The bill chalked up to $143 for 10pax. =) the standard at least $10 for a main and $4 for a drink on the average kinda cafe with the typical western choices. But it was a good choice coz it wasn't crowded so we got a place almost immediately.
We were hungry man...and 4 a grp of 10pax to travel from Expo to Bugis HUNGRY should not be triffled with...hahaha...
After that...the some of us went present shopping. and jalan-jalan lah...D&T left together...D gg reservist tml...all the best man bro...=) so he left to go cut hair...T was his escort/ body guard! LOL!
At about 5pm it was left with Anna and me...she was gg to meet one of the cg members near clarke quay later at 6 i thot to accompany her, since i had nothing on and she had time to kill...we decided to succumb to i'll kiddish impulses and went to Settlers to play game for 2 hours....
It was nice walking and chatting from Raffles Plc mrt...=) SO QUIET that place...on a sunday! Hah! God was good to provide shady clouds tho the weather was warm.
So here is the pic! this is the second game we played. the first was Blokus or smthg like that.hahaha...We won one game each...the trick? pick the orange pieces! NOT purple!
Second game was called Balloon Cup...calculation and sabotage! LOL! i took this pic when Anna had to go off to meet the cg mbr...nothg to do mah...shld keep some memories...

Second round due to lack of time...we were not making sense towards the was hilarious coz i kept putting the cards wrongly and saboing myself instead of her!! xiao liao...anyway...i concluded she won lah...=(
RE-MATCH!!!! --akan datang!! (ie. coming soon)..hahaha
After that more walking to bus stops and chatting...God was sweet and provided a pleasant and breezy evening for it. PTL!...heee....
ok time for bed...tml got work..cham liao...=S
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