So quickly two weeks have gone by...exactly 2 weeks since my last entry. =)
Been very busy. the first week, my boss came back earlier on the wednesday instead of friday. But already iw as rushing to make sure some things were in place from monday onwards.
then second week no need to say, becasue i had an event on thrusday. the days before that was terrible. besides the event, there were other things of course. But preparation of the event made sure that i was sleeping at 5am in the middle of the week. I slept form 8 to 10pm prior lah...but taht's because i was tired from work.
By the end of the event on thurs i was really stoned...i just marooned myself at home to recuperate! hah!
anyway, after taht was busy preparing for cg outing on saturday, 24 was good, nice place but no aircon!! GRRR....but it worked out well...=)
My fren from aussie was back on the 18th Nov. that nite was insane...after chompchomp session tath ended at midnite...we jalan Mustaffa till 4am. And i had to work the next big mgt meeting day....not only that, i had to pick up mum with all the coordiantion and rushing her to the airport between her two join shaz duck and boonie again for dinner at holland V...and let's not forget...we got abit lost..haha
oh well...i'm pretty tired actually, and dont ' feel like sharing...lazy lah...but i've got some highlight's like pst Phil's paintings, lunch at the korean restuarant, stardust movie ( fantastic show) and trip to T3...all happening this week...haiz....lazy and uninspired...hahhaha
I'll try to share another time bah...=)
Monday, 26 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
...yak yak....
Got off the phone with Bowl about half an hour ago. the conversation was very's hard to describe..altho..*ahem*..i soon realised I was actually being used as an 'accounting' tool! @*&#^@^..hahaha...but still i say that I'm entertained for tonite.=)
then went into my mum's room to BUG her. She's busy packing for 2 back to back trips. she's leaving for taiwan on tuesday till the 19th on some sch trip. then on the same day 6 hours later she'll be flying off to Israel- Jordan for 10 days!
*celebrate*...hahahaha....true more naggy mum..hahaha...
thinking back, i remember when i was still in school, i'd look forward to my mum being away. then i can 'take over' her room...and stay up late. Not that she doesn't let me stay up late when she's around. Only back then, my mum was the only person with TV in her room!!! with a VCR somemore! *hiak hiak*...her room also had room only had a fan...but these days...i have 2 DVD players in my room, a TV and 2 computers and*ahem* room is now better equipped than my mum's tho she has upgraded to a flat screen tv in her room...i'm happy to have my colour bulky tv!
why 2 DVD players? well , these are the rejects from my sister..haiz...u can call me cheap skate or karang guni,...but they still work, just that abit temperamental. so when one kicks a fuss and refuses to play the disc..i just swap the cables behind and Voila! - you can continue with your movie.
talking about staying up late...those who know me,..know that i'm a night owl. My old sec sch pal commented that day that i'm still keeping the insane sec sch hours..hahaha.. all must know my history...It all began...when i was in Pri 6....and my evil older sister decided to introduce me to the throes of the World Cup...the amazing thing called -- soccer skills!...needless to say, it was held in europe, this the match was on at some ungodly hour, keeping me awake till 5am. heheheheee...
I remember mum complaining about that...since then it was too late to switch back. i always found i was more productive at night. in JC I would sleep at one plus earliest. And that was late back then, considering there was no such thing as the internet, computer or cable tv, etc. and also by the fact i had to wake at 5.45am the next day to catch the 6.15am bus. =)
I was busy studying really wasn't easy...though of course tv played a part too.
University...*nostalgic sigh*...that is indeed a laugh...hostel days..for 5 years..i don't remember sleeping earlier than 2am on ANY day. unless i'm really sick. heee...aiyo...hostel environment...and you know my character lah...people come and chat chat with me. watch tv in my room...take breaks in my room...whine in my room..complain about their problems with their projects/ with the toys in my room...feed me...hahahah...ask Bowl...she will furnish you with the details...after all..*ahem* she was the cause of most of the late nights!!! --- i know she doesn't read my blog unless reminded...but i'm sure i'll kenna for this..hahaha...
Of course, i admit i'm kay-po also lah...i'll go over and check up on them and nuahz on thier bed...heee...
Ok...back to the PRESENT Time. =)
i'm sick...sniffling abit. But my tonsils are swollen making it hard to swallow. This has been on the past 2 days. It didn't help we were sitting directly under the aircon in church today. My entire cellgrp turned into a row of popsicles. hahahaha...for almost 4 hours leh...*horrors*
this weekend was Pst Ulf preaching. it was a good reminder that life of a christian is not suppposed to be all blessings or about feeling comfortable implies that i'm on the right path with God. It is about recognising that the blessing are ongoing, He is omnipresent and that there will be trials and it or not!! =)
it's a priviledge when he comes down from sweden/ israel to preach. He is one of my pastor's mentors and indeed, it feels just at home with him around. Like a spiritual father.=)
Ok,...I should go..this week is the final week before my boss gets back. Just sitting in the toilet dawned upon me how much there is to do! haiz...ok ok...leave it for tomorrow. i can't do anything tonight. No point worrying!
Oh i brought my dog for a walk/jog..i'm surprised how i managed to survive considering how seldom i do this..hahaha..=) let's hope the legs don't ache too much tomorrow.
Nites! =P
then went into my mum's room to BUG her. She's busy packing for 2 back to back trips. she's leaving for taiwan on tuesday till the 19th on some sch trip. then on the same day 6 hours later she'll be flying off to Israel- Jordan for 10 days!
*celebrate*...hahahaha....true more naggy mum..hahaha...
thinking back, i remember when i was still in school, i'd look forward to my mum being away. then i can 'take over' her room...and stay up late. Not that she doesn't let me stay up late when she's around. Only back then, my mum was the only person with TV in her room!!! with a VCR somemore! *hiak hiak*...her room also had room only had a fan...but these days...i have 2 DVD players in my room, a TV and 2 computers and*ahem* room is now better equipped than my mum's tho she has upgraded to a flat screen tv in her room...i'm happy to have my colour bulky tv!
why 2 DVD players? well , these are the rejects from my sister..haiz...u can call me cheap skate or karang guni,...but they still work, just that abit temperamental. so when one kicks a fuss and refuses to play the disc..i just swap the cables behind and Voila! - you can continue with your movie.
talking about staying up late...those who know me,..know that i'm a night owl. My old sec sch pal commented that day that i'm still keeping the insane sec sch hours..hahaha.. all must know my history...It all began...when i was in Pri 6....and my evil older sister decided to introduce me to the throes of the World Cup...the amazing thing called -- soccer skills!...needless to say, it was held in europe, this the match was on at some ungodly hour, keeping me awake till 5am. heheheheee...
I remember mum complaining about that...since then it was too late to switch back. i always found i was more productive at night. in JC I would sleep at one plus earliest. And that was late back then, considering there was no such thing as the internet, computer or cable tv, etc. and also by the fact i had to wake at 5.45am the next day to catch the 6.15am bus. =)
I was busy studying really wasn't easy...though of course tv played a part too.
University...*nostalgic sigh*...that is indeed a laugh...hostel days..for 5 years..i don't remember sleeping earlier than 2am on ANY day. unless i'm really sick. heee...aiyo...hostel environment...and you know my character lah...people come and chat chat with me. watch tv in my room...take breaks in my room...whine in my room..complain about their problems with their projects/ with the toys in my room...feed me...hahahah...ask Bowl...she will furnish you with the details...after all..*ahem* she was the cause of most of the late nights!!! --- i know she doesn't read my blog unless reminded...but i'm sure i'll kenna for this..hahaha...
Of course, i admit i'm kay-po also lah...i'll go over and check up on them and nuahz on thier bed...heee...
Ok...back to the PRESENT Time. =)
i'm sick...sniffling abit. But my tonsils are swollen making it hard to swallow. This has been on the past 2 days. It didn't help we were sitting directly under the aircon in church today. My entire cellgrp turned into a row of popsicles. hahahaha...for almost 4 hours leh...*horrors*
this weekend was Pst Ulf preaching. it was a good reminder that life of a christian is not suppposed to be all blessings or about feeling comfortable implies that i'm on the right path with God. It is about recognising that the blessing are ongoing, He is omnipresent and that there will be trials and it or not!! =)
it's a priviledge when he comes down from sweden/ israel to preach. He is one of my pastor's mentors and indeed, it feels just at home with him around. Like a spiritual father.=)
Ok,...I should go..this week is the final week before my boss gets back. Just sitting in the toilet dawned upon me how much there is to do! haiz...ok ok...leave it for tomorrow. i can't do anything tonight. No point worrying!
Oh i brought my dog for a walk/jog..i'm surprised how i managed to survive considering how seldom i do this..hahaha..=) let's hope the legs don't ache too much tomorrow.
Nites! =P
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Mid week public holiday
The thing about mid week public holiday. It is indeed shortlived.
this one isn't too bad. It's on a thursday and not wednesday or elast you only need to tolerate one more day before a rewarding 2 day weekend! YAY!
And we all know...friday will be a peaceful work day..because probably half the workforce will be on leave and the other half will be finding it more productive to clear their personal work..hee...
today i was still considering whether to go out when i got out of bed at 1245pm. it's still about 6 hours of sleep lah...coz of my late night watching tv and surfing.
But i went about doing what i needed to do first before making further decisions. Have lunch>> clean up>> bathe my dog>> keep my laundry. it was already close to 4pm when i was done! haha...kidna helped with the decision. was a good day to just rest, watch tv, nap...cook dinner then a short drive to the nearby pet shop to make an exchange on a defective purchase.
By the time all that was was 9 plus! Geee...time really does fly!
It's the time of the night when work starts to invade my thoughts. I already succumbed and took a peek at my e-mail inbox. A few things to handle, but nothing major. these few nights there's a tendency for it to invade my toughts to go towards work at night, beacuse i think it will help me ease up my day tomorrow. remember i'm more of a night owl. =)
But i've managed to keep it at bay most of the time. I reinforce my should be for work unless you really enjoy doing it...then go ahead! =)
i hope to get early to work tomorrow. i pray i can do more. Only a week to go before my boss gets back and there's so much to do. =)
this one isn't too bad. It's on a thursday and not wednesday or elast you only need to tolerate one more day before a rewarding 2 day weekend! YAY!
And we all know...friday will be a peaceful work day..because probably half the workforce will be on leave and the other half will be finding it more productive to clear their personal work..hee...
today i was still considering whether to go out when i got out of bed at 1245pm. it's still about 6 hours of sleep lah...coz of my late night watching tv and surfing.
But i went about doing what i needed to do first before making further decisions. Have lunch>> clean up>> bathe my dog>> keep my laundry. it was already close to 4pm when i was done! haha...kidna helped with the decision. was a good day to just rest, watch tv, nap...cook dinner then a short drive to the nearby pet shop to make an exchange on a defective purchase.
By the time all that was was 9 plus! Geee...time really does fly!
It's the time of the night when work starts to invade my thoughts. I already succumbed and took a peek at my e-mail inbox. A few things to handle, but nothing major. these few nights there's a tendency for it to invade my toughts to go towards work at night, beacuse i think it will help me ease up my day tomorrow. remember i'm more of a night owl. =)
But i've managed to keep it at bay most of the time. I reinforce my should be for work unless you really enjoy doing it...then go ahead! =)
i hope to get early to work tomorrow. i pray i can do more. Only a week to go before my boss gets back and there's so much to do. =)
I just read through the items on my goal card this year. There was one that amused me. Read More, Read widely.
My target was to read at least one to two books a month. I actually kept track of the books from Dec till sometime in February when it died off...hahaha...ah well, it seems writing the books down wasn't motivational enough...anyway..what was I busy with back in March? *thinking*...ooohhhhh...I know already....the horrible career fair in suntec in early march...where i get stressed and barely sleep doing everything. i lasted these past 3 years only He knows...
Will there be another one in 2008?...sigh...what do you think? I am already holding my head over pavilion management...and let's not forget..this year is Airshow year..woohoo..back to back weeks...*faints*...ok ok...must stop thinking about it...*chanting*.." Positive thoughts- positive thoughts"...
I have where was I? Yes - Reading...
Well, if you count the Archie comic books I've read this year, i definitely will hit my target!! HAHAHA....i bought 18 copies 3 months ago ( relatively cheap lah) ...and i've so far finished 15 issues...
Sigh...doesn't count, does it... *drooped shoulders*..=)
Anyway, i'm now reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind -- and I find myself skipping parts, which is very rare for me. So that means either the book is boring or my brain is rejecting it or i'm just reading it at the wrong time (ie. before sleeping)....i suspect its a combination of the above..hahahaha...I'll have to find a solution for that.
One thing i highlighted from the book from last night's read - Think About What you are Thinking!
Hmmm....It's amazing how thoughts just run through OR Don't run through my head (if any at all!!!)... scary isnt' it...the electricity that goes on up there in a split second...
One thing i consciously thought about in the last hour..."How did i lose track of my interest in lounge music!?!?!" did that happen?!?!.. spent time listening to some tracks online...and learned...oh my...there is really a complicated range out there...but i'm sure i lean towards one...must go find out...
I think it's a jazz lounge...but it's not as straigthforward...
The music is great i tell you...I leaves you in a complete CHILL mode...relaxing man...totally sweet and crisp...
Great...look what i've done to myself i just want to go to a hotel bar and's 4.02am to go?!!?...
OK, i am high due to the sleepiness...and i'm just rambling the rubbish that runs through my head...hahaha...better log off!!
My target was to read at least one to two books a month. I actually kept track of the books from Dec till sometime in February when it died off...hahaha...ah well, it seems writing the books down wasn't motivational enough...anyway..what was I busy with back in March? *thinking*...ooohhhhh...I know already....the horrible career fair in suntec in early march...where i get stressed and barely sleep doing everything. i lasted these past 3 years only He knows...
Will there be another one in 2008?...sigh...what do you think? I am already holding my head over pavilion management...and let's not forget..this year is Airshow year..woohoo..back to back weeks...*faints*...ok ok...must stop thinking about it...*chanting*.." Positive thoughts- positive thoughts"...
I have where was I? Yes - Reading...
Well, if you count the Archie comic books I've read this year, i definitely will hit my target!! HAHAHA....i bought 18 copies 3 months ago ( relatively cheap lah) ...and i've so far finished 15 issues...
Sigh...doesn't count, does it... *drooped shoulders*..=)
Anyway, i'm now reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind -- and I find myself skipping parts, which is very rare for me. So that means either the book is boring or my brain is rejecting it or i'm just reading it at the wrong time (ie. before sleeping)....i suspect its a combination of the above..hahahaha...I'll have to find a solution for that.
One thing i highlighted from the book from last night's read - Think About What you are Thinking!
Hmmm....It's amazing how thoughts just run through OR Don't run through my head (if any at all!!!)... scary isnt' it...the electricity that goes on up there in a split second...
One thing i consciously thought about in the last hour..."How did i lose track of my interest in lounge music!?!?!" did that happen?!?!.. spent time listening to some tracks online...and learned...oh my...there is really a complicated range out there...but i'm sure i lean towards one...must go find out...
I think it's a jazz lounge...but it's not as straigthforward...
The music is great i tell you...I leaves you in a complete CHILL mode...relaxing man...totally sweet and crisp...
Great...look what i've done to myself i just want to go to a hotel bar and's 4.02am to go?!!?...
OK, i am high due to the sleepiness...and i'm just rambling the rubbish that runs through my head...hahaha...better log off!!
Monday, 5 November 2007
On friday's cgl made mini bouquets of flowers for the sisters. hee..nice hor? she spent the night before making lor...for no special reason and 'just because'..=) She's got talent if any of you want to buy, watever flowers...let me know..hee..i will post the request to her and i'm sure she will make for you. =)
This is Angela and me...sometime early July. I brought kfc to her office after a meeting i had in tanjong pagar area. She had a craving so i walked to China square there. behind us is One Raffles Quay i think. the view is nice from her office. =) we snuck into one of the meeting rooms for a private makan session...oh oh...and i got to drink from the machine that converts air into water! So cool...btu takes ages to make!
Finally loaded this online. My 2nd sis who has been reading my blog asked me what is a is the picture of the MUD PIE at black angus, at angela's farewell lunch..well,'s a half looks absolutely sinful...hahaha...the guy in the backgrd is my boss..well..half his face lah..hahaha...

Friday, 2 November 2007
Withdrawal symptoms...
Today is the first after a fren of the industry left the industry...and are we facing withdrawal symptoms?? Yep!!!!! got phone calls from XYZ asking farnee qns...that...well if she was need to ask! hahaha...
Ya was Angela's last day at XYZ on 31st Oct.'s halloween day leh...i wonder if she planned that! Hahaha! She should've thrown a goodbye and costume party at the same time.
From now on, we all must make sure that we don't auto dial's no longer her table liao...hee...
She will now embark on a one week break before starting on her new jobbie...all the best girl!! we love and remember you!!! You served the industry well and left behind a positive footprint.
Hmm...aiyah..wanted to add a photo of the 2 of us here...but having trouble extracting it from my mobile..hee..another time bah! =)
Ya was Angela's last day at XYZ on 31st Oct.'s halloween day leh...i wonder if she planned that! Hahaha! She should've thrown a goodbye and costume party at the same time.
From now on, we all must make sure that we don't auto dial's no longer her table liao...hee...
She will now embark on a one week break before starting on her new jobbie...all the best girl!! we love and remember you!!! You served the industry well and left behind a positive footprint.
Hmm...aiyah..wanted to add a photo of the 2 of us here...but having trouble extracting it from my mobile..hee..another time bah! =)
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