After checking in and making sure they can accomodate the auto-check in for the rest of the mission team, it was only about hmmm...11am local time. I was hungry and thirsty. Needed to go out explore how to get around and where to get the basics.
The hotel had a shuttle to the schonofeld airport (which is the hub for the bus terminal and train station)...but it ran at the oddest hours. I had to squint at some silly A4 sized paper and understand the timings with block out dates. I asked the recep if they had a copy of it. ---No! =S
Wah lieu...thank God I smartened up and took a photo of it. Just as well easier to refer to when I'm out and about.
Next since it was a sunday and it's considered an ulu place, I found out that I had to request for the shuttle service out of the hotel. (ie. there's hardly any guest to make it worth the regular trip.) The recep was a little shocked when I enquired. She said:" Oh, you can request for it." Me:"Can I go now?"....lady:"Now?! Ok, let me see..." ..(*scuttles to back room to find the driver*)

Somehow, I managed to figure out I was supposed to find some signboard (which is the designated drop off/ pick up) and wait for the shuttle...if it's 5mins late from the supposed time of arrival. Call the hotel. (ie. we're not that efficient or come out when we want to.) Ah dui....
hahaha...anyway, pic above shows the 1970s look of the airport. (yes, inside looks like 1970s with the mosiac small square tile flooring and no lifts either.) Still, it was close to summer for them so you can see them all just sprawling on the open field reading, having picnics and chatting, soaking up the sun.
It's a good 400m walk from airport to train station. And I trekked up and down four times just to compare prices of snacks and drinks between the miserable number of shops/ snack counters between them. You can count less than 10. LOL!! At each trek, even tho the walkway was decently crowded, i did a mini detour just to avoid this strange normal looking man, who had this 'very free' look and kept approaching and talking randomly to passer-bys. Scary...

Really helpful and tried to explain to me what the items were. Eis Kaffee --- Ice coffee....Eis tee-- Ice tea...=) Wasser -- water...
I also got my dinner/ late lunch from another shop at the train station. Some kebab sandwich from a middle eastern eatery. (see the aluminium foil behind the biscuits) + a slice of pizza.
I tell you...i was quite worried how my kebab sandwich would turn out lor....since this schonefled area is so ulu, they don't expect tourists, so the whole menu was in german. My God...there was alot of pointing up at a wall (hoping he understood which pic i pointed at since they were not numbered)....then when the owner asked me more questions on choice of meat/ condiments/ stuffing and i retuned him the =S look, you should've seen his face contort to try to find the basic english words for me! hahaha
I wondered the whole time whether i'd find it edible. What was that weird greenish sauce he added? Did he even understand I wanted a take away? I had no clue to what I had agreed/ not agreed to and the final price he was going to charge me.
I wondered the whole time whether i'd find it edible. What was that weird greenish sauce he added? Did he even understand I wanted a take away? I had no clue to what I had agreed/ not agreed to and the final price he was going to charge me.
Its tiring but in cases like this, you just have to keep a smile, friendly face, stand out of the way of the locals (who just waltz in and ramble an order) and keep alert. Have to make sure you don't offend anyone lor.
Thankfully the man was nice and I believe he gave me alittle more than the usual stuffing, seeing how clueless and hungry I was. =) God is good. =)
So yes, My mini purchase of all the above is a grand total of *drum roll* = 50 euros! which is about S$75...*faints*..I felt very poor straight after...=(
Just 2 packets each of ice tea, milk, water, plain biscuits and a coca cola + dinner!!
Its tiring but in cases like this, you just have to keep a smile, friendly face, stand out of the way of the locals (who just waltz in and ramble an order) and keep alert. Have to make sure you don't offend anyone lor.
Thankfully the man was nice and I believe he gave me alittle more than the usual stuffing, seeing how clueless and hungry I was. =) God is good. =)
So yes, My mini purchase of all the above is a grand total of *drum roll* = 50 euros! which is about S$75...*faints*..I felt very poor straight after...=(
Just 2 packets each of ice tea, milk, water, plain biscuits and a coca cola + dinner!!

The cab driver whom I rode with to my hotel the day before just pointed in a general direction and said it wasn't far off. But i didn't trust their version of 'nearby' one lor..hahaha...besides he did not say it was within walking distance.
I spent alot of time moving between the Exhibitor's Centre and Hall 11 (which was where our booth was.) Everytime I had an issue, I had to trudge there. It's like...hmmm...walking between Wheelock and Wisma. Doesn't help me not in comfy boots and it's gravel/ raw road.
Above you see the booth next to on lor the taiwanese. But realised they sold it to two taiwan companies. Still they came in full force, one comepnay having a team of 6 people. =) So fun. They were laughing and chatting away while cutting and pasting their displays. Me felt lonely setting up...

I had to get help to put up the posters. Glad I planned well and brought all the materials I needed. Except I had to hunt for the only stationary shop to buy scotch tape. really can faint at the prices! hahaha...The shop was like a container truck run by 3 aunties! Very local...who were clueless about what i meant by scotch tape, or even tape...LOL...
I had to look and point...and when I heard a roll of masking tape costing 6 euros, I asked them if there was anything cheaper. After showing me 2 other versions of tape. I settled for the 2Euro one --which is the small roll, yellowish transparent tape that you can buy for 50 cents back home lor...S$4 for that...yes. it was the cheapest...kekeke...
Basic deocr for the SG booth! took me about 2-3 hours, waiting around for them to send the contractor to help. As with other shows, they always say they'll get it done and hope you'll just go away. I gave up once the lights were up, but country word not changed. It was already 4pm plus, and I may have to wait till the next day lor!

Took photos here and there. See the cars just drive haphazardly around the liberal, unlike the overdone security at our local show lor...

Thankfully, the day's were long in Germany at this time. Sunset was at 1030pm. So even at 530pm, it was still like 2pm! Can stay out longer!

This station was surrounded by constuction and looked very make shift. Very dark at night, which you'll see in my return trip pics.
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