Sunday, 17 January 2010


Late friday afternoon, boss was in his office having a meeting with 3 staff. It was not the kind I could not interupt. Anyway, there was a reason why I had to interupt, so i stood at the doorway.

Then just before I turned to leave, Boss gave me a knowing look and asked me "So ok with the 8K?"

I wanted to answer -- If I had known what the question was refering to.

I must have had this static look on my face coz one of them burst out laughing.

Then I said:" Boss which 8K? 8K at present mean alot of things to me leh. 8K for a boothlet, 8K is how much we owe xxxx, 8K is the number of publications to reduce to..."

HAHAHAHA...boss was amused too...

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