Arghh.....fighting zzz monsters....sniffs...
Monday, 23 February 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Au revoir Paris!!!
Halfway walking through the maze of tunnels in the metro, we realised maybe it wasn't such a good idea to head anywhere we were not too sure about getting to while lugging two big gucci paper attracted attention lah...notch good...we got looks which clearly spelt tourist with goods..haha...
I wanted to go see the Arc de Triomphe and take photos there at least...=) Honestly, we were tired oredi lah, and should head back soon, so with God's pretoectioand and direction, we found our way there.
The triumphal arc honors those who fought for France, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. On the inside and the top of the arc there are all of the names of generals and wars fought. Underneath is the tomb of the unknown soldier from World War I. It was built from 1806 to 1836.
A handful of torurists where there taking photos too, but we didn't have to wait long to get front and center opportunities with the Arc!
We managed to take a nice pic with our first try! Yiiipppeee!!! hee...
With the constant traffic that circles the arc, there's an underground tunnel that brings you to there. But i told ge it was okie, that we need not go lah...I wouldn't be missing anything, being so dark you can hardly see anything..=) But on the side, I just didn't have a good feeling about it. Hahaha...I trust that is God's prompting lah...=)
The metro entrance at Saint Michel! So spooky hor...hahaha..cheesy kinda spooky!
It's the last night in Paris! made the best of it, taking shots here and there just to remind you of the streets of this city...

We got back to the hotel, dropped our bags and headed back to guessed it the same old usual, ge, with the gift of picking a good makan venue chose this spot! =) it looked really cozy and crowded with locals. =)
The entrees and the mains!
We had a table next to the bar...yeah, cramped corner, but the bistro was comfortable and the decor was interesting too!
Once again, we stayed there till super late! The table beside us changed diners twice!
While walking back, I was just thinking it'd be nice if tomorrow never came and we had to go home..hahaha...don't we all feel that way when a holiday is ending eh?
The entrance to Hotel de Suez was where we stayed these 4 nights. =)
Next morning, we just took to street was super chilly that morning and most of the shops weren't open yet. we headed to the Pantheon which was pretty near our hotel.
Unfortunately, the place wasn't we took some photos outside...
Seems there was an art exhibition around there...=)
This area is near the Univeristy grounds, so there were many bookshops and stores catered to the students. Even the cafe's had a different focus and prices were a wee bit cheaper.
We opted to settle brunch at one of them, which had extremely friendly staff, who made the extra effort to welcome us by introducing us to what was nice and being patient while we decided..even though we kept changing our mind..=)
the Kopi queen with two cups of the brew...MAHAHAHA...
You see all the FFFoooooooodddddDD behind me?! *slurp* My pasta was colourful but too dry...see lah -- Jean, stop experimenting!!!...hahaha...but I guai, I finished it all--- by stealing the sauce from ge's plate...hehehe..
After that we just continued our stroll and did a quick roundabout to NotreDame and back up Saint Michel, picking up my Arc de Triomphe painting poster along the way (which I've put up on my cupboard!)
That's it folks! OK OK....of course we took the plane back...but that experince was terrible, coz we paid for the airport shuttle and the guy dropped us off at the wrong terminal. We had little time to spare and had to move fast to find the right one, which was a complicated procedure of terminal trains (like our sky train) and lifts to different levels. The bad thing about it was that your trolley ain't allowed on the trains!!!!
Ya lor...not only that, they put up barriers at a distance so that the last 50m was covered dragging your luggage. to make matters worse, ge's bag was spoilt remember? =S
The airport is quite messy too with unclear signs, slow Qs...and once again--Thank God for Changi Airport...i begin to understand how we won the accolade for so many years..hahaha..
I also had a horrible experience with the VAT chap and inefficient attitudes man...thank god at the end for the kind security guy who was going off duty (he looked chinese)..he willingly helped me post the envelope.=) ---there was supposed to a box to drop it off one lor...but we never saw it! =S
Ah well, we got through it...=)
At the departure lounge, we were waiting with a large number of muslims, not sure whether they were arabs?..they were laying out mats and praying....hmm..but anyway, no harm intended k...this is not a racist joke...but ge (the less blur of the two humans) pointed out to me that they were praying and bowing down directly in the direction of the toilet was quite farnee lah...yes..I know, it was not the toilet was the direction of Mecca rite?..=)
That lightened up the mood for the rest of the trip home, coz we were quite riled up by the entire airport episode...sheesh...
Oh, and I expanded my vocab on the plane you know?! Coz the person next to me was calling me a 'Stup'!!! (pronounced 'Stoop') !?!?!?...grrr...she was forgiven ...screw bit loose with the airplane pressure you know..hahaha...=P
So if I ever call you 'Stup' dun be upset with me hor...i'm simply practicing..HAHAHA... =D
Au revoir!!
I wanted to go see the Arc de Triomphe and take photos there at least...=) Honestly, we were tired oredi lah, and should head back soon, so with God's pretoectioand and direction, we found our way there.
The triumphal arc honors those who fought for France, particularly during the Napoleonic Wars. On the inside and the top of the arc there are all of the names of generals and wars fought. Underneath is the tomb of the unknown soldier from World War I. It was built from 1806 to 1836.

We managed to take a nice pic with our first try! Yiiipppeee!!! hee...

It's the last night in Paris! made the best of it, taking shots here and there just to remind you of the streets of this city...

Once again, we stayed there till super late! The table beside us changed diners twice!

The entrance to Hotel de Suez was where we stayed these 4 nights. =)
Next morning, we just took to street was super chilly that morning and most of the shops weren't open yet. we headed to the Pantheon which was pretty near our hotel.

We opted to settle brunch at one of them, which had extremely friendly staff, who made the extra effort to welcome us by introducing us to what was nice and being patient while we decided..even though we kept changing our mind..=)

That's it folks! OK OK....of course we took the plane back...but that experince was terrible, coz we paid for the airport shuttle and the guy dropped us off at the wrong terminal. We had little time to spare and had to move fast to find the right one, which was a complicated procedure of terminal trains (like our sky train) and lifts to different levels. The bad thing about it was that your trolley ain't allowed on the trains!!!!
Ya lor...not only that, they put up barriers at a distance so that the last 50m was covered dragging your luggage. to make matters worse, ge's bag was spoilt remember? =S
The airport is quite messy too with unclear signs, slow Qs...and once again--Thank God for Changi Airport...i begin to understand how we won the accolade for so many years..hahaha..
I also had a horrible experience with the VAT chap and inefficient attitudes man...thank god at the end for the kind security guy who was going off duty (he looked chinese)..he willingly helped me post the envelope.=) ---there was supposed to a box to drop it off one lor...but we never saw it! =S
Ah well, we got through it...=)
At the departure lounge, we were waiting with a large number of muslims, not sure whether they were arabs?..they were laying out mats and praying....hmm..but anyway, no harm intended k...this is not a racist joke...but ge (the less blur of the two humans) pointed out to me that they were praying and bowing down directly in the direction of the toilet was quite farnee lah...yes..I know, it was not the toilet was the direction of Mecca rite?..=)
That lightened up the mood for the rest of the trip home, coz we were quite riled up by the entire airport episode...sheesh...
Oh, and I expanded my vocab on the plane you know?! Coz the person next to me was calling me a 'Stup'!!! (pronounced 'Stoop') !?!?!?...grrr...she was forgiven ...screw bit loose with the airplane pressure you know..hahaha...=P
So if I ever call you 'Stup' dun be upset with me hor...i'm simply practicing..HAHAHA... =D
Au revoir!!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
My day...
Today is just one of those harrowing days you'd like to note down. Although I knew I was to have this early afternoon meeting since last Thurs, it's a meeting that you can only prepare so much for.
This morning the office was slightly quieter with boss and half of them out for the Career press conference. I was in my room, basically just ain't feeling good...with news abotu a GIRO form to be filled up. I's just a GIRO form...but it jsut feels as though it doesn't end sometimes...haiz...
Anyway, I was also thinking about how to get more companies to come for the aussie airshow which is less than 4 weeks away. =(
To qualify to cover bulk of costs, there are rules of minimum number of companies (6) taking part.
I barely have half the number of the minimum (3) ...with 2 more taking up a really small space and the possibility is slimmer than slim...
In as much as I'm trying to get companies in, I must take care of the current ones that have confirmed. They need the exhibitor passes soon and can only get it when I make payment for the whole area..which will burn a hole in my org's pocket. But i have no choice but to make payment soon...very soon...
With less companies on board, means i can't cover costs...
If I can't even cover the basic cost of exhibition area, how can i even possibly think about accommodations and airfares!??!...thus i'm so hesitant to make the bookings, which worries me at the same time too...coz delaying aint' good. (maybe harder to get)
Another problem with so few companies,...the exhibition will not look good. Too bare...and the current companies will not be happy too...
Yes, to get more companies to come in, I can offer it to them for free/ discounted rates...BUT THEN...who's gg to cover the cost?! it doesn't solve the financial headache.
With constant repackaging of discoutned rates every few hours (to cater to the company) the cost and revenue exel sheet i'm working with is so times, I told my boss, It can be done, but if you ask me now if we'll make a loss, i can't guarantee over the phone just like that coz there are so many 'side effects' to a single change.
Sigh.... anyway, back to the early afternoon meeting. It was with one of the confirmed companies for the aussie airshow. They wanted to pull out. Met the MD, who was firm about his decision in the meeting, and i did what i had to some point i was nervous and felt my voice tremble. Think about it, it's on thier turf and you're face to face with the MD nitpicking and basically have to tell him that he's got it wrong in a good way and hope he sees it...
Never been for a meeting like's not about the rejection. It's about the fact you know the effects of it in so many areas as stated above...worse...they refuse to make payment even though they signed a contract of sorts and told me, if my mgt/ bosses have a problem with this, he'll be alrite to entertain a phone call from them.
The MD tossed me the invoice and said. I received this, I'm not paying for it, I will not be exhibiting, we'll be there, as a visitor and come by and see how you guys do it, and maybe we can consider the next time. Humph...i understand WHY he doesn't want to take part (i agree it makes sense)...but in the first place..they didn't clarify what level of service is why penalise us?
In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, with companies like you pulling out, how am I even going to get it running...=S
I've faced similar situations as above of not being able to get companies in for a show etc. But it's never so much of a combination of all the negatives above...
sigh..doesn't help that the contractor for the stand works in (what my boss calls) the "Aussie way of doing things"...i.e. take forever to respond. Even my exhibitors have problems working with other Aussie companies...Can you imagine a multinational courier company in Aussie does not pick up the phone?!?
Sorry...this is just a snaphot of what I thought alot about today. This is probably the rare/ first time i've put down in such details what's in my mind for work.
After that, I swung by one of my auditors place to pick up a doc that ge and I have been working hard to get the past 2months (at least). Handled the auditor, who seems to find a bond with me...and tried to emphasize on the bond further...sigh..I was just too numbed by the previous event, that I just made sure I made my way through, got the docs, without allowing myself to be too nice.
It was four-ish when I got back to the office...peeked at some e-mails.
After that me dragged ge to go buy my hp! things to share the joy of buying something neat. hee...took awhile, (thanks ge for waiting!)..but they gave the good service as per norm. =)
(Anna! I saw the brown poodle you told me is Milo..sho cute..he can smell my dog on me..hee)
Then I had the pleasure of eating da best chee cheong fun I've had in a very very very long time...come to think it, I dont' even remember one that can even compare to this...*slurp*...only unfortunate was the chwee kway, that smelled deceivingly good. The bedok hawker one is still da best for that...hee...
Oh, parking at arcade was frightening. I have never seen such severe wall CHIPPINGs off the walls of this carpark in every corner DECORATED with MULTICOLOURS (ie. all sorts of car paint)...*shudder*'s super narrow...when u pass a pillar / turn, i actually winced. And I thought the old carparks at orchard was bad...this was was unforgettable.
Even to reverse park (where my lot was) your car has no choice but to mount the small walkway of the lift lobby! Woe to all the big cars there man...
Thank god i'm a bit more seasoned with my Blooie, else I'd likely have been more gutless..hahaha...
Okies bed time...=)
This morning the office was slightly quieter with boss and half of them out for the Career press conference. I was in my room, basically just ain't feeling good...with news abotu a GIRO form to be filled up. I's just a GIRO form...but it jsut feels as though it doesn't end sometimes...haiz...
Anyway, I was also thinking about how to get more companies to come for the aussie airshow which is less than 4 weeks away. =(
To qualify to cover bulk of costs, there are rules of minimum number of companies (6) taking part.
I barely have half the number of the minimum (3) ...with 2 more taking up a really small space and the possibility is slimmer than slim...
In as much as I'm trying to get companies in, I must take care of the current ones that have confirmed. They need the exhibitor passes soon and can only get it when I make payment for the whole area..which will burn a hole in my org's pocket. But i have no choice but to make payment soon...very soon...
With less companies on board, means i can't cover costs...
If I can't even cover the basic cost of exhibition area, how can i even possibly think about accommodations and airfares!??!...thus i'm so hesitant to make the bookings, which worries me at the same time too...coz delaying aint' good. (maybe harder to get)
Another problem with so few companies,...the exhibition will not look good. Too bare...and the current companies will not be happy too...
Yes, to get more companies to come in, I can offer it to them for free/ discounted rates...BUT THEN...who's gg to cover the cost?! it doesn't solve the financial headache.
With constant repackaging of discoutned rates every few hours (to cater to the company) the cost and revenue exel sheet i'm working with is so times, I told my boss, It can be done, but if you ask me now if we'll make a loss, i can't guarantee over the phone just like that coz there are so many 'side effects' to a single change.
Sigh.... anyway, back to the early afternoon meeting. It was with one of the confirmed companies for the aussie airshow. They wanted to pull out. Met the MD, who was firm about his decision in the meeting, and i did what i had to some point i was nervous and felt my voice tremble. Think about it, it's on thier turf and you're face to face with the MD nitpicking and basically have to tell him that he's got it wrong in a good way and hope he sees it...
Never been for a meeting like's not about the rejection. It's about the fact you know the effects of it in so many areas as stated above...worse...they refuse to make payment even though they signed a contract of sorts and told me, if my mgt/ bosses have a problem with this, he'll be alrite to entertain a phone call from them.
The MD tossed me the invoice and said. I received this, I'm not paying for it, I will not be exhibiting, we'll be there, as a visitor and come by and see how you guys do it, and maybe we can consider the next time. Humph...i understand WHY he doesn't want to take part (i agree it makes sense)...but in the first place..they didn't clarify what level of service is why penalise us?
In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, with companies like you pulling out, how am I even going to get it running...=S
I've faced similar situations as above of not being able to get companies in for a show etc. But it's never so much of a combination of all the negatives above...
sigh..doesn't help that the contractor for the stand works in (what my boss calls) the "Aussie way of doing things"...i.e. take forever to respond. Even my exhibitors have problems working with other Aussie companies...Can you imagine a multinational courier company in Aussie does not pick up the phone?!?
Sorry...this is just a snaphot of what I thought alot about today. This is probably the rare/ first time i've put down in such details what's in my mind for work.
After that, I swung by one of my auditors place to pick up a doc that ge and I have been working hard to get the past 2months (at least). Handled the auditor, who seems to find a bond with me...and tried to emphasize on the bond further...sigh..I was just too numbed by the previous event, that I just made sure I made my way through, got the docs, without allowing myself to be too nice.
It was four-ish when I got back to the office...peeked at some e-mails.
After that me dragged ge to go buy my hp! things to share the joy of buying something neat. hee...took awhile, (thanks ge for waiting!)..but they gave the good service as per norm. =)
(Anna! I saw the brown poodle you told me is Milo..sho cute..he can smell my dog on me..hee)
Then I had the pleasure of eating da best chee cheong fun I've had in a very very very long time...come to think it, I dont' even remember one that can even compare to this...*slurp*...only unfortunate was the chwee kway, that smelled deceivingly good. The bedok hawker one is still da best for that...hee...
Oh, parking at arcade was frightening. I have never seen such severe wall CHIPPINGs off the walls of this carpark in every corner DECORATED with MULTICOLOURS (ie. all sorts of car paint)...*shudder*'s super narrow...when u pass a pillar / turn, i actually winced. And I thought the old carparks at orchard was bad...this was was unforgettable.
Even to reverse park (where my lot was) your car has no choice but to mount the small walkway of the lift lobby! Woe to all the big cars there man...
Thank god i'm a bit more seasoned with my Blooie, else I'd likely have been more gutless..hahaha...
Okies bed time...=)
Sunday, 15 February 2009
4 + 1 books...
It was almost like a scene out of those vampire castles..if it weren't for the modern flourescent lights and the knowledge that it was day light outside, it would've been even spookier. Hahaha...hardly anyone was there...
Sacré-Cœur = Sacred Heart. The crypt is suppsoed to contain a relic that some believe to be Christ's Sacred Heart ...hmm...didn't see that leh... probably coz everything was in french.
Historical artefacts lined a corner of the crypt.
A grisly thought swept though my mind, when I wondered how many injured/ dead/ dying people sought refuge in this underground enclove during times like World War II....=S
I know..I sacre myself..Mahaha...this place has the strangest statues...the scariest to me was the one below...near the exit..
It is really very life-like!!! I actually 'glared' at it so that I won't be know face up to your fears...the features on the face was so real, I wouldn't be surprised if the eyes just suddenly opened and looked back at me.
So strange to have a statue of someone holding their head lor!!!
Now I've found out, he's Saint Dennis. He was a martyr having been beheaded by the sword on the highest hill in Paris (now Montmartre).
He was the bishop of Pariisi and (allow me to be blunt) in essence pissed off the pagan priests by having too many conversions. So they took him to the top of the hill and did the deed.
According to legend, after his head was chopped off, Denis picked it up and walked two miles, preaching a sermon the entire way. The site where he stopped preaching and actually died was made into a small shrine that developed into the Saint Denis Basilica, which became the burial place for the kings of France.
So they have since then illustrated him, holding his head...yikes..
Ge points out to you where we actually were earlier, at the top of Sacré-Cœur....OOOoooooo
After that, we spent the rest of the afternoon just strolling the streets and poking our heads at display windows. =) Me bought a new passport cover for myself! Still a patriotic red with a rebel streak..coz got a pirate on it! hehe...
We popped into a simple eatery that just served kebabs and we had coke..*slurp* to go with it. it was tea time, but effectively, our lunch! =)
At the last few shops we bought quite a bit of stuff, especially Paris jacket, tees for my sisters/ nephew and carabina chain souvenirs. Last shop was for boots! Ge got one pair toos...or was it two...hmmmmm....=P
Anvers was the metro stop! And we were going to head to find my cgl's gucci bag...hmmm..where did we go again ah? no...not Champs Élysées I think it's rue Royale that we needed to go to, which was pretty near our first night makan venue.
Whatever it was, we were new to the underground pathways in the metro...and we finally found an exit as near as possible to rue Royale, that 'spat' us out to a beautiful sight!
Look familiar??? Yep! we were here before -- Place de la Concorde!! This is a really nice photo..=)
Shopping haul from Paris! Yeah...the affordable end of the shopping scale..I was just telling ge as we were headed to the pricier branded shopping part of town how we'd look carrying our pasar malam type of shopping goods..hahaha...
Anyway, cut the long story short, i had to go to Galeries Lafayette to get the bag, coz they didnt have stock at the main outlet!!...It was within walking distance but we had to move fast..coz they would be closed in about an hour?
The trek finding our way there was proabably the fastest pace of walking we'd done in our time in time to browse the shops.
And yes, Galeries Lafayette was hard to miss...this is just one of the two buildings ...and they were would the gucci be huh?...
To be dead honest, it was a horrible place to be inside and we couldn't wait to get out. It was packed and warm with horrid ventilation. The lights were blindingly bright and ...did I say warm?
Cutting through the maze of cosmetics...i decided to look up...WAH!!!!...I quickly poked ge to see...(who was efficiently occupied finding where in the world was that gucci. It's like finding your way around takashimaya for the first time with NO MAP/ DIRECTORY lor..horleeble...)..
So nice!...heee...the pics came out nicely!
We found the place, which was horribly understaffed, given the customer type they had that day..i.e. not like us, ask, check and go. And we had to wait abit...thank god for patience and was getting warmer, and we had our bags to take care of lor...
Anyway, I got my cgl's bag and picked one for my mum. Haiz...then still need to queue for the duty free stamp...and figure out the forms. Staff weren't that helpful lah...gimme a break's my first time. They gave me this increduled look when i asked them to explain the process to me...grrr...
Good thing ge wasn't there, I'd probably allow her to bite off their heads! hahahaha...she was book browsing...I was so happy she went to buy another book to read for her trip home...I know it just brightened her up... Ya...this girl is a bookworm, she inhaled the 4 books she brought for the trip liao and wondered if she could survive the trip back without one. HAHAHA...
She had been hesitant the past few days to spend the $$ on the book...understandable lah...hehehe...but thank god she did orh...else...who knows..she'd chew me alive on the plane or something...=P hehehehe...

Historical artefacts lined a corner of the crypt.

It is really very life-like!!! I actually 'glared' at it so that I won't be know face up to your fears...the features on the face was so real, I wouldn't be surprised if the eyes just suddenly opened and looked back at me.
So strange to have a statue of someone holding their head lor!!!

He was the bishop of Pariisi and (allow me to be blunt) in essence pissed off the pagan priests by having too many conversions. So they took him to the top of the hill and did the deed.
According to legend, after his head was chopped off, Denis picked it up and walked two miles, preaching a sermon the entire way. The site where he stopped preaching and actually died was made into a small shrine that developed into the Saint Denis Basilica, which became the burial place for the kings of France.
So they have since then illustrated him, holding his head...yikes..

Dunno who trying to act cute...=P
....Probably thankful she still has her head....
....Probably thankful she still has her head....

We popped into a simple eatery that just served kebabs and we had coke..*slurp* to go with it. it was tea time, but effectively, our lunch! =)
At the last few shops we bought quite a bit of stuff, especially Paris jacket, tees for my sisters/ nephew and carabina chain souvenirs. Last shop was for boots! Ge got one pair toos...or was it two...hmmmmm....=P

Whatever it was, we were new to the underground pathways in the metro...and we finally found an exit as near as possible to rue Royale, that 'spat' us out to a beautiful sight!

Anyway, cut the long story short, i had to go to Galeries Lafayette to get the bag, coz they didnt have stock at the main outlet!!...It was within walking distance but we had to move fast..coz they would be closed in about an hour?
The trek finding our way there was proabably the fastest pace of walking we'd done in our time in time to browse the shops.

Cutting through the maze of cosmetics...i decided to look up...WAH!!!!...I quickly poked ge to see...(who was efficiently occupied finding where in the world was that gucci. It's like finding your way around takashimaya for the first time with NO MAP/ DIRECTORY lor..horleeble...)..

We found the place, which was horribly understaffed, given the customer type they had that day..i.e. not like us, ask, check and go. And we had to wait abit...thank god for patience and was getting warmer, and we had our bags to take care of lor...
Anyway, I got my cgl's bag and picked one for my mum. Haiz...then still need to queue for the duty free stamp...and figure out the forms. Staff weren't that helpful lah...gimme a break's my first time. They gave me this increduled look when i asked them to explain the process to me...grrr...
Good thing ge wasn't there, I'd probably allow her to bite off their heads! hahahaha...she was book browsing...I was so happy she went to buy another book to read for her trip home...I know it just brightened her up... Ya...this girl is a bookworm, she inhaled the 4 books she brought for the trip liao and wondered if she could survive the trip back without one. HAHAHA...
She had been hesitant the past few days to spend the $$ on the book...understandable lah...hehehe...but thank god she did orh...else...who knows..she'd chew me alive on the plane or something...=P hehehehe...
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Anniversary!!! ...will it be a Nokiap?'s so easy to remember my work anniversary..=)
I went back to my 2008 post and do remember the moments I decribed in that day quite well. Hee...
Today 14th feb is on a Saturday. To think my first day of work was on a monday. =) the date skipped the 'friday'...hahaha...coz last year it was thurs..
Anyway, it's starting to feel like a long time, 4 years. hmm...i guess the feeling comes with the chnages in the org..=)
Am still happy I always try to remind myself that this is a job blessing from God under the circumstances that I was placed into it.
So here's the commemorative post to my 4th!...and may the coming year be one guided by God, blessed and be fun toos...let it be a time of better belief and progress...happiness and and beyond our imagination...and continual humility that it must and can only be Him first. Oh...and how can i foget...wisdom wisdom...and more wisdom..too many unknowns, too many situations...godly wisdom is important orh!!..=)
Oh, haven't ahd a chance to share about my dead happened so suddenly on thursday nite. In the afternoon, it kinda acted up but was fine. ie. no screen when i slide up. but after some button pressing it would come on...After that, it was fine..haiz...till night time it said bye bye to like my samsung z720, it really served me well..and had the coolest tiem in europe when the main screen changed according to the country you're in..hee..
the phone still works, but no visual --- so pls dun send me sms for the time being!
Since then been doing major hunting for a new mobile phone. I know hp screen die, no point fixing one..cost is the same as buying a new phone!!! One good thing is that my 2 year will end in April/ end March, so i qualify for the good rates.
If you've known me for the longest time, I NEVER owned a Nokia phone..which amused some of my cg members last time. It stemmed from rebellion days since my first phone in uni...when EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE was using a nokia..and the same model somemore..goodness..
it was deemed cool to own a nokia phone, but most sidelined the other brands as they were not as second phone onwards was a samsung, whcih from day one was miles ahead in terms of screen resolution..hee..=)
Anyway, the sad thing is that my phone has chosen to die at a time that the new samsungs are not to my needs..except maybe the omnia..hmm...but that one i heard is very buggy...
there's the new samsung touch they announced (the same day my hp died -- yes, it was pre arranged!!?!?)'s the Ultra Touch ....but..only to be showcased overseas in End the time it come singapore will be in 2 to 3 months...HAIZ...
Ultra series somemore fav...=S
ANYWAY....stop crying over spilt milk...I need to get a phone soon coz work needs it, and there will be a couple of overseas trips in the coming dealing with a transitional one may not be a good idea..I may not have the tolerance like last year to 'inconvenience' myself for the sake of the phone..hahaha..die lah..i'm getting old and too practical..
Hmm....maybe somewhere along the line I hurt my z720's feelings..ahhahaha, am not being ridiculous...coz when ge got the new qwerty nokia e71 in looked good! Same chrome steel style as my z720..which i really like..but like i said then..haha..too bad it's a nokia..hehehe
maybe the z720 felt bad about not having a qwerty..u slunk into depression and gave up...HAHAHAHA...ok..these days i'm so full of nonsense...NONSENSE...haiz...
Every other decent phone on the market is either (1) too pricey -- above $400 AFTER 2 year plan...(2) has quite bad bugs/software blues....(3) touch screen ones are nice..but have some cons at this stage of it's development....iphone need to sign up for other type of plans...aiyo...suddenly i'm reminded of building fund somemore...god..wat timing for the phone to dieeeee....
Can't go for a too basic phone, coz I keep my phone for a long time, so it's gotta be pretty new on the function end.
Seems like the Nokia E71 at this time is the best leh...ARGH!!!...*folds arms*....*stubborn look*
Oh well, ge was so cute on msn yesterday, she said, "I put a 'p' at the back, so that you're buying a Nokiap instead of a Nokia k?"....HAHAHA...=D
=)...okie, after all is said it just needs to be done...
it's a nokiap Jean, it really is...really...really...really lah!
Mobilephone shopping anyone? =)
I went back to my 2008 post and do remember the moments I decribed in that day quite well. Hee...
Today 14th feb is on a Saturday. To think my first day of work was on a monday. =) the date skipped the 'friday'...hahaha...coz last year it was thurs..
Anyway, it's starting to feel like a long time, 4 years. hmm...i guess the feeling comes with the chnages in the org..=)
Am still happy I always try to remind myself that this is a job blessing from God under the circumstances that I was placed into it.
So here's the commemorative post to my 4th!...and may the coming year be one guided by God, blessed and be fun toos...let it be a time of better belief and progress...happiness and and beyond our imagination...and continual humility that it must and can only be Him first. Oh...and how can i foget...wisdom wisdom...and more wisdom..too many unknowns, too many situations...godly wisdom is important orh!!..=)
Oh, haven't ahd a chance to share about my dead happened so suddenly on thursday nite. In the afternoon, it kinda acted up but was fine. ie. no screen when i slide up. but after some button pressing it would come on...After that, it was fine..haiz...till night time it said bye bye to like my samsung z720, it really served me well..and had the coolest tiem in europe when the main screen changed according to the country you're in..hee..
the phone still works, but no visual --- so pls dun send me sms for the time being!
Since then been doing major hunting for a new mobile phone. I know hp screen die, no point fixing one..cost is the same as buying a new phone!!! One good thing is that my 2 year will end in April/ end March, so i qualify for the good rates.
If you've known me for the longest time, I NEVER owned a Nokia phone..which amused some of my cg members last time. It stemmed from rebellion days since my first phone in uni...when EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE was using a nokia..and the same model somemore..goodness..
it was deemed cool to own a nokia phone, but most sidelined the other brands as they were not as second phone onwards was a samsung, whcih from day one was miles ahead in terms of screen resolution..hee..=)
Anyway, the sad thing is that my phone has chosen to die at a time that the new samsungs are not to my needs..except maybe the omnia..hmm...but that one i heard is very buggy...
there's the new samsung touch they announced (the same day my hp died -- yes, it was pre arranged!!?!?)'s the Ultra Touch ....but..only to be showcased overseas in End the time it come singapore will be in 2 to 3 months...HAIZ...
Ultra series somemore fav...=S
ANYWAY....stop crying over spilt milk...I need to get a phone soon coz work needs it, and there will be a couple of overseas trips in the coming dealing with a transitional one may not be a good idea..I may not have the tolerance like last year to 'inconvenience' myself for the sake of the phone..hahaha..die lah..i'm getting old and too practical..
Hmm....maybe somewhere along the line I hurt my z720's feelings..ahhahaha, am not being ridiculous...coz when ge got the new qwerty nokia e71 in looked good! Same chrome steel style as my z720..which i really like..but like i said then..haha..too bad it's a nokia..hehehe
maybe the z720 felt bad about not having a qwerty..u slunk into depression and gave up...HAHAHAHA...ok..these days i'm so full of nonsense...NONSENSE...haiz...
Every other decent phone on the market is either (1) too pricey -- above $400 AFTER 2 year plan...(2) has quite bad bugs/software blues....(3) touch screen ones are nice..but have some cons at this stage of it's development....iphone need to sign up for other type of plans...aiyo...suddenly i'm reminded of building fund somemore...god..wat timing for the phone to dieeeee....
Can't go for a too basic phone, coz I keep my phone for a long time, so it's gotta be pretty new on the function end.
Seems like the Nokia E71 at this time is the best leh...ARGH!!!...*folds arms*....*stubborn look*
Oh well, ge was so cute on msn yesterday, she said, "I put a 'p' at the back, so that you're buying a Nokiap instead of a Nokia k?"....HAHAHA...=D
=)...okie, after all is said it just needs to be done...
it's a nokiap Jean, it really is...really...really...really lah!
Mobilephone shopping anyone? =)
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Tales from the Crypt...
This post involves alot of blood but sweat...hahaha...perseverence and sweat..=P
After covering the public area of the church, we decided to do something different since ge has been here before, it's time to value add to the trip mahz. So consulting the guidebook, it said the Sacré-Cœur Crypt was worth exploring if you had the time and $$.
Crypt...OK...what do you think of when you hear the word 'crypt'? --- Dark...spooky...dead people...Underground...right????
We thought so too...but we ended up paying 5Euros each to climb a few hundred stairs to the top of Sacré-Cœur!!!!!!!! hahahaha....and no joke k, it's dark, cramped and there's no way to let people pass in that narrow stairwell...
I poked ge to walk up the stairwell in front of me. At least I know if she trips and falls I can still catch her...=) I doubt she can do much if it were reversed..WAHAHAHAHA...did I just insult myself?..hmm...hehehe...=P
Anyway, finally we surfaced from that foreboding stairwell and had to chance to walk along the rooftops! See our triumphant smiles? =D
Just like a scene out of Mary Poppins during the chimmney sweep song..hahaha
We still had to continue climbing up...this was not the end, but at least we were in the open. Back in that stairwell, we did lotsa encouragement coz there were thoughts of: What if i'm stuck here..this feels like forever...I feel my asthma coming round the legs are dying...What if the lights gave out?!? hahaha...
This stairwell is so steep you cannot see the person in front of you!!! Because i'm taller, when stretch my hand out in front, I can touch the stairs..haha..for a moment i was on fours guiding myself up..=P
Finally we reached the top!!! And this was the first thing we saw!!...*blink blink*
See the Effiel tower? =)
We were at the top dome of Sacré-Cœur and this gave us a 360 degree panoramic views of south Paris! =)
You can see my messier than ever hair mixed with pespiration in the pic below...took me several minutes to return to 'normal' temperature..AHHAHA...
It was a narrow circular passageway and the walls were scrawled with graffitti (No pens used. All you need is to scratch and there would be a clear mark due to the type of stone used to build Sacré-Cœur)...the oldest one I saw dated to 1965! I'm sure there were older ones though..
Sacré-Cœur is built of travertine stone. This stone constantly exudes calcite, which ensures that the basilica remains white even with weathering and pollution. Which i guess explains why the photos produced sepia like shots cool hor...
The foundation stone was laid in 1875 and only completed in 1914.
This photo is dedicated to our feet who served us well even though we were so unfit...hahaha...I was panting like crazy when we reached the top! Aiyah..i somehow have a tendency to hold my breath/ minimise my breathing when I climb... to exercise...what's this man...

Gargoyles here too! You can see the Montparnasse (left) and Effiel towers in this photo. Montparnasse is a commercial building that was such an eye sore after it was built (really a modern building out of no where) there were building laws on height limits after that...(which I read is soon to be revised unfortunately...)

Pic above shows the area of Sacré-Cœur...which has been featured in films such as 2001 french film Amélie and Sabrina starring Audrey Hepburn.
It is also the choice of scenery in several music videos...And if you are a Savage Garden fan, this is where the music video "Truly Madly Deeply" mainly featured, besides other parts of Paris.
Yes..dont' I look so serious here..ahhaha...I didn't even know when she took this picture!!

Meet the last bit of food we had on us. Yep, one last cube of Kinder Bueno.
I told ge while she was focussing her cam to take a photo of it: "You know ah, after the entire tracking up here, and if we were to be trapped in this dome (one entrance/ exit only)...this would be our last morsel of food leh..."
She gobbled it up without hesitation. (hahaha...I make her sound evil. =P)
Then we have the cute side of her...hahaha...I enjoyed taking this was so cute..HAHAHA.
I'm trying to fit into the same narrow ledge that Angela is sitting on lor..HAHAHA...really not possible lah..she's of a smaller build than me..=)
And with this fact it also amazes me that my hands are the same size as her's lor!!! WAHAHHA...
We wave an 'I love you!' goodbye to the Paris skyline!!!
And return to another narrow stairwell to ...*gulp*...who knows where...after all, the sign that said 'crypt' brought us just can't trust the sign boards here anymore man! =P
After covering the public area of the church, we decided to do something different since ge has been here before, it's time to value add to the trip mahz. So consulting the guidebook, it said the Sacré-Cœur Crypt was worth exploring if you had the time and $$.
Crypt...OK...what do you think of when you hear the word 'crypt'? --- Dark...spooky...dead people...Underground...right????
We thought so too...but we ended up paying 5Euros each to climb a few hundred stairs to the top of Sacré-Cœur!!!!!!!! hahahaha....and no joke k, it's dark, cramped and there's no way to let people pass in that narrow stairwell...
I poked ge to walk up the stairwell in front of me. At least I know if she trips and falls I can still catch her...=) I doubt she can do much if it were reversed..WAHAHAHAHA...did I just insult myself?..hmm...hehehe...=P

This stairwell is so steep you cannot see the person in front of you!!! Because i'm taller, when stretch my hand out in front, I can touch the stairs..haha..for a moment i was on fours guiding myself up..=P

See how high we are!...people on da street were like ants!
After all the hard work, we spent alot of time up here, taking in the views, resting and relaxing...=) We only bumped into the occassional tourist or two.
After all the hard work, we spent alot of time up here, taking in the views, resting and relaxing...=) We only bumped into the occassional tourist or two.

We were at the top dome of Sacré-Cœur and this gave us a 360 degree panoramic views of south Paris! =)
You can see my messier than ever hair mixed with pespiration in the pic below...took me several minutes to return to 'normal' temperature..AHHAHA... to exercise...what's this man...

It is also the choice of scenery in several music videos...And if you are a Savage Garden fan, this is where the music video "Truly Madly Deeply" mainly featured, besides other parts of Paris.

I told ge while she was focussing her cam to take a photo of it: "You know ah, after the entire tracking up here, and if we were to be trapped in this dome (one entrance/ exit only)...this would be our last morsel of food leh..."
She gobbled it up without hesitation. (hahaha...I make her sound evil. =P)

And with this fact it also amazes me that my hands are the same size as her's lor!!! WAHAHHA...

And return to another narrow stairwell to ...*gulp*...who knows where...after all, the sign that said 'crypt' brought us just can't trust the sign boards here anymore man! =P
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