Tuesday, 8 December 2009

me back up phone

Getting quite used to my basic phone. =) So far nothing out there has enticed me enough to cough out the cash to pay for a more 'to-date' phone...hehehe...

the few cons of my phone is that I can't increase volume when I'm talking...so no option to hear the otehr party louder, other than to ask them to TALK LOUDER..hahaha...

Also, with the slow processor, smsing can be irritating when i type faster than it reacts..LOL...

the cool thing i like about it is the alarm functon. When it goes off it says in a female voice: It's time to get up, the time is ___!

The snooze can go on for an hour...just that the interval can't be controlled. Sunno why, some days it's 1min, other days it's 5 or 10 mins....weird....

Like it lah...drop it also heart won't pain..hehehe...and when i grip it hard, the plastic begs for mercy as it creaks and strains! it's strangely shiok...

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