I was scanning though my mobile and saw pictures i took with the intent to blog them sometime when i'm more free..hahaha, seems tougher these days. =)
Anyway, i'm here to cover them..haha...well, it's not much, but here i go!
Yep, I took a picture of a cheque of $1K to me! whoop dee doo!..(sorwee for the poor quality..I tried my best)...haha...I was going to bank it in, then i remembered that an event like this MUST be noted! Of course i've had a cheque written in my name before. (pay cheque lahz)...but this one was a cheque completely unexpected that came in the mail! Got it sometime in end July?
why I felt it was so important to remember it is because, i was reminded of these funny prayers we had in earlier years, when we were still in uni..i think it was cellgrp or something, but we would give thanks for the food, and among the other things to ask for, we said it'd be cool to get cheques in the mail/ find $$ on the floor!...hahaha...poor student mah...LOL!
so here's my first cheque in the mail! thank you heavenly Daddy! hahaha...i dunno why i got it, though i know from where...(kept it confidential lah..so you see me covering it here with a penknife)...mmm...i proabably will never find out..hahaha...got $$$ take lah!!! =P First week of August is my cellgrp's birthday -- we are ONE!. Anna bought a cake to celebrate. =) so i took a pic to remember her heart for the cell. =)
A year ago, on the night of FOP was the first time we really mulitplied. it was late and Anna and I remember how lost we were getting one of our new members home. As back then it was a rented car on the first day (means no street directory in the car, since i pick it up straight from work and went to the indoor stadium) we really had to drive by faith...haha..sigh...it was quite horrible..we were lost in the north west for about say...1 1/2 hours and i only reached home at 3-ish am....
We ended up on wrong roads...dark roads...roads that pointed to cemetaries, farms...and even to johor! haiz...thank god it was night..i could do insane 3-pont turns! Anna was quite farnee...she so wanted to help me, but she confessed she's not familiar with the roads -- she was not alone...haha
At one point, my tank was getting low...and we weren't even near any HDB civilisation which i know will have a petrol station...so i told Anna: "Eh, you're the CGL..this is serious..time to really start praying!"...hahaha...well, thank god! He showed us the right sign board...*whew*...that is one night i won't forget for a while..haha...no names here who the person is that we were sending home...but man...it was a challenge!

I was slightly peeved. Why? coz i was only a minute away from FAXING ...=( now that the phones didnt' work...means i went to office for nothing?!...ARGH!!! sigh...in absolute stubborness i sat there and worked till my laptop battery died...Humph!-- at least i was there TO THE eND!...MUAHAHHA... (self deception)...
satisfied, i left the office, only to find...THE LIFTS weren't working! DOH!...mobile phone was low batt...and it was pouring outside!...HOW!...--emergency exit lor...
Now you must understand that the emergency exit stairs in my building is complicated for security reasons. One wrong calculation or 'blurness' and i'd be stuck in the stair well...=S i tried calling the guard on my mobile...he wasn't there and i figured..he must've gone to solve the power supply problem..*gulp*...so i dragged the dustbin from the toilet and jammed it at the stairdoor.
And i peered down the stairwell-- pitch black!! haiz...so really had to use my 'low batt' phone to provide the light...i had to use the batt wisely...it is my only connection to the outside world..remember..all my office phones are DOWN!
When i finally reached downstairs after the ordeal, guess what? -- the power came back on!! *(@#^@*&#^@*(#&...haiz...WAT timing! of course i'm happy it came back on...but it was mentally so taxing 'strategising' ..i could've saved myself that exhuastion by waiting say 10mins...of course I wouldn't know when the power would come back on lah!
I had to take the lift back up to my office level to remove the dustbin for security reasons...haiz..
So yes, heavy rain, I had to head to city hall to buy a balloon for one of my cg bible sch graduation...I was trying to reach my CGL to check on the plan/ timing to meet etc...ARGH...coudln't reach her...HP low batt, time is running out and i had to make a decision...so yes..i headed for city hall alone...and i would joing the rest at toa payoh to make the card later..
After paying stupid ERP to get into Suntec side to go to city hall....the Carpark there was full!...SIGHZ...so NO balloon from there...gotta go straight to toa payoh. Please note, i've hardly driven into the town central area of toa payoh..doens't help it's raining and traffic speeds are more uncertain...so i had to plan my route while driving.
(that is...at traffic red light, flip page, scan fast fast...look for key road/landmarks/turns, memorise-- then glance up to check light change...when going to change, throw the directory on the passenger seat. At another light, refer on my left to the open book to make sure i'm on the right track. OR...mutter to myself and re-flip to the page if the book closed while i was driving...sighz...)
This is very good training!!! hahahaha...and some of my friends wonder how i can read the street directory so fast. Now you know! =P
So yes, after a time of short time- but mentally challenging driving, i reached my destination and insisted to the group we eat swensons..It was 6 plus...I am hungry ( no lunch) and i needed to reward myself after a horrendous few hours...=P
So yes, here's the card we did...look above!=) it's not complete, coz we had yet to paste a cg photo in the centre and sign at the sides =) But it still looks so so good! heee....as usual, as i held on to it when we left swensens, you just dun wanna give it to the person anymore..HAHAHA..=P
Sunday...mmm...another long wet day. Morning, was to service and the grad ceremony for the bible sch students! parked at office...walked halfway...and remembered...the card was still in my car ( I was holding the balloon and present too)...back track! had to find the cg, settle down and quickly stick the photo during annoucenments...haha...
Because i knew i had to help take care of the CG after the service, AND i had to settle the work thg (that i failed to do on saturday due to the power failure -- and HAD to do it by 12pm)....i bounded off to a quiet place outside the service area at 1150am, with my CGL's permission during the name calling for the certs. *stress* (thank god the sermon ended early)
Settled it went back to the cell, did the celebration for the cg, photo taking, (had to relocate cgl...)...hahaha..it was a mess lah...finally...1pm..LUNCH!..i was tired, no appetite, but i know i gotta eat...so i cheen chai lah...may not taste fantastic and cost $$...but just eat and mai-hiam!
2.30pm moovie screening in ch...another chance to rest..hee...then...5 plus, rushed down for one of my ex-cg members wedding at sentosa...giving some my cg members going a ride. It was raining cows and donkeys manz...reached there wet!
Anyway, it was good, and we all enjoyed the food, trying everything! hahaha...=) the coconut ice-cream and the cheese cake was heavenly (i'm so glad i un-ashamedly took a LARGE slice for my table..coz going back later no more liao!)..hehehe...
OK..i've been yakking non-stop..haha...i really can remember it all manz!...all in all...a tiring weekend! =)
officially, this post was written from 11pm to 3.30am...why so long? internet keeps cutting off ( so trouble shoot), had to go pick my mum at 1am, found a dead cat on the road...so double back later to give it a better disposal...haiz...long night...sad about the cat though..it was a hit-and-run case... sadness....poor kitty..it was an old cat...big one too..i think it lived a good life.
It was dead, but still warm when I picked it up with the garbage bag, it was a head wound...placed it in a box i went home to get...and left him to be disposed. I just couldn't bear to leave him on the road to be mangled to pieces by passing cars. (he was still a whole)..sigh...I hoped it was painless and quick for it...
Sighz...Kitty is in heaven...=)
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