Ingredients: Popeye's Mash potato, soya sauce, cut green and red chilli, tomato sauce, vinegar and a 'whole lotta sisterly love', blended on a paper plate.
He had 1minute to eat a whole spoonful of Jean's creation (see right hand) and finish the Mr bean soya ice cream (see left hand)... he took 25mins! to the chargrin of many...especially Anna who constantly repeated: "Adrian! ...Can eat faster or not?"
We swore to him, that the present is CONFIRM USEFUL IN ARMY..he going NS soon lor...
(see left hand) We took an empty mobile phone box and put lavender scented mosquito coils inside PLUS a packet of Salonpas plasters for body aches and pains -- USEFUL right?!...We gave TWO diff presents leh...he should feel privildged!! =P
AND BECAUSE WE LOVE HIM SO MUCH -- we bought him another box of mosquito coils (see right hand)...yes, lavender scented again. We want him to be calm in camp!
(inside the mosquito coil box was the motorola mobile phone camera type -- confirm useful for army! Duh!...THAT was the real present...haha)
Her Birthday is no worries, she doesn't act like she's one years old...
not like..*ahem* you know who...haha...
N404 thanks E198 for joining the celebration at Swensen's Terminal 2! Of course, they were rewarded for their efforts and could watch two free visual entertainments!
Visual Show Number One: (see below)...sigh..this is er...opps..Jean's creation again ah! OMG...I have to repent and stop doing this!
Ingredients: Because she's a sister she got one scoop of mocha ice cream that had 13 peanut M&M's buried within -- use only your mouth to take out at least 7 of them.
Disclaimer: the above was approved by CGL Anna...hee...
Disclaimer: the above is of course NOT approved by CGL Anna...
It is climaxed by the the sacrificial slaughtering of the CGL with a plastic cake knife.
Privileged member who does the honours: Jean (how come me again ah!?!?) --- now i need to go repent again...*grumps*
Privileged member who does the honours: Jean (how come me again ah!?!?) --- now i need to go repent again...*grumps*
Disclaimer: No worries,...the CGL was not consumed after the slaughter. =P
This is me with Jenny...She graduated from SOT (bible sch) in ...*drum roll* guessed it -- August!!! hahaha...24th lah...
Sigh...I need to repent again...there i was being RUDE and using the MOBILE PHONE during the group shot! (working lah...haiz..had to settle something impt)...
Finally! A good shot! =D ....hmm...My does get outta hand..LOL...
Like me, Adrian highlighted the issue of his hair too....hahaha...and fenny (below) totally agrees!
Adrian is gonna get the NS hair cut soon...
so we just had to take the last few photos of him with hair...
15th Sept -- we will miss you Adrian!
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