Tuesday 21 September 2010


Today was a day of uppies and downs. For a start last night i strongly believe i have accidnetally deleted all the videos and photos in my hp camera...which is sad and i ahve been pushing the thought out of my mind. I really lost a lot of good stuff and memories..='(

This morning i couldn't wake up that early, but work was okie in the morning.Pretty much things are set, except the usual last minute things that were not compeltely unexpected. Intern first day at work. Then i went meet ge for lunchie for da first time at Terminal Toad since she left. =) *smacks lips* been a while since i had starbucks in the middle of the work day...in fact...hmm...since ge left lor...

Anyways, came back and boss's mood was okie...he had funny questions for me...but thank god we catered for it inthe event already. So no panic. =) The rest of the time was just vetting stuff so taht they can move...only some things ah...hmm...they really need to go think if what they say make sense. LOL

Then something at the tail end of the day came up that i refuse to rehash here...but that I want to Murder IRAS.

quickly scuttled home...sis was waiting for me to cook, so we ate in time for the news, and me did some reading for my course. =) after that was some work, then laundry.

I feeling pretty good now...sprange...hahaha

K lah, come tom morning, I hope I can move on to other work other than the event. Need to start shaking trees for coconuts.

HAHAHAHA....ok..i seriously dunno where that one came from..=P

Good nite!

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