Had planned this while I was doing my photo-story of my Frankfurt-Paris trip back in Jan/Feb...but always felt it could wait for a time you just want to look back and have a laugh. =)
I've laid them out below in completely random order. I just seived through all the photos again (including some from my mobile) and picked out mostly a handful of photos that never made it to my photo-story...but they've all got great/silly memories to go with it.
So here we go and I hope you have fun!

Yeah!! La Tour Effiel bathed in blue! It's so pretty and I'll always remember it this way, with it's beautiful sunset views along the Seine river...
Believe it or not, I've been contemplating building the Lego version of it! (which reaches your shoulders)

One of the views from my bed in Frankfurt. It's the sharing table between the beds. -- and as you can see, Ge and I are just (organised) messy slobs. -- Which to me was a relief! =P
I took this pic while Ge was showering...Oh, and i never told you that the hotel's bathroom heater runs by a circular dial timer that switches off every 10mins. The dial timer is located OUTSIDE the loo...so it was quite amusing coz everytime I reset the timer for Ge, I felt as though I was setting the oven/ microwave to cook a chicken (in the loo)...hahaha...once you turn the dial to set it, there's a ticking sound as though it's counting down the seconds! LOL!
Good thing there was not 'ding' sound to mark the end of the 10mins!! HAHAHAHA....

Ballooon Dog in Versailles --- Cute...I still love it...
Loved it even more the way it was portrayed in Night in the Museum 2, because it really illustrated how I feel inside whenever I see this Balloon Dog sculpture! (Go watch the show!)

A large wood model of Notre-Dame, in the church itself. Ge took the pic, focussing on the ever intriguing gargoyles.
I always remember she was the one who pointed them out to me outside the church ah...I was like "Gargoyles!?!?! HERE!?! I thought they were only on Dracula's castle!!"

Sacre-Couer: Church of the Sacred Heart -- part of history, heritage and a religious site.

Could we possibly be arrested for sacrilegious behavior outside it's walls? Hahaha...

Hahaha...They really are some of my favourite photos of the trip...=)

Arc de Triomphe! It was triumphant last stop we chionged to go see after a long day at Montmartre that was topped off in a hunt for a Gucci bag for my mum...=)

The transit at Doha airport on the way back to SG. We had a Root beer float with a 6 pc nuggets and fries. -- an amazing price of S$30 in total! Heh...and that's Ge with her JD Robb book she bought in Galleries Lafayette, Paris...a real import! =P

The Hotel de Suez's clautrophobic lift that can fit 2 humans OR 3 luggages, 2 backpacks and 1 Ge...haha...it's just the width of my shoulders lor. 2pax and you can't turn liao...Hmmm...its a lift where you can't blame that it's 'someone else' if you farted in there huh?...hehehe...

The Seine River - One of the many bridges that links Ile de la Cite to the other parts of Paris. Buildings are like all of the same colour type there..build the same time bah...=)

First night out in Frankfurt! -- And we were looking for the red-light district! I'm serious...we WERE looking for it! hehehe...=P curious lah, supposed to be super near our hotel.

We got around Paris by train all the time! =)

Kopi in Frankfurt by the side of the road.

In the tour around Romerburg (Frankfurt) -- Clear skies and what looks like a rocket?!? Can a plane go straight up like that?

This is a good illustration of 'How to ignore Ge."..hahaha...She was reading the guidebook outside Pantheon, Paris.

Museum in Frankfurt: Stupid ideas cross your mind after a long day. -- Trodden to death by a dinosaur. ( does my insurance cover this?!)

Couldn't keep my hand steady for the shot coz we we're giggling like kids over Ge's facial expression as she went on a Kinder Bueno high!

The 'dash' between Dome and Crypte is deceivingly simple here on the signboard. In reality, a few hundered stairs...*gulp*...we came- we conquered!

Dinnertime in Paris was always a cozy affair. Every cafe had character and warmth.

Hahaha..this picture though deceivingly plain has a hilarious 'pek-chek' story behind it! It's the organ in the Royal Chapel of Versailles. We were walking past and were rewarded with a rare moment the musician was playing a beautiful piece on the historical organ!
After we wormed our way to get a good view in front, Ge hit the video record button, only to have the SD card run out of memory after 3 seconds! GAK!!!...the poor girl scrambled, dug and loaded a new card and restarted the camera. The whole time, we mused "Wouldn't it be just 'great' if he stops playing just when you start recording again?"....yeah..that pretty much happened lor..HAHAHA..he actually played his last note when it started recording and we were hoping, that maybe, just maybe he'd play another one...haha...dashed hopes..=)

It's cold enough to leave your beverages outside our Paris hotel window to chill. =) Lemon Lime Bitters schweppes which I realised can't find in SG! =(

Hahaha...when I dont' cooperate with the photographer!

Ge's nice artistic shot of the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, using one of Jeff Koon's exhibits. =)

Frankfurt - we tried desperately to fit ourselves into a photo with the big Euro dollar! the joys of digital cameras!

The Oriental Teller at Haufbanhof station...this is me sending my first sms home in the middle of dinner!
Am blessed I can travel... hee..=)
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