Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Waiting to bathe! Let mum bathe first so that she can sleep earlier and she won't bang my door every 2 mins and ask if i'm done..hahha...

Today i made my first trip to a TCM clinic. I've been to those sinsehs who did stuff for my sprains before. But this is my first for an ailment. Generally i wouldn't go. if it weren't for some facts like consistent track record from the same source with real first hand friends. And of course, most importantly a friend i had lost touch with for 2 years took the effort to arrange it all and even accompanied me today. Hahaha...I've always known him to be a sincere and generous person, ever since he came to know God. =) Really his life was transformed and i'm so happy for him.

Anyway, back to the visit. I talked a mix of english and chinese. And thank god my friend helped with some translation here and there.

The doc told me alot of things I had already known. What I can't eat, that should lose weight and the HBP. But he especially interrogated me on why i believe I had gout..hahaha...maybe he scared i those kind self diagnose. Which is very valid. so i told him I've been tested before. So with the assurance I got checked out blood wise by a western doc...he moved on...

He didn't even poke da foot or ask me to take off my sandals for a look. he however kept pointing at my toe when i told him it's the ankle..LOL...but i think he was trying to tell me that it usually happens at the toe. which is true.

he told me it's not a simple disease. (tell me something new...) he said there are two possibilities (1) is the diet...(which we all know)....and (2) that my body aint' flushing it out fast enough or unable to do so..

dotdotdot least he knew what he was talking about and not drumming up some mumbo know like saying soemthing completely unrelated.

I think he also could see that I knew my stuff...from the casual way I replied. I guess usually people will be asking deep deep questions if they are unclear. Hehehe

Another thing he equally stressed like the western doc was --> NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER. and he said it looking straight at me. hahaha...i nodded and gave my casual mmm...and he added TWO LITRES per day.. with a I MEAN IT expression..hahaha

So that was it. 3mins. $15.

Meds $20.40.

i was expecting he'd help with some accupuncture..=( oh well, maybe it was not neccessary and he would save me some $$ eh..ahaha traumatic i wonder if i can do this another 6 times this week. =S

I havent' cried while drinking something in a long long least 20 years. Coz i remember some horrific green drink my mum gave me when i was 10. But i swear to you. It wasn't as bad as this.

Boss was doing evil laighter when he heard i got the brew kinda herbs. He is bad...really bad...and it sounded like he was remembering his own experince as he made funny mouth noises in the background. Yeeeks...

Never would i have thought somethign could be that bitter. LOL.

I think Boonie will die if she ever drank that..hahaha...last i noted. her tolerance is chicken essence and it's 'never again'...HAHAHA...

time to bathe!

Footie been starting to ache for the past 3 hours..=( God please help..

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