Sunday, 30 November 2008

Quest for the golden rooster

After lunch i wanted to go back to st bartholomew to have a 'better' look...and we walked the area abit more...
The U-bahn (underground) stop at Romer...but the tram ride is more scenic as we saw this huge Euro monument below and we stopped by on the way back to the hotel for pics...
And's that's me with a bottle on my head (cold weather does things to your brain i tell you...)....

anyway, getting around frankfurt was interesting as you can get off and on, trams and trains without having to scan your ticket! there are no barriers! All you need to do is to show your ticket/pass when you are asked to (which we never were in our few days there) ...interesting huh!...of course, there will be those who try to take advantage of this...but i think its a cool system and shows a society that has 'advanced' we got off and on stops to take pics...and simply make a back track when we got lost...
A nicer pic of the Hauptbahnhof's only 4.30pm when we got there..and it is a though its 6 plus pm with the sunset...the really nice photos that ge took....

Platform where the tracks bring you to the longer distances...(we took our paris train here eventually!)
That rounded off saturday and sunday was a semi work day for us. We walked to the exhibition hall to familiarise ourselves should the need arise.... and i took a drawing pic of our Singapore Pavilion!
AIRTEC was the aerospace exhibition we took part in...=)
Then being a sunday and everything was closed including Zeil Street (which is like orchard road-- just imagine orchard road on christmas day and you'll know what i mean) was very boring for we tried exploring bit more of romer on our own...and saw this really cute korean cartoon...
And these really cute gulls lined up on a pole on the's as though they are in discussion...the next pic will show you how cute this really looks in prespective!
more views of the river...we did lotsa walking that can see st bartholomews church on the right side (the brown tower)
And to keep ourselves entertained, we were determined to find the bridge with a golden rooster on it (as said by the guide the prev day)....took us ..hmm...a VERY LONG walk and 3 bridges, but we found it!!
the story goes: long ago, this chief engineer was late in completing the bridge and would have his life should it not be completed. so he made a deal with satan to finish it in time...satan said he's want the life of the first living thing that crossed the the engineer agreed and the deal was sealed. So come the opening day, the engineer released a rooster to cross the of course, satan had to take the life of the rooster (like it or not!) here was the tribute to the rooster for it's sacrifice!!!!!!!
Further proof that Engineers are smart...tho i do not condone making deals with satan!!

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