Wednesday, 6 January 2010


What a tiring's a domino effect the past few days. Usually you can scrap us off the ground on Thurs or Fri.

Thank God things worked out at the end for one of them. And I pray tomorrow in their morning meeting they will trash things out and everything will be in our favour. We will not be in that meeting. But I pray God you'll send an angel to oversee it.

At the end was quite frustrating, but i did laugh at the end after sitting down, just because I resigned to the fact that boss was in that mood. So freakin' irritating for the simple terminology of a 'balloon'..i got fed up and asked what he wanted me to call them? so that henceforth i will use that term jsut to shut him up. But becasue teh otehrs had yet to feel the extent of the irritation, they listened in to his crap...and i figured..jsut let him doens't matter what i say... though one of them alos got tired of it.

so i jsut sat there and let him waste time. preciosu brainstorming time. Nothing productive or helpful, and he ropes in everyone to the crap. i should'e jsut goen back to my laptop. But I was in teh middle of a discussion. abotu it also xian..had enuff..

God..please sjut help us k...thank uuuuuuuu...

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