Sunday, 31 August 2008
trip to cold storage...
A tinge of sadness filled me when I stared at the Bens and Jerry fridge. - No offer! So long liao...haiz...
But I tell you, just as I shrugged and walked past it I heard my name being called!
I stared back at the display again...and a humble one pint of the 'One Cheesecake Brownie' smiled and called out my name again. It added..." Buy me! Buy me!"....hahaha...its a matter of principle you know? I just couldn't bear to let it down at that point after its intense pleading...
So i took a deep breath, grabbed a basket and took the pint. The pint cheered 'Yippee!!' as I waked on... =P
While waiting to pay at the cashier, I ended up laughing at myself when i stared into my basket. Probably entertained the little girl in front of me...
Why?...My basket contents:
1) Ben and Jerry's ONE CHeese cake brownie ice cream
2) WeightWatchers Peanut Oat cookies - 50% less calories than regular cookies
HAHAHA!! Such contrasting items...hehehe...two polar ends of the sin category!
it was not intentional lah...the cookies were on a very good offer. I've neer tried them before, so I thought to try lor....
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Blog mah-la-thon
I was scanning though my mobile and saw pictures i took with the intent to blog them sometime when i'm more free..hahaha, seems tougher these days. =)
Anyway, i'm here to cover them..haha...well, it's not much, but here i go!
Yep, I took a picture of a cheque of $1K to me! whoop dee doo!..(sorwee for the poor quality..I tried my best)...haha...I was going to bank it in, then i remembered that an event like this MUST be noted! Of course i've had a cheque written in my name before. (pay cheque lahz)...but this one was a cheque completely unexpected that came in the mail! Got it sometime in end July?
why I felt it was so important to remember it is because, i was reminded of these funny prayers we had in earlier years, when we were still in uni..i think it was cellgrp or something, but we would give thanks for the food, and among the other things to ask for, we said it'd be cool to get cheques in the mail/ find $$ on the floor!...hahaha...poor student mah...LOL!
so here's my first cheque in the mail! thank you heavenly Daddy! hahaha...i dunno why i got it, though i know from where...(kept it confidential you see me covering it here with a penknife)...mmm...i proabably will never find $$$ take lah!!! =P First week of August is my cellgrp's birthday -- we are ONE!. Anna bought a cake to celebrate. =) so i took a pic to remember her heart for the cell. =)
A year ago, on the night of FOP was the first time we really mulitplied. it was late and Anna and I remember how lost we were getting one of our new members home. As back then it was a rented car on the first day (means no street directory in the car, since i pick it up straight from work and went to the indoor stadium) we really had to drive by was quite horrible..we were lost in the north west for about say...1 1/2 hours and i only reached home at 3-ish am....
We ended up on wrong roads...dark roads...roads that pointed to cemetaries, farms...and even to johor! haiz...thank god it was night..i could do insane 3-pont turns! Anna was quite farnee...she so wanted to help me, but she confessed she's not familiar with the roads -- she was not alone...haha
At one point, my tank was getting low...and we weren't even near any HDB civilisation which i know will have a petrol i told Anna: "Eh, you're the CGL..this is serious..time to really start praying!"...hahaha...well, thank god! He showed us the right sign board...*whew*...that is one night i won't forget for a names here who the person is that we were sending home...but was a challenge!

I was slightly peeved. Why? coz i was only a minute away from FAXING ...=( now that the phones didnt' work...means i went to office for nothing?!...ARGH!!! absolute stubborness i sat there and worked till my laptop battery died...Humph!-- at least i was there TO THE eND!...MUAHAHHA... (self deception)...
satisfied, i left the office, only to find...THE LIFTS weren't working! DOH! phone was low batt...and it was pouring outside!...HOW!...--emergency exit lor...
Now you must understand that the emergency exit stairs in my building is complicated for security reasons. One wrong calculation or 'blurness' and i'd be stuck in the stair well...=S i tried calling the guard on my mobile...he wasn't there and i figured..he must've gone to solve the power supply problem..*gulp* i dragged the dustbin from the toilet and jammed it at the stairdoor.
And i peered down the stairwell-- pitch black!! really had to use my 'low batt' phone to provide the light...i had to use the batt is my only connection to the outside world..remember..all my office phones are DOWN!
When i finally reached downstairs after the ordeal, guess what? -- the power came back on!! *(@#^@*&#^@*(#&...haiz...WAT timing! of course i'm happy it came back on...but it was mentally so taxing 'strategising' ..i could've saved myself that exhuastion by waiting say 10mins...of course I wouldn't know when the power would come back on lah!
I had to take the lift back up to my office level to remove the dustbin for security reasons...haiz..
So yes, heavy rain, I had to head to city hall to buy a balloon for one of my cg bible sch graduation...I was trying to reach my CGL to check on the plan/ timing to meet etc...ARGH...coudln't reach her...HP low batt, time is running out and i had to make a yes..i headed for city hall alone...and i would joing the rest at toa payoh to make the card later..
After paying stupid ERP to get into Suntec side to go to city hall....the Carpark there was full! NO balloon from there...gotta go straight to toa payoh. Please note, i've hardly driven into the town central area of toa payoh..doens't help it's raining and traffic speeds are more i had to plan my route while driving.
(that traffic red light, flip page, scan fast fast...look for key road/landmarks/turns, memorise-- then glance up to check light change...when going to change, throw the directory on the passenger seat. At another light, refer on my left to the open book to make sure i'm on the right track. OR...mutter to myself and re-flip to the page if the book closed while i was driving...sighz...)
This is very good training!!! hahahaha...and some of my friends wonder how i can read the street directory so fast. Now you know! =P
So yes, after a time of short time- but mentally challenging driving, i reached my destination and insisted to the group we eat swensons..It was 6 plus...I am hungry ( no lunch) and i needed to reward myself after a horrendous few hours...=P
So yes, here's the card we did...look above!=) it's not complete, coz we had yet to paste a cg photo in the centre and sign at the sides =) But it still looks so so good! usual, as i held on to it when we left swensens, you just dun wanna give it to the person anymore..HAHAHA..=P
Sunday...mmm...another long wet day. Morning, was to service and the grad ceremony for the bible sch students! parked at office...walked halfway...and remembered...the card was still in my car ( I was holding the balloon and present too)...back track! had to find the cg, settle down and quickly stick the photo during annoucenments...haha...
Because i knew i had to help take care of the CG after the service, AND i had to settle the work thg (that i failed to do on saturday due to the power failure -- and HAD to do it by 12pm)....i bounded off to a quiet place outside the service area at 1150am, with my CGL's permission during the name calling for the certs. *stress* (thank god the sermon ended early)
Settled it went back to the cell, did the celebration for the cg, photo taking, (had to relocate cgl...) was a mess lah...finally...1pm..LUNCH!..i was tired, no appetite, but i know i gotta i cheen chai lah...may not taste fantastic and cost $$...but just eat and mai-hiam!
2.30pm moovie screening in ch...another chance to rest..hee...then...5 plus, rushed down for one of my ex-cg members wedding at some my cg members going a ride. It was raining cows and donkeys manz...reached there wet!
Anyway, it was good, and we all enjoyed the food, trying everything! hahaha...=) the coconut ice-cream and the cheese cake was heavenly (i'm so glad i un-ashamedly took a LARGE slice for my table..coz going back later no more liao!)..hehehe...
OK..i've been yakking non-stop..haha...i really can remember it all manz!...all in all...a tiring weekend! =)
officially, this post was written from 11pm to 3.30am...why so long? internet keeps cutting off ( so trouble shoot), had to go pick my mum at 1am, found a dead cat on the double back later to give it a better disposal...haiz...long night...sad about the cat was a hit-and-run case... sadness....poor was an old cat...big one too..i think it lived a good life.
It was dead, but still warm when I picked it up with the garbage bag, it was a head wound...placed it in a box i went home to get...and left him to be disposed. I just couldn't bear to leave him on the road to be mangled to pieces by passing cars. (he was still a whole)..sigh...I hoped it was painless and quick for it...
Sighz...Kitty is in heaven...=)
Monday, 25 August 2008
In no-conclusion...
But really, i wonder why i bother keeping that blog..since it gets..mmm...3 posts a year on the average?..2007 was record! only one post last for 2008 was back in March!! ...but its there as a back up lah..,
This can only mean two things...1) I am still bottling myself naturally...2) My friends have ear aches hearing me prattle on!!!...whahahaha...I thought of 3) which i think is the best...that God hears me and sorts me out till i don't need to blog...=P
I guess lately i've been alittle more expressive in my posts...whenever, i'm stressed or pissed and i blog it get to read it here.
This blog has a few posts that never get posted and gets seems after i've written everything down, I decided i've gone too far...and best left unposted. =)
I guess what held me back is coz soooo many people can read the blog neh...hahha...though i think i get an idea of my readership - thank you and i feel privileged...and there is one or two of you (you know who you are) who know that i am more than the expressions in this blog....=P and Shen puts me on his link list! (not that I mind bro...else i would've told ya long ago...)
But i'm so tempted to just blog my insane self in here manz...yes, Jeano 101 - yeah! the real mean jean! *evil laughter*....ok ok...i ain't that bad...
oh no...i just cgl reads my blog too! Aiyo...*slaps head*...that makes things hard..hahaha..No lah, she's not bad...she's good 'kay...she has great patience and tenacity...Anna, you've just been awesome...I care for you so i don't want to leave you with sleepless nights...ahhahaha...err...i think by saying this i just did...hee...*bleah*
ah well..another decision, as if there isn't enough at work...this is called killing thyself...LOL!
Sigh...God help me..
Saturday, 23 August 2008
been another long the time i got home after cellgrp was about 1210?..on the way back today some crazy cab driver almost caused an was ...[ ] close can cut out like that one...then after that horn at me somemore! sigh...
earlier today run red light too..hahaha..and played 'Musical Cars' with my boss and Ge...LOL...quite funny really if you just watched us from a distance...
well after reaching home from cg...i just felt very...very...mmm...need to i changed into something comfortable but decent to go out in...grabbed my new story book..and headed out to the macs near my home which is 24 hours now...=)
Fries, Iced tea and a book...and i just nuah-ed there...spacing out occassionally and watching people walking in off and on to order...couple of ang-mohs ordering an obscene number of burgers...then these two guys on my right (who were there before me) - talking about govt incentives/ grants...*faints*-- see lah..can't believe it manz...such situation also can't run from 'govt grants'..Raarrr!!
two ladies who came in -- looked like from the pub opposite...walked in, sat down..didnt order and talked loudly at length about some guy and that one of them shouldn't let him get away with it..!?!?!....much to the chagrin of this order guy who was there for the same reason as me...(i'm guessing lah)..he was seated alot closer to them...
He ordered a tea...then after finishing it, a large fries and mc wings....after that..he bought another tea...he looks damn tho he was focussed on his breathing and forcing himself to look around to clear his mind! then he takes out a paper and starts writing...hmm...
then i was watching the night manager teach this chinese boy how to clean the machines...
hmm...not bad...and i accomplished reading 3 chapters of me book...all this in about 1 hr 15mins...
I probably wouldn't stayed longer if not for the fact my eyes were giving in...=)
So i am...and i can't sleep...crap lah...=(
So yes..back to my random thots...maybe if i write it will help...this probably won't mean anything to most of you...but crap's very random now...and i need to get it out of me system!
Let's see... ended fast today...olympic soccer is on tv..reimbursement cheques...did i give my tithe?...need to return my junior $$ dog needs her annual injection...tommorrow is saturday...annual report....haiyo...mktg folder...this new story book is quite farnee...i wanna sleep...AGM...where are my auditors with my report!...need to sort out with my accountant a good memebr graduating from bible sch...MC minutes..oh no, sunday gg to be so busy...=( boss's blank cheque!!!...
OK...super sleepy now..think it's working...yay! byes!
Monday, 11 August 2008
My Fav Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
It is essential that i have a stock at home, especially during stressful should've seen me during the Singapore airshow period. It was my only time of reward and indulgence after a long day. Home at 10.30pm, shower and settle in...for an hour between 11.30pm and 12.30am, it was just TV and ice more work, no more planning...=)
To me Ben and Jerry's Ice cream beats Haagen Daz anytime! When you dig into it, you're forever rewarded with endless dee-lish chunks/ swirls of ingredients/ textures and tastes! Yums...
I've yet to find a flavour I totally dislike. But my top two (in no particular order) are Phish Food and Fossil Fuel.

I Love the dark chocolate chunks of Fish and dinosaur shapes in each tub...sigh...If I'm in the mood..towards the end, I'll just eat up the ice cream and put all the fish/ dino shapes aside in the tub. Then the final reward is a large spoonful of pure dark choc shapes!! *heaven*

Sunday, 10 August 2008
My heavenly Daddy's encouragement...
Work's been alright. I still live by the revelation that work is never ending - so you'll need to pat yourself on the back for the small victories, else you'll just die waiting for the biggie. As much as I wail about it here and possibly directly to some of you readers, innately, I'm still happy with how I'm doing and thankful for the blessings. =)
I used to think that if I had to work so hard for a long time, I'd be a sour old prune or possibly lose myself. But interestingly, really...haha...His plans really...LOL...Although I've been more edgy, less time for myself, etc., i think I've kept my personality..I hope..haha...OK, if you think otherwise, let me know..haha... But it has so far been a time of getting to know myself more...
I'm still tired daily from the various permutations this job presents itself. It goes beyond the physical. But mental my roles and responsibilities sink in...areas of self-doubt need to be conquered. Obstacles and setbacks can be a daily affair..but you just have to live by His grace, else you'd really go crazy fighting the battle on your own.
My system has begun to accept the fact that the challenges are here to stay for the many months to come. Initially I thought there was an end point. But then again, best not to speculate...haha...
Acutally this post is for my boss, Aloy. He doesn't read my blog of course! =P..but yeah...
Today he wrote us another encouraging e-mail. The second in just a little less than a month...hahaha...shows his sensing of the morale of the troops eh? hahaha....even though he irritates me on the way he does certain things and giving me good kicks. He's just been a good boss lah...and schweet to think and pray for us.
Earlier tonight, the key words of the first verse above lingered in my mind, so i went hunting for the actual verse and was also happy to find the two verses after it that held promise and direction. I scribbled it down in my work notebook - at the top of some of the key things I have to get done over (optimistically) the next two days! =P I really like the second verse about walking and running. =)
It's at these times, things seem blurry, trying to understand why I go through the things I do...and wondering what i'll become at the end of it all..but i just have to trust in Him and His plans...and remember that He's with me - when i hurt, he's sad too...when I'm happy, he's having a celebration...=)
After finding the verse, I read my boss's e-mail. It is good, because God is good. =)
Saturday, 9 August 2008
For my country...
This is possibly the first national day i can remember in my life, that it didn't truly dawn upon me that it is coming, till the day before.'s as thought each time it's mentioned, i forget it by the next day!
I guess i've been too engrossed by other things. But my little island need not be too sad. I totally forgot that they Beijing olympics was just the day before too! And i'm more keen in watching sports than the NDP parade/ celebration.
It's not because i've grown up. I haven't watched a full NDP since i was 14. Same thing every year lah...=) i just like wathcing the front parts...hee..and yes..i will say out the pledge very loudly at home with the tv..=)
still i love the older songs written for NDP. They were more meaningful and weren't so commercial. These days you have a new song every year...what's up with that manz...and here we are complaining we have no's a prime example!...out with the old, in with the new!
My all time favourite will always be 'We are Singapore'...i thought it was the coolest coz it included the pledge in the tune. And the way it starts off so bleak truly reminds me of the hard life our forefathers had to go through...And as cheesy as it sounds when it comes to the part of 'This is my country, this is my flag, this is my future, this is my life, this is my family, these are my frens..." -- it brings to rememberance the life that you lead...all facets of it..=)
As desperate as my generation seems to want to get out of this country since our...I days. We want to travel and live overseas etc. Anything to get out of this cramped, stressful, expensive island...and we have...some of my friends have moved overseas and made a home for themselves there. Many of my friends have too travelled extensively in their lives...
Me?...hmm...i can't deny I still have the same feelings..LOL! but the grass always seems greener on the other side.
But i'm not here to put down my little island. I can complain and gripe all I want. But at the end of the day, here is where I work, breathe, foster relationships and spend most of my life. So why not enjoy the ride? =) and just cheeer my little island on.=) Hee...
Friday, 8 August 2008
Not too good lately eh...
On tuesday i actually blew a fuse over---wait for it-- Pizza!....ya manz...the whole office got a glimpse of one pissed Jean...haha...sigh...I was so regretting it immediately after, because ...honest to goodness, it's not about the pizza but the story behind it that just capped off the entire situation!...ah well, what's done is done. If people are going to think it's over a pizza, I can't do much..besides I can't erase the real reason for my sudden frustration. =) except to just let it go...
this afternoon came another wave. This time quite contained, except my boss got the brunt of it since he was the cause of it. Sigh...i totally see his point and why he did it... I support it too, for it was the good of the org...But but...*sniffs* the reprecussions meant more work for me...and he needs to tell me such things in advance lah..I can't keep getting these heart attacks!
I was so peeved I couldn't work anymore and in fact had to go downstairs with me MP3 player to sort my thoughts..why?...coz sitting in the office led to me thinking about just throwing in the towel...i dunno what i'm going to do ...but i just felt at that point i don't have it in me for all this anymore...
Thankfully that thought didn't last more than a minute...i just snapped myself out of it. Knowing I had to take action fast, i went downstairs and stared out at the pouring rain. Mind you, it wasn't a fantastic scenario...i was surrounded by smokers and i realised i forgot to bring my access pass down. (means i need to call someone to let me back upstairs to the office.)..hahaha
But yes, i flipped back to semi-ok status in those 6 mins. Still felt sick about it...but on recovery. I felt my inner self digging deeper and realigning back to the way it should. I remembered why i am here, the blessings that surround me daily and that that was one heck of a stupid thought to have. I fought back tears actually. Sigh...see lah..more emotional with the stress..hahaha...
But tears came when i knew what i needed to do. I will press on...=) simply coz i am still happy. My misery was temporal, all i had to do was recognise it and scream at it. I still believe in the good things...the wonderful things that are with me and are ahead.
When i feel conflicted this way, I feel like a soldier/ warrior in the middle of a battlefield. Bruised and battered, scared like shit, tired and in the middle of bloody carnage. He cries coz he doesnt' want to be there and just wants to go somewhere safe..just somewhere far away from this terror/ horrible feeling...
Something makes him get up again..still crying but more controlled...unsteady but trying to move ahead...and walk on...that something is God in him...=)
It takes me quite abit to get up again sometimes. Not that God isnt' around...He sure is..but He does it His way with me...but he gets around to it..hahaha...thank god..LOL!
Anyway, it's over and passed....I really didnt feel like going to cg that evening. I just needed to go away...but after i got a bit better ... i decided to to go..just to irritate the hell out of Mr Sa Tan for thinking he got the better of me by ruining my afternoon...hahaha..=P
Ge was sho sweet lah...sent me these really nice encourage me...=) she stayed behind to hear me wail my heart out even though she had to give her sis a ride home..=P Sorry girl!...but thankies..hee...she's da best lahz...
time to zzz!!!