were sitting directly under the aircon in church today. My entire cellgrp turned into a row of popsicles. hahahaha...for almost 4 hours leh...*horrors*
this weekend was Pst Ulf preaching. it was a good reminder that life of a christian is not suppposed to be all blessings or about feeling comfortable implies that i'm on the right path with God. It is about recognising that the blessing are ongoing, He is omnipresent and that there will be trials and it or not!! =)
it's a priviledge when he comes down from sweden/ israel to preach. He is one of my pastor's mentors and indeed, it feels just at home with him around. Like a spiritual father.=)
Ok,...I should go..this week is the final week before my boss gets back. Just sitting in the toilet dawned upon me how much there is to do! haiz...ok ok...leave it for tomorrow. i can't do anything tonight. No point worrying!
Oh i brought my dog for a walk/jog..i'm surprised how i managed to survive considering how seldom i do this..hahaha..=) let's hope the legs don't ache too much tomorrow.
Nites! =P
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Mid week public holiday
this one isn't too bad. It's on a thursday and not wednesday or elast you only need to tolerate one more day before a rewarding 2 day weekend! YAY!
And we all know...friday will be a peaceful work day..because probably half the workforce will be on leave and the other half will be finding it more productive to clear their personal work..hee...
today i was still considering whether to go out when i got out of bed at 1245pm. it's still about 6 hours of sleep lah...coz of my late night watching tv and surfing.
But i went about doing what i needed to do first before making further decisions. Have lunch>> clean up>> bathe my dog>> keep my laundry. it was already close to 4pm when i was done! haha...kidna helped with the decision. was a good day to just rest, watch tv, nap...cook dinner then a short drive to the nearby pet shop to make an exchange on a defective purchase.
By the time all that was was 9 plus! Geee...time really does fly!
It's the time of the night when work starts to invade my thoughts. I already succumbed and took a peek at my e-mail inbox. A few things to handle, but nothing major. these few nights there's a tendency for it to invade my toughts to go towards work at night, beacuse i think it will help me ease up my day tomorrow. remember i'm more of a night owl. =)
But i've managed to keep it at bay most of the time. I reinforce my should be for work unless you really enjoy doing it...then go ahead! =)
i hope to get early to work tomorrow. i pray i can do more. Only a week to go before my boss gets back and there's so much to do. =)
My target was to read at least one to two books a month. I actually kept track of the books from Dec till sometime in February when it died off...hahaha...ah well, it seems writing the books down wasn't motivational enough...anyway..what was I busy with back in March? *thinking*...ooohhhhh...I know already....the horrible career fair in suntec in early march...where i get stressed and barely sleep doing everything. i lasted these past 3 years only He knows...
Will there be another one in 2008?...sigh...what do you think? I am already holding my head over pavilion management...and let's not forget..this year is Airshow year..woohoo..back to back weeks...*faints*...ok ok...must stop thinking about it...*chanting*.." Positive thoughts- positive thoughts"...
I have where was I? Yes - Reading...
Well, if you count the Archie comic books I've read this year, i definitely will hit my target!! HAHAHA....i bought 18 copies 3 months ago ( relatively cheap lah) ...and i've so far finished 15 issues...
Sigh...doesn't count, does it... *drooped shoulders*..=)
Anyway, i'm now reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind -- and I find myself skipping parts, which is very rare for me. So that means either the book is boring or my brain is rejecting it or i'm just reading it at the wrong time (ie. before sleeping)....i suspect its a combination of the above..hahahaha...I'll have to find a solution for that.
One thing i highlighted from the book from last night's read - Think About What you are Thinking!
Hmmm....It's amazing how thoughts just run through OR Don't run through my head (if any at all!!!)... scary isnt' it...the electricity that goes on up there in a split second...
One thing i consciously thought about in the last hour..."How did i lose track of my interest in lounge music!?!?!" did that happen?!?!.. spent time listening to some tracks online...and learned...oh my...there is really a complicated range out there...but i'm sure i lean towards one...must go find out...
I think it's a jazz lounge...but it's not as straigthforward...
The music is great i tell you...I leaves you in a complete CHILL mode...relaxing man...totally sweet and crisp...
Great...look what i've done to myself i just want to go to a hotel bar and's 4.02am to go?!!?...
OK, i am high due to the sleepiness...and i'm just rambling the rubbish that runs through my head...hahaha...better log off!!
Monday, 5 November 2007

Friday, 2 November 2007
Withdrawal symptoms...
Ya was Angela's last day at XYZ on 31st Oct.'s halloween day leh...i wonder if she planned that! Hahaha! She should've thrown a goodbye and costume party at the same time.
From now on, we all must make sure that we don't auto dial's no longer her table liao...hee...
She will now embark on a one week break before starting on her new jobbie...all the best girl!! we love and remember you!!! You served the industry well and left behind a positive footprint.
Hmm...aiyah..wanted to add a photo of the 2 of us here...but having trouble extracting it from my mobile..hee..another time bah! =)
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Red Rambutan
Monday, 29 October 2007
so what's happening
thought I'd come here to sort my thoughts.
last thursday (the day after the black angus lunch) i woke up with my right foot hinting impending doom! hahaha...oh well, i still got to work but as the day wore on, my hobbling got more serious. (as in previous attacks). By late afternoon, was the big meeting with boss before he goes off till the 16th Nov. He prepared a task sheet which was the same for all...and he ran though all the things he wanted to see done by the time he was back.
*faints*...i can't recall how many times my name was mentioned. But it was often enough. Not that I wasn't expecting it. But by the tail end of brain had switched to..."kay sara sara...watever will be will be"...hahaha
Not that saying i was given only the horrible projects. some of the others got them too...but the numbers was enuff...=)
Friday i ended up having to stay home. Couldn't do much work because of the pain. then in the evening, it was cg at my place. It was great it was at my place. And yes, they cleaned up. But there were somethings i still had to clear because they were not familiar with my home.
I was sweating like crazy coz it was so hard to walk. and i was walking only with my big toe and heel on my right foot...PAIN!!!...haiz...anyway, it was a great relief when i could finally settle down after a shower.
The night was bad. i was awake till 4am. It was worse than the night before. and nothing really eases the pain. (but i have to admit i've had worse episodes). You see, my gout gets worse at night - common gout fact- it just feels horrible to be alone and having to tolerate the pain. I watched tv to distract myself and kept my mind busy by drinking cranberry juice (good for gout)..u can't sleep with such pain.
Many times i just carassed my foot and hoped the pain would go away. these are times you really cry and just punch pillows in agony. I thought about friends and read archie to keep my mind occupied. =) it's good to have frens...LOL...u can think abt them..hahaha...=P
Saturday was a home day. I missed hearing from Bowl. LOL! We all need attention when we're sick. It helps...especially my kind where i need distraction to ease the pain. =) She called eventually at night. It's nice to share.
So was I going to service and p mtg on sunday? Well, I wanted to go..and i believed i would make it. My only concern was that my foot may get worse. =)
Well, I made it! in fact, god was good...this is the first p mtg that ended early! on top of that pastor kept encouraging us to sit down! LOL! first time i could sit thru so long. God obviously planned it all..hee...
OK...I realised i shared alot. =) Big day starts tomorrow. not looking forward to it at all...but this too shall pass...=)
I need to be productive and courageous, resourceful and intinuitive! Amen!
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Deeelish lunch!
Anyway, thank god, there was someone there who wanted to take the cab...AND again, THANK God the person who looked like a tourist had $50 worth of change in tens...coz the cab driver didnt' have leh...
Anyway, i was there on time. Boss was slightly late. My first telecon by tv actually, with 2 parties, one in Melb and other in Syd. This sounds ridiculous as I was quite interested in the lag time between my actual action and the time it actually showed on the screen. No no no...not that the telcon was meant alot of work was coming up as we're planning a trip up there in April. But...well...when you're staring at the same picture on tv for an hour...u do get a bit glazed over...hahaha...
then it was off to Fullerton's Black Angus for lunchie with P, boss, YK, J and of course the star of the occassion, Angela. It was a casual lunch...with yaks and laughs. The set lunch there is worth there are so many sides! you are not just stuck with the usual soup of the day and kopi/teh at the end. I think i'll go back sometime ya...hee..
Oh oh oh...the cake/ ice cream that came in the set lunch is good toos...and there's the MUDPIE!! yummies!! was brought in for Angela's 'celebration' hee...indeed a face stuffing session!...
I was full till tonite at 9pm lor...good grief! HAH!
Halfway thru the lunch, Angela's second big boss walked pass! ahhaha...good thing he didnt see was amusing coz he hung ard as thougth he was coming into the restuarant any moment! hee...
well...i'm gg to miss dialling her office number to call her...i joked that she should put a new voice message..." This is NOT Angela's desk anymore!" ahahaha...
Praise god, all went as well as it could have gone..=)
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Looking on...
This year...he's leaving during the ops period. not the dateline period...but still critical. haiyo...what timing man..national service..LOL! in additon of course, more running projects and things step up by a few levels.
He has given notice i'll be acting 'his position'....hahaha...this week, i've "moved" into his office to do work while he has been away. ahhaah..get comfortable in the seat mah!!!.(no lah..i needed to use the internet connection LAN line in his room lah...)...heehhee...
There will be a impt meeting at 4.30pm on thursday....where the responsibilities will all be's like the day before a big race!..ahahha...
It's overwhelming really...the stuff that is coming. Ha...i really need God to increase my capacity leh...not just to do..but to lead...manage...push!!!! =S can pengz sia....sigh...God also needs to teach me bah...I need to grow..confident confident...grow grow grow...
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Now is the time again...
Never shall we take anything for granted, but by prayer and leaning on him for all things. Just because we have grown physically, all the more we need to pray like never before. I prayed for the new people as this would be their first. Indeed, it is a time where our faith matches our action. For those who have done it before, dear brothers and is the time again. =)
It's not about the amount but Equal Sacrifice. It's not just about the building, it's about the lives that will be touched. Yes, the blessings that are promised by Him are cool...yet, I remember years ago at the start of my first...When He touched my heart...I wanted a new house...a bigger extra seat..a better awesome that another soul can be saved...=)
And i remember as I drove alone, sharing my thoughts with Him was wonderful. He brought to my rememberance thoughts i had even forgotten I ever thought! Ha...
The whole song in the line...just one line raises you up. Well, made me stronger...=)
" Pouring out this treasure You gave, in Your Promises, our hearts turn brave..."
More to come...
Monday, 22 October 2007
My sunday
The bill chalked up to $143 for 10pax. =) the standard at least $10 for a main and $4 for a drink on the average kinda cafe with the typical western choices. But it was a good choice coz it wasn't crowded so we got a place almost immediately.
We were hungry man...and 4 a grp of 10pax to travel from Expo to Bugis HUNGRY should not be triffled with...hahaha...
After that...the some of us went present shopping. and jalan-jalan lah...D&T left together...D gg reservist tml...all the best man bro...=) so he left to go cut hair...T was his escort/ body guard! LOL!
At about 5pm it was left with Anna and me...she was gg to meet one of the cg members near clarke quay later at 6 i thot to accompany her, since i had nothing on and she had time to kill...we decided to succumb to i'll kiddish impulses and went to Settlers to play game for 2 hours....
It was nice walking and chatting from Raffles Plc mrt...=) SO QUIET that place...on a sunday! Hah! God was good to provide shady clouds tho the weather was warm.
So here is the pic! this is the second game we played. the first was Blokus or smthg like that.hahaha...We won one game each...the trick? pick the orange pieces! NOT purple!
Second game was called Balloon Cup...calculation and sabotage! LOL! i took this pic when Anna had to go off to meet the cg mbr...nothg to do mah...shld keep some memories...

Thursday, 18 October 2007
To top it off..i haven't been getting good rest in the morning. which is the critical preiod of my sleep. these past 2 mornings i've been awakened about 2 hours before the time i should wake up...then when i get back to is a fitful sleep...sigh...
just read a work mind is running again...hmm...but i should sleep soon...
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
It's been some time...
When i first sang the song a week back in church, i have to admit, it didnt' catch on to me...perhaps the fact that the chorus had "Hosanna, in the highest"..left me wondering .."isn't this not very far off from another worship song of old?"
But when the Bridge came...I felt different...the words.... The way it was sung was like a cry for something...something...a longing...
By the time the Bridge was sung the 3rd time,...I had fallen in love with it...because it so encompassed how i felt...and in 6 beautiful lines...covered the meaning of our walk with Him.
Break my heart for what breaks Yours - ( I'm sorry for all the times i've hurt You the times i walked away...please never let my heart grow cold towards You...I long to be close to you...)
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause - (Surrender at the altar...discipleship...the great commission..Looking at me through His eyes...)
As I walk from earth into Eternity - ( His promises...his fellowship...that he will never forsake us...forever and ever...I'm not alone...have a direction..and I have a home somewhere...)
Sunday, 14 October 2007
CG at Sentosa
Also...Pammie also bah...I know you spent time preping toos! hee...Thanks for bringing the enthusiasm to the event!
My team came in third of four! *growl* we didnt win the movie vouchers but we got a box of chocs! not bad feet were aching halfway thru the race liao...and after all the "mah- lu" things Anna made us do...Grrr...especially the video bit! ONE FULL MINUTE of acting like a fish at main signboard of underwater world lor...Wah cows!!1 it's public holiday weekend lor...and pple Long Q there...start watchign for entertainment!! =S...the whole thing to be video recorded down lor...
A mum and a child were taking a break nearby...the child stared at us with a gapping mouth...and the mum just didnt know what to say...they must have thought i was mad! thankfully, i had a friend, Melody to hold out on the embarassment with me!
i just learned on msn that the video idea was Pammie's!!! RAARRR!!! and she initially wanted 2 mins! Thank God for Anna who cut it down!..hahaha...Still a shepherd has a heart for her sheep ya...LOL!
The route was tiring..the winning team invested in bicycles! =( oh well..they deserved it then!
I had Timo and Emy in my team too...they were a great help! couldnt' have done much without them! Melody and ShuHui said i was like a female 'gang' leader...hahaha...
there was very very heavy rain which woke me up at 10am that morning...i looked at the rain...and went back to a way, i didnt panic, coz i knew that kind of rainfall would mean it will defintiely stop by the time we started at 1 plus!
or maybe it was just faith! LOL!...anyway...yes..the weather was great after that! very sunny!...we palyed from 2.30pm to about 5.30pm...then the few of us left went to playt he skyride and luge. Normally i wouldn't pay for it...but since we were there...why not?...=)
It was pretty worth it actually..everything cost $9...and the luge downhill was pretty long with some fun turns! It helps that it was evening the track surroundings glowed with nite lights!
Then we got our pic taken with the the mascot for the Song of the Sea show...

well for starters..the new night laser show is a VAST improvement from the fountain one man...
Ok, i'm off to get a drink...=)
Friday, 12 October 2007
Showing off my new lappie!
Also coz my sis used her credit card to pay for me first...i got a free samsung bluetooth headset!
here are the specs! HP Pavilion dv6508tx...i really like the look...even has a free external remote control!
The vista OS is a pain actually...coz i need to hunt for drivers...still i think the industry is picking up and many drivers are starting to be automatically available online.

Processor type
Intel® Centrino® Duo processor technology • Intel® Core™2 Duo processor T7300 • 2.0 GHz , Level 2 cache 4 MB, 800 MHz Bus speed • 802.11 a/g/n WLAN
Operating system installed = Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium
Standard memory = 2048 MB
Memory type = DDR2 667 MHz
Memory layout = (2 x 1024 MB)
Maximum memory
Supports up to 4GB DDR2 memory (Dual Channel Memory Support; For 4 GB memory configuration, up to 1 GB may not be available with 32-bit operating systems due to system resource requirements)
Internal hard disk drive =160 GB
Hard disk controller = SATA Hard Disk Drive
Hard disk drive speed = 5400 rpm
Optical drive type = Lightscribe Super Multi DVD Writer (+/-R +/-RW) with Double Layer
System features
Memory card device:
5-in-1 integrated Digital Media Reader for Secure Digital cards, MultiMedia cards, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, or xD Picture cards
Modem = High speed 56K modem
Network interface = Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN
Wireless capability = Bluetooth® wireless networking
External I/O ports:
VGA; 3 USB 2.0; RJ-11; RJ-45; 2 stereo headphones; external microphone; AC adapter; S-Video-out; expansion port; ExpressCard Slot; IEEE 1394a; Consumer IR; Fingerprint reader
Video capture interface = IEEE 1394 FireWire® Interface
Expansion slots = One ExpressCard/54 slot (also supports ExpressCard/34)
Display size= 15.4” WXGA High Definition BrightView Widescreen
Display resolution = 1280 x 800
Video adapter = NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8400M GS
Control panel
HP QuickPlay media player software and its dedicated menu controls, music and DVD buttons
Internal audio = 3D Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound 16 bit integrated
Speakers and microphone = Altec Lansing® speakers
Keyboard = 101 key compatible keyboard
Pointing device
Touch Pad with On/Off button and dedicated vertical Scroll Up/Down pad, volume control, mute buttons, 2 Quick Launch Buttons
Power supply type = 90 W AC Power Adapter
Webcam = HP Pavilion Webcam with integrated microphone
Dimensions / weight / warranty
Weight 2.86 kg
Dimensions (W x D x H) 35.70 cm (L) x 25.70 cm (W) x 2.54 cm (min) H / 4.30 cm (max) H
(Part Three) 21st October 2006 - Reaching Hokitika
I've decided to add a map of my trip so that u can see what i mean. I took the red route ( using highway 73) from Christchurch on the east to Hokitika on the east! What a journey!! now you know what i mean by i drove almost non-stop for about 4 to 5 hours. (Neil, the key man in Hokitika, Birdsong said that's about the time it normally takes! i made good timing..thank god!)

He knew i was only staying one night so he recommended that i should go for a jaunt at the coast and catch the sunset if possible. it's been cloudy with all the rain so the sunset hasn't been that good lately.
The coast was BREEZY! and was right across the road..and you know me lah, the exploring type.Note...the waves are very strong...and the ocean is neverending coz there is no island opposite!! haha...yup...nothing for miles ahead...the sand there was a weird grey...interesting...I have no idea can't be the pollution. so i think it's just rich in minerals?? LOL!
I picked many pebbles on the beach. these pebbles are smooth and VERY VERY flat. I encountered a man picking pails of pebbles and i soon learned he was living next to Birdsong, and uses these pebbles (after decorating them) to make dinner placemats and flower pots! he sells them ..WOW!..he invited me to take a look at the pots outside his home when i went back later...what a nice hobby!
after half an hour i decided to head back to the hostel. the fireplace is upstairs with a great view of the coast and sunset...and there i started meeting and chatting with the people that have been staying there. A british couple, and a group of Israeli teens!
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Mid-week analysis
It's already wednesday. In fact, wednesday is over, and i'm beginning to sense the end-of-week rush to complete several tasks at work. Still a handful of outstanding items that shouldn't be delayed actually. Nonetheless, i give thanks to God that i managed to finish my AGM minutes today. Alot of creativity was needed!!
My boss has been pretty stressed lately. He really has alot on his plate. I pray God will help him manage his time and make things move smoother. To protect him from unnecessary appointments and make his meeting times effective and easy. =)
There's so much to do...still...we had to give our time to the interns for their biggie presentation. One of the things i've learned from working life is that...things almost never work out as you have planned...but try not to mope too much about things and pull yourself to embrace what needs to be done now...there may be a mountain of work...but being calm is a good thing as anxiety doesn't make anythg any easier...
of course, all the above is easier said than done! LOL!
The afternoon ended off with 4 of the interns giving a presentation of the work they have done so far. Went pretty well, lotsa comments but it's all constructive. This friday will be their last day...indeed, i'll miss their ways of torturing the Spongebob Squarepants softoy in the office! haha...Their internship teacher was there to 'interogate' them after the presentation too.
After that, we all headed down to the Secret receipe near my home for a farewell dinner. i still feel that this is the best Secret receipe outlet...simply because i believe it was one of the first in Singapore. It was fun and i got to try some new dishes. =)
It's late...time for me to go..chatting with my cgl on's late and she's still busy doing something...i have no idea what..but she's tired..=) i pray that God will continue to cover and keep her...=)
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Nose Bleeds
This morning while my boss was running through the calendar of events. LOL! See lah he stress me!..haha...but no jsut came suddenly!
And again just less than an hour ago...when i just sat down in front of the computer after hanging up my washed bedsheet.
went to a couple of websites to read up what's happening. Apart from being heaty (as the common asian diagnose...) ..which i dont' really think so lor...yes, the food i've been eating is not 100% UN-heaty....but not like saying i've been eating heaty food endlessly! i've also been drinking more water has never happned to me before..and i've binged in worse scenarios.
Can't be a vitamin k deficiency coz i love to eat green leafy veges which is a good source...
One possibility is that it could be too always happened when i'm in an aircon environment...
Oh well...we'll see...i'm not really looking forward to seeing a doctor on this...but if it happns a few more times tomorrow i think i will have no choice bah...
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
literally 'gift exchange'!
But we decided to give it a shot.
now today was my mgt meeting dreaded monday of the month. Ok lah..not so much dreaded...but my most stressful day of the month...where there are once again many many moving parts. Nonetheless, it turned out pretty alright... thansk to my interns taht i could get to help me with brainless (but still essential - coz if they weren't there...i still would have to do it!) photocopying, and preparing the files for the meeting.
Anyway, back to the gift...yes...i headed to Suntec C4...thankfully...after lotsa negotiation, by God's grace, we could do a refund, but decided to upgrade to another brand and set.
i was a little sad that my gift didnt work out...but i think i'll look at the positive side of things...besides, my fren still saved on the upgrade, due to my earlier 'payment' on the previous set. Also, if i never got the gift, fren will never get doen to buying it ...LOL!...hahah...
so yes,...macham spent the whole night in C4...from 7 30 until about 930 to do all the negotiation and decision on which one to upgrade to..hahaha...after that...grabbed some hotdogs for a late dinner...and guess what...before i could eat, my nose BLED!...
heaty lah i guess...earlier at work was eating several heaty foodstuffs...and also..whole day...due to the stress of my monday meeting i only drank 2 miserable cups of water. OR> fren made me so pek chek my nose started to bleed!!..WAHAHAH...i got a 'whack' for that...
anyway. ended up queueing for a cab...and you know those notorious suntec Qs...watever the time of the day..even after's like the cabs are jsut going round in circles waiting for a call...GRRR...good thing even thought after a long day of work..our spirits were up...and could joke and yak...=)
Okies. time for me to rest. We'll catch up again. =)
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Thinking back on my BIG solo trip...
It's almost been a year since my southern NZ trip! yup! i left Singapore on 18th October 2006!! 17 days!! Can't believe it feels like a long time ago!
And...erms...I'm supposed to blog it all down time's not easy recollect every detail!...and try to make it interesting so that you don't fall asleep!..hee...but i'm still resolute to share... i have two more holidays to share...the one i did in June (Tokyo) and Krabi, Thailand in September. may not cover the Tokyo one so much...coz..erm...too Touristy...ZZZzzz...nothing majorly interesting...but we'll much can I write! LOL!...
i have over 800 photos from NZ lor..though it include the mistake kind...hee...alot of self shots mah..since i'm alone!..but stay tuned...I'm determined to finish it!!! ROAR!!!
Friday, 5 October 2007
Specs: 3.0 megapixel, autofocus, no flash

view from bedok jetty at sunset (facing west) right side is the CBD!

This cat was enjoying the view too..the bedok jetty bench look familiar? He seemed bo chap abt me taking photos standing near...
I couldn't resist the sunset colours again! Walking to bus stop to get home from office...the building at the bottom is Expo hall 7!
This is my Junior's Dog (Moxie) and Cat (Socks): both rescued and adopted in her home. I love them both...very cute..they get along like friends! no fighting...even though both of them fight for attention! haha...This is the only cat i've really liked for a long time..coz she acts like a dog! =)
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
My weekend...continued...hee
I woke on saturday morning thank god at 12plus pm...=) read the newspaper and went out to buy lunch...i ate kway chap!..hahaha..i joked with my sister during lunch that i must have something against before eat bak kut teh...then in 12 hours i eat kway chap!..hahaha...
Then drove my sister and her dog to a nearby plant nursery to pick up some soil for our garden...16 bags worth!!..All thanks to my naughty dog who like to dig the garden she makes me spend hundreds on her..just to ensure she doens't make a mess of things. *GROWL*
After that I went with my Junior to visit her grandfather who is in SGH the past 2 weeks...he's known me for a long time too..unfortunately his condition isn't too good...but it could have been worse. At least he's still reponsive to those around him.
At 6 plus i dropped her off at st Andrews Cathedral and then headed home...settled down abit before i was 'bribed' to drive to boon lay for someone's BBQ...i had time and was free so i thought why not..epsecially since i like to drive so much!..hahaha..
hmmm...then it was sunday morning lor..Always glad to see Pst Kong in church again...coz of the anointing by God's grace has given him...=D
Then after service I ran around running errands...building a cabinet, picking up food and accessories for my mum's birthday celebrations she was going to have that evening with her friends...then came home for dinner, rest abit and then back to pick up my mum home!!
Horrors! it was 11plus pm by then!!! Where did my weekend go!?!?!?..hahaha...scary man...but it was a fruiful weekend i have to a good balance of doing the things i love to do, ticked off an item on my household chore list...helped my friends out, met up with them...and got to accomplish several things..=)
feels GOOD! hee...
alright...that conclude my entry for's late!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Post-lunch Rants
Today's menu was: Rice with 'Tau gay', (yes..u mean you never heard of gay beans??..hahaha), steam egg and chicken.
The chicken chunk quantity was pathetic leh...macham like three 20cent coins!... i made noise to the vendor..she said this one premium one coz it's the chicken breast meat.. =S
Bah! Humbug! Anyway..I'm full lah...but it's the principle of the matter! LOL!
It's monday already and i feel as though the weekend really breezed by and i didnt get the rest i hoped for. Eventful but unrested! What a combination!
Friday night was combined CG with Pst Derek in JW chruch.. it was nice to be back there again. Truth be told, I found myself spacing out at some points during the sermon. But there were highlights that maybe i spent more time dwelling over, and thus tuned out the rest. Anyway the presence of God after that was strong...I think the entire zone could have jsut gone on for another hour just being there...=)
We spent a whole hour after the Word worshipping and receiving from Him. LOL!...In Shen's words at the Bak Kut Teh Supper: "It only felt like 15mins!"
We ended at 11pm. Supposed to go pick up the belated bday girl and bf for a Bak Kut Teh celebration! but we were inevitably delayed by..*ahem*..the 'woman-who was accounting for missing headsets' ended up we waited till about 12am! when the church lights turned off!
Cows!! was nice to be hanging around in church with friends who were waiting for other members..hahaa...although i think the tiredness got to us and we ended up doing childlike things like sabo-ing Ah Siang's car...haha...
Anyway, it was nice gathering with the friends from my 2nd cg..during the birth months of E198. It's been at least 7 years since we've known each other!
The whole entourage accompanied me back (hmm..maybe they have no choice since Shen was the driver! LOL! and the bulk of them lived West) to my aunt's place to pick up the car she was loaning me for the weekend...
it was 1 plus am!!! Good grief!...hahaha...
Ok ..i better get back to work..will try to continue tonight..hee...
Saturday, 29 September 2007
I'm back!
1) You can't remember your user name/ password
2) You start wondering how you added that game/music player/ etc. the last time....and if you can still do it with ease now...
3) You have to read through your last post to see where you ended off
4) Your ardent readers start giving you encouragement on your chat box to update!
hahahaha...oh well, I'm pleased to be back to add an entry. Indeed I've been busy especially the 2 months before 13th September...that is because my company's Annual General Meeting was held on that day. After that day...can shift down by 2 gears...=)
Yes, sadistically the AGM was 2 days after my birthday! LOL! my boss knew and still set the date somemore! *humph!* So being such a big event, i still went back to work on my birthday. AGM is a big thing in my line of work. It is the day when all eyes are on you to's kinda like the companies minimal hiccups!
Thank God that everything fell into place. I had a chance to share during cg on friday the 14th...the day after my AGM...hee...
You see...on sunday night 9th Sept, head was swimming...i only had 3 days to prepare and confirm so many things that were not within my control. (e.g the delay of the auditor's report -- nothing personal to my auditor frens, but really, can cause heart attack ah!) I need the auditor's report signed, approved and printed out by wednesday afternoon...and on sunday night as i lay in bed...i wondered if the report was even read by the partner!!! LOL!
Anyway, i think i've shared many times in cg before...that it's like only a few days before a big event..and you just wonder how in the world everthing is going to come together..But God has always been faithful to see me through in my job. It may not be the most perfect scenario/ event...but it would definitely have been better than the original disaster point it started from. And at the end of the all works out. The hiccups are there...but they are not disasters! in cg i shared the testimony again. Indeed, He is faithful. =)
Oh, and another performance bonus (excludes 13th month hor...) it's higher than what i got last year...and I did some maths...if i include 13th month bonus (and minus off CPF payouts) I have got exactly double of what i gave in the last church building fund! hee!...isn't that cool or what? My performace bonus was confirmed the day before my it was a nice present from God! hee...=)
Hmm...thought now i have to confess...i've been spending it! laptop (HP Pavilion -dv 6500 series) trip to Krabi last week...=P Opps!
Hahaha...but my birthday was still good...even though i had to work, my boss bought me a cake (only he know it was my bday lah)...and this year, with my 6 interns on board in the office, it livened up the atmosphere. A simple song and cake cutting...but it was good...hee...
That evening, i met up with my dear fren Bowl, ...'haggled' for my present (just kidding!)... had makan and watched Ratatouille! The rat is Sooooo Cuuutteee!!! hee....
Oh and how can i forget, ....thanks to my cg for blessing me with movie vouchers for my bday present! truly one of the best presents my cg has given me...--> I used it for Ratatouille!
Now to get my hands on the photos from the Krabi trip to share with you...aiyah...not my camera lah... =P
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Because it was good...
Wait let me re-phrase that.."One hour this evening was very good and that changed the rest of the night!" -- and effectively the rest of my day...=)
Because today ended well, I thought I'd blog it here for myself to remember. Last night didnt end well. With a phone conversation that ended badly. It left me angry and sad at the same time which was such a weird feeling. It's like you're sad but defiant at the same time! I think my mind was torn between crying as I had hurt a friend and also, battling negative thoughts of my friend since the conversation turned out that way. ie. the 'yuan1wang4' feeling!
I had every reason to be defiant or think negatively...but I thank God the right voice in my head won the battle. I chose to believe in the goodness of a friendship. And so hard to go against the pride to just 'get back' at the person.
Hahaha...but yes, back to the positive things. I Thank God for loving and taking care of me. I was able to manage my emotions and handle a big company event today and help my leader find some info she needed.
I also thank God for putting everything in place (including a good boss who let me off).. i knew i had to go settle the misunderstanding. Sending me the mrt train quickly and of course, opening the door to honest sharing.
Things worked out - In one hour! it was resolved. *whew*
So yes, I'm blogging this to remind myself. That i listened to the right voice and the reward was so good. It erased every blue feeling i had for the day. =) Also, it is worthwhile believing in the goodness of others. Esp those close to you. =) So i pray i'll continue to listen to the right voice. Hee...
Friday, 13 July 2007
Being Silly
Above: Young kids being entertained
Below: Overgrown kid acting the pig look
Monday, 25 June 2007
(Part Two) 21st October 2006 - Arthur's Pass to The West Coast!
Tales from My Sashimi Dog!
Why Sashimi dog?? Follow the next few steps:-
Take your hand and make it into a fist.
Now imagine that is the size of a goldfish -- a dead one....
Now picture two of those size and buried in the soil...and they are a wee bit bloated...
Now imagine yourself digging them out and eating them WHOLE! *YYYEEECCCKKKSSSS*
hahaha...well, that's my Sashimi dog for you. And that's exactly what she did. You see, our two big goldfishes died some time ago. So my sis buried them. It wasn't a deep grave though. My sis then walked off to wash the spade, taking less than 3 mins.
She returned to find an empty grave..and an innocent looking dog giving her the 'Who? ME????' funny! Absolutely disgusting though! Raw dead gold fish...GROSS!
Just a few days after, another gold fish my sis scooped it up with the net and put it at the edge of the pond. She rounded the corner to get the spade...when she returned -- It was GONE! EeeeeeeewwwWWWW!!!
I reasoned with my sis it could be a bird...but i had to agree with her, the timing was a bit short for a bird to come and go.
Since then I've come to believe that she probably is comfortable with raw seafood because of her past. She was found abandoned at Choa Chu Kang Beach by the coast guard. So she proabably survived by eating the stuff washed up on shore. Poor gal...=)
Well that is good news for me too coz that shows she has a strong stomach and won't be weak should she accidentally eat bad food. hahaha...
Once i took her late at night for a beach walk. It was by moonlight and we walked along the sand..then i saw her pick up something and refuse to drop it even though i scolded and beat her. It look like a dead squid...EEEEEeeeeeee....Don't know what it is but it had a slimy texture...and had stringy things handing..( like tentacles)...
Anyway, fed up, i walked on, hoping she'd drop it later...later when i had some better street lighting, i realised it was not in her mouth anymore!! I don't know if she dropped it or she swallowed it...=S Disgusting! -- but i still love her! =)
Ok...sorry if you are reading this and having a meal! hahaha...
I'm off to bed...heehee...super tired!
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Monday, 21 May 2007
Has it been over a month?!
Can't believe it's been over a month since i last blog, though it shouldn't be, since it felt like some time since i bothered to really read or post.
Guess I've been tied up. Work's been bad again...and things are ramping up in church. =) But I think I'm happy...just need the occassional motivational poke. I'll share more tonight on wah'ts been happening. Hoepfully i can blog tonight.
While walking back with my da-paoed lunch bag, i was singing a song to God. It started with the Hungry and Thirsty worship tune ( that has been in my head lately) ..then ended off with a brand new song..which i thought would be a sell-out coz the words are 'sweet'...hahaha...
But it was nice, and reminded me that he's so near...and i could feel him with me enjoying the song, even under the hot sun and the mundane 'every-other-day' same walking path between the makan place and the office. My heart was light, even though I was tired. =)
That's my heavenly father. =D
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Half my day....argh....
However, it's just mentally taxing and quite draining at times. Ok ok, i see many hands up that we're rowing the same boat. But...haiz...this is tiring man...
it's 3.30pm and i throw my hands up and come down to the cafe to have my lunch. (flexi hours). Can't take the endless things that go by. It can make you scream. Here's a synopsis of my day today. i will try to put it in sequential order and hope it doesn't confuse you.
1) fax film ink ran out. Need to change. -- realised the box in the drawer was an old one (means i was fooled the last round of taking stationery orders) Thus, had to call the supplier to arrange an urgent delivery.
2) because of fax problem - only got half a quotation for the corporate gifts. Thus need to call company for full quotation and prepare cheque.
3) Cheque needs 2 signatories and needs to be signed today. Thus, called person A at 10am to check when he could come by and person B if he would be in his office in the afternoon today. Person A not too sure what time he can come...and requested a 11am phone reminder to him. Person B ok in the office full day.
4) Check with boss if he can transport me to person B office during lunch to sign the cheque. OK.
5) E-mail from RSAF requesting information following the last job fair on the 12th ( which was not highlighted b4..and now abit late to ask right...) and the new information by the end of the week.
6) E-blast to members on the new job fair in May, and the new RSAF requirements, as usual with a please reply by _____ request, that i pray so so hard that people stick to.
7) Internet search and call up DHL to find out how much it would cost to ship stuff to the UK. Beacuse i'm working on the fact that i have no CLUE how heavy it is, exactly what address i'm sending to, it makes it quite a grope in the dark and lots of ballpark figures.
8) Call Person A at 11am to remind him to tell me what time he's coming. He said he will come. No time stated....haiz...
9) Prepare the cheque for the corporate gifts. Have to call back the supplier coz they never state the exact company to make the cheque payable to.
10) They inform me that they are pushing delivery time to be from 2 -3pm TODAY instead of tomorrow. -- great, means must rush the cheque signing.
11) Cleaning auntie wants to clean my room. -- evicted for 5-8 mins.
12) It's 11.40am-- calling person A again to remind. Had to ask he come before 2pm. So that i can pay for the corporate gifts when it is delivered between 2-3pm.
13) Check rates for courier on Singapore post. same as point 7.
14) It is 1230pm. Person A is coming. So i need to go downstairs and wait. Then immediately, my boss wants to leave to fetch me to the other company to get the 2nd signature. Drops me off near office when finished and i head back to office.
15) Boss calls and needs me to send out e-mail to the HR members for IA students. -- need to search and refer to several e-mails over different days to compile the info for the e-mail blast. Also, need to run through the list of HR people to make sure i include only the relevant parties.
16) Someone enquires about membership. Call back, sound nice, chat... and note follow up. --prepare follow up materials for post.
17) Find out details for FedEx, same as point 7.
18) Get a call from some jobst***t and they want us to join their fair. Abit hard, but am patient to explain my organisations unique situation. Not many believe we hardly hire. Sigh.
19) Receive the corporate gifts. Delivery man in chatty mood. Cham...ok ok...was nice again. He's just doing his job.
20) Start receiving queries regarding my point 15 action although i CLEARLY stated in the e-mail to contact someone else if they are interested or need further details!!! =( So once again, try to facilitate, be nice, redirect if i can't do any further.
21) Boss calls and needs the address and contacts of someone urgently for print. I need to go find the namecard and sms the details.
22) So here i am having lunch. Get a phone call and need to think up of a name for my article by tomorrow...=S
And.....i have so many other things pending on my list. Organising a farewell dinner( which NO ONE wants to decide who's going to how huh ..huh??!??!) , an entire Bowling tournament, go to the bank and change signatories, arrange a photo shoot (note: i need to get 12 guys together and they travel almost all the time), get documents and apply for funding for our next trade shows/ trips, minutes of the last MC, SSC and industry partnership meeting....
I'm dead man...ok...i need to go back to work. Lunch hour is over.
See ya!
Monday, 16 April 2007
A break
The weekend was fantastic, with Benny Hinn for 3 nites since friday. Amazing healings and testimonies abounded. You could be in the stadium for 3 -5 hours but the sense of it all was wonderful. Felt that Pst benny was closer to city harvest this year. It's as though he had been our friend for years. =)
Got a car for this weekend. A mitsubishi Lancer, dark grey one which was pretty cool to drive. It was fun! Spent saturday morning going to the Sungei buloh wetland reserve. I was quite tired actually. becaue the night before i was out for supper with my cg till 2.30am and stayed up to research on how to drive to the reserve till 4am. I had to be up to pick Bowl from her place at 8.30am! Needless to say, thank god she called me at that time and I knew for sure we'd miss the free tour. Still, itwas a great trip. We were there from 10 to about 12 plus.
Saw mudskippers, a crocodile and loads of monitor lizards in our path. She was the shutter- bug for the nature stuff. For me, i mainly prefer to jsut enjoy the sights and sounds, and do the map bit. Thus, a good combination for a nice morning out.
We got a bit lost driving out. Hahaha...all i told her was to read the map in reverse. She declared she wasn't a map person after after that. But not so bad lah... I've seen worse...I think..=P
Then it was a shower and a lift down to the indoor stadium...OH!!! I forgot to say..I got a parking fine on friday night! Sigh...forgot to put coupon and realised it only in the stadium. =( $30 bucks!
Then went home to sleep before bringing my Junior for her bday dinner treat at this nice quiet place ( quite ulu actually) but nice and tranquil at night and the food was great! At the RIO Brazilian restaurant. Near queenstown remand prison! I know the irony. It's jsut next door!
the best place for carnivores.. you have 12 types of meat served off the grill for you to savour for dinner. I brought her there partly also because it was a 1-for -1 just for this month and worth the exploration. She enjoyed herself. =) cool!
Ok, it's almost 1am. I should go sleep. My break should not be in vain. =) I'll try to continue again if inspired the next round.
A laugh today =)
Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson went camping in the desert. Having set up their tent, they turned in. As the night wore on, Sherlock woke up , leaned over, wakes his faithful friend and asks: "Watson, what do you see?"
Watson responded. " Well, I see the North Star, which has helped guide us to this spot. Beyond that i see the Big Dipper and the tail of Orion. I also can make out the edges of the Milky Way and know that there are universes expanding beyond that..."
Watson was about to continue his raptuous explanation, when suddenly Sherlock elbows him and hissed, "Watson, you idiot, someone has stolen our tent!
Monday, 2 April 2007
So Ccccuuuuuuuttteeee!!!!!!

The world famous HMV logo is to get a new dog - in the shape of the heroic and long suffering Gromit.
The new image is based on the original 1898 His Master's Voice oil painting which features Nipper the dog listening to an early gramophone recording.
HMV will be using the image for three months to support the promotion of children's DVDs at its stores.
Bosses assured customers Nipper was not in danger and would still represent HMV in other uses of its logo.
'Much loved'
Aardman's Nick Park said: "It's a great honour to be stepping in the same paw prints as an icon as big as Nipper. Gromit will look after 'the seat' for as long as Nipper allows."
HMV marketing director Graham Sim said: "I can't imagine that we would have entrusted our brand to anyone other than Aardman, who, in Wallace and Gromit, have created a much-loved British institution.
"We're delighted that Gromit has agreed to stand in for Nipper on this one occasion."
The original picture, together with its copyright, were sold to the Gramophone Company, now EMI, for £100 in 1898, with Nipper first appearing on an HMV record label in 1907.
Sunday, 25 March 2007
1am rants
Glanced through one of my other blogs yesterday night. Last time i posted there was in october. It felt like ages ago. But it was only 6 months. And YET i felt 3 months passed so quickly. Ironic isnt' it?
Sunday, 18 March 2007
(Part One) 21st October 2006 - Arthur's Pass to The West Coast!
Friday, 16 March 2007
He says: "Surprise!"
Came back from cellgroup a few hours ago. And just before CG started, I found an ang pow in my backpack! Those in cg saw me holding up a golden angpow and waving it around! heee....I totally forgot my boss gave me one at the AeroCareer Pavilion!
I just took a peek at the amount...And....if you look back two postings ago, under 'CNY Testimonies', for my new mobile phone, i was $5 short! So with this angpow, that means God has given me a free phone! HAHAHAHA....
His surprises just doesn't end huh...I guess...that means His blessings toos...heee...YAY! free new phone!! Yippeee!!! With $$ to spare somemore! =D