Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Work week 2 of the year has just ended it's first day. Hmmm...Funny, i wonder if it's a good sign to be so aware of it. LOL.

so many bits and pieces happening. Haiz. And just when we thought one was settled, only found out it's partial. *gulp*

I was just showering when i started thinking about prayer and the power of it. It's been so long since I've had these kinds of thoughts move into my conscious. It is a simple act of faith. Anyone can do it.

The best thing about it is that you don't have to put it in so many words or be eloquent in speech. Just have heart. =) Talk to God as you do a friend. A close friend. coz you'll be sincere. i know you rarely hear Him talk back. But jsut take it that he's a good listener k?...hahaha

I always envisioned angels jotting down everything I say and *rolling their eyes* at my silly mistakes or having a "not-again" look..hahaha..pity the angel who gets me when i fall asleep halfway..lol...but they will still do thier duty and bring up the prayers to Him. =) becasue Angels bring up our prayers mah...

ok ok...dont' drift too far..else i'd go no where. I guess say here and there, I just wanna tell god I appreciate his patience with us. =)

Feeling comfy here, just sitting back and wriggling my toes with the cold air blasting in my face. Can tomorrow not come? hahahaha...God give us strength and wisdom coupled with immense favour, please...on all the stuff we can't work on can you please send your angels to work on them and I pray that your grace will cover it all. For everything we touch, that it leads to goodness and in accordnace with your plan. I trust in you that you will protect and stand up for us. Amen!

Ok, the fact I'm rambling prayer on the blog means the brain is 82% gone..hee..

I should gooo...

Oh and ge is back from her tweep with her family. Yipeeedoo..., Ge's back!! heh....though I rather she stay far away as possible from the =S of work..haha...=) I wonder how many times she turned into an icicle in Korea. hahaha..=D

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