How come? because a meeting i had to attend requested us to dress super casually. So i did so lor....besides, it was a good thing, as i didn't know the go kart racing was free!
HAHA...i went a few rounds...everyone said i was pretty slow...but i tell feels super fast in there...especially the turns...the centrifugal force was so strong, my arms and shoulder back was aching on Saturday! hahaha...=)
I couldn't take a photo..and the photographer i designated didn't know how to use my mobile phone after the first shot. =) it's was pretty fun...but i think i would fare better with a proper track...this one was just cones and they were spaced widely apart. so there was risk of going in the wrong direction with the wrong it's scary...
Anyway free no complaints!...hee...will definitely try it again!
Weekend before last (17 to 18 Nov), Pst Phil was in town. For those of you who do not know, he's from a church in Australia. He's one of my pastor's 'mentors' and he's super talented, in music and the arts. his specialty being oil paintings that sell in galleries! Cool huh?
So he was here to paint as he preached. first time he's doing it elsewhere other than his own church! He painted the Last Supper and the Cross on the Saturday and Sunday service respectively. The paintings would be auctioned and proceeds to go to our church building fund! =)

Last i heard the cross went for SGD60K...I wonder what the final one was..i will go ask around. hee...
After service, because i drove that weekend, i decided to bring 'what was left' of my cellgroup to somewhere different for lunch. We went to East Coast Park and decided to try out the new korean restuarant above the Burger King, which i heard was pretty good. It was Emy's first time eating korean! haha...I thought the plates displayed were cute and Anna's and Emy's coloured t-shirts too!
I ordered Soba fish (see the plate in front of me?)...yummy...i like certain fish...this one is one of them as it's nice and crispy, with a burnt taste. =)...hahaha...that's anna having a serious moment reading her hp sms...HAHAHAHA.. =P
Candid shot!
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