Oink Oink!!! Squeal....Snort...Grunt...Oink!
Hahaha...it has been a tired few weeks for me for various reasons, all linked to the Lunar New Year. I'm too tired to elaborate on them, and I find that i'll end up complaining. Just to give you an idea. My sleep time is 4-5am on the average the past few days. =)
But hey! It's the PIGGY new year! and I wanna share this funny clip with you, my friend!
Click on this link, then click again on the new screen to play the video. (your media player will open to play the clip. No worries on download time, it's less than a minute!)
Monday, 19 February 2007
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Spirit and in Truth
In the midst of cellgroup worship this week, i was led to this passage.
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. ~ John 4: 21-23
True worshippers...Hmm...it was beyond the Spirit and in Truth...
vs 22 stood out to me,...hmm...we can know who we worship but that doesn't mean we are true worshippers! Yupz...just because we know Jesus, we can't call ourselves true worshippers in comparison with other religions that worship too.
vs23 'Yet a time is coming and has now come'....what a declaration! What authority! It's like declaring a new era! How many can declare that a time "has now come", in such confidence that it will indeed come to pass! -- i had a new appreciation for God's omni-presence over Time and seasons.
Daddy seeks true worshippers...Hmm, worship in Spirit and in Truth...in truth...In TRUTH...IN TRUTH!
What does in truth mean to you? Whose truth? His truth in the word? Your truthfulness to Him? Or what we understand in the phrase: " The truth will set you free?"...or truthfulness to yourself? =)...or do you have a new revelation on truth to share? =P
Truthfulness is a virtue. It dawned upon me that these days we're surrounded by half-truths, till we have fogotten what real truth is. Perhaps half-truths have become acceptable without us realising it....How many of us have hidden how we felt when asked about something?
Hmm...that leads me to another revelation...usually, dont' we hide the truth when we are afraid? Fearful?...of hurt and backlash? consequences....over the years, half-truths may have become a form of self protection without us realising it. I'm not talking about blatant lying...the the grey areas we can't face up to...Hmm...
Maybe that's why He's so wonderful...He invites us to come to him without fear...and.....be....truthful...=)
21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. ~ John 4: 21-23
True worshippers...Hmm...it was beyond the Spirit and in Truth...
vs 22 stood out to me,...hmm...we can know who we worship but that doesn't mean we are true worshippers! Yupz...just because we know Jesus, we can't call ourselves true worshippers in comparison with other religions that worship too.
vs23 'Yet a time is coming and has now come'....what a declaration! What authority! It's like declaring a new era! How many can declare that a time "has now come", in such confidence that it will indeed come to pass! -- i had a new appreciation for God's omni-presence over Time and seasons.
Daddy seeks true worshippers...Hmm, worship in Spirit and in Truth...in truth...In TRUTH...IN TRUTH!
What does in truth mean to you? Whose truth? His truth in the word? Your truthfulness to Him? Or what we understand in the phrase: " The truth will set you free?"...or truthfulness to yourself? =)...or do you have a new revelation on truth to share? =P
Truthfulness is a virtue. It dawned upon me that these days we're surrounded by half-truths, till we have fogotten what real truth is. Perhaps half-truths have become acceptable without us realising it....How many of us have hidden how we felt when asked about something?
Hmm...that leads me to another revelation...usually, dont' we hide the truth when we are afraid? Fearful?...of hurt and backlash? consequences....over the years, half-truths may have become a form of self protection without us realising it. I'm not talking about blatant lying...the the grey areas we can't face up to...Hmm...
Maybe that's why He's so wonderful...He invites us to come to him without fear...and.....be....truthful...=)
Sunday, 11 February 2007
It's out! Yay!

Meet the Samsung Z720 Ultra Edition Slider (13.8)! It's out!
I was close to getting the first Ultra Slim slider 12.9 in black sometime end of December when i got wind of a Slim SILVER SLIDER coming out! Yippee!! I've always preferred the silver versions of Samsung phones. So far all my phones i've bought from them are either silver or white.
Surfing online, I spotted it's announced arrival...Projected launch was in Feb 2007! That was near! i could wait! Hee...only concernw as that it was a 3G/ HSDPA phone, with one of the latest technologies...Hmm...doesn't that mean it would likely be more expensive? *Apprehension*
Just as a piece of trivia I've learned in my surfing, the Silver version is only released in Singapore/ region! This has been out in the US, Europe and other countries, but so far they have released it in black colour. According to an IT news article, the Samsung spokesperson said that they are going for silver this time round, to differentiate from the black similar version! -- Whatever! As long as it benefits me! WAHAHAHA...=P
Anyway, Singtel announced it's price online first on it's web shop: S$568 with a 2 year plan with Free 512MB mini SD card...
Hmm...I've been saving for it also the past few months amidst the building fund since my phone died in November. The previous black slider was $468 when it first came out. How ah?...Dilemma,..i mean the technology in this one, HSDPA/ Video calls, I'm likely not to use as much or at all...But it's the colour i want! (don't suggest using silver pen to colour! *GRRRR*)...and it looks SO SO GOOOODD!!!
I was close to getting the first Ultra Slim slider 12.9 in black sometime end of December when i got wind of a Slim SILVER SLIDER coming out! Yippee!! I've always preferred the silver versions of Samsung phones. So far all my phones i've bought from them are either silver or white.
Surfing online, I spotted it's announced arrival...Projected launch was in Feb 2007! That was near! i could wait! Hee...only concernw as that it was a 3G/ HSDPA phone, with one of the latest technologies...Hmm...doesn't that mean it would likely be more expensive? *Apprehension*
Just as a piece of trivia I've learned in my surfing, the Silver version is only released in Singapore/ region! This has been out in the US, Europe and other countries, but so far they have released it in black colour. According to an IT news article, the Samsung spokesperson said that they are going for silver this time round, to differentiate from the black similar version! -- Whatever! As long as it benefits me! WAHAHAHA...=P
Anyway, Singtel announced it's price online first on it's web shop: S$568 with a 2 year plan with Free 512MB mini SD card...
Hmm...I've been saving for it also the past few months amidst the building fund since my phone died in November. The previous black slider was $468 when it first came out. How ah?...Dilemma,..i mean the technology in this one, HSDPA/ Video calls, I'm likely not to use as much or at all...But it's the colour i want! (don't suggest using silver pen to colour! *GRRRR*)...and it looks SO SO GOOOODD!!!
I went to the Singtel shop at Parkway today in hopes to see the actual product! =( thy only had a coloured photo...*growl*...but i grabbed the brochure!
Hahaha...I have a feeling I'll get it...SSSSOOOONNNNNN....need some time to settle other matters regarding my old phone!
Hahaha...I have a feeling I'll get it...SSSSOOOONNNNNN....need some time to settle other matters regarding my old phone!
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Aiyah...have to share lah...can't contain!
Haiya...Couldn't share in cg yesterday. There were too many testimonies (Praise God!) in our cg, so I was skipped, so i put it at the back of my mind must share in the next cgm!
But...I can't wait leh! So i must share here! So if any of my cg members read this earlier, then good for them! Heehee...=)
*Ahem*...basically i want to thank Him for blessing me. Where shall i start?
1) I knew i was going to have a WHOLE WEEK OFF in Chinese New Year about a month ago. It wasn't really confirmed then. But I have a good feeling that it will be coming to pass! That means I don't' even need to take leave or anything! Office is just closed! Yay! (even though i have many things to rush for early March, and this 3 days extra break is not that good in this circumstance...BUT I will still thank Him for this! Hee...) --come on! It's extra rest days!!
2) My boss gave me an increment in salary this year. We had discussed it before over the phone. But we couldn't' remember the exact amount, when we brought it up again recently. (Because my increment takes effect from Feb pay). I could only remember it was within a certain range. So i e-mailed him and told him I wasn't too sure...
God is good! So is my boss! HAHAHA...He picked the highest amount of the range! Hee...
PLUS-- I'm getting an extra 4 days of annual leave! Praise the Lord!
But...I can't wait leh! So i must share here! So if any of my cg members read this earlier, then good for them! Heehee...=)
*Ahem*...basically i want to thank Him for blessing me. Where shall i start?
1) I knew i was going to have a WHOLE WEEK OFF in Chinese New Year about a month ago. It wasn't really confirmed then. But I have a good feeling that it will be coming to pass! That means I don't' even need to take leave or anything! Office is just closed! Yay! (even though i have many things to rush for early March, and this 3 days extra break is not that good in this circumstance...BUT I will still thank Him for this! Hee...) --come on! It's extra rest days!!
2) My boss gave me an increment in salary this year. We had discussed it before over the phone. But we couldn't' remember the exact amount, when we brought it up again recently. (Because my increment takes effect from Feb pay). I could only remember it was within a certain range. So i e-mailed him and told him I wasn't too sure...
God is good! So is my boss! HAHAHA...He picked the highest amount of the range! Hee...
PLUS-- I'm getting an extra 4 days of annual leave! Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Anatomy of a Fish...
If you can't picture it, it's a smiley fish with two vertical eyes. The head is on the left and the fries on the right side make up the bones.
I did highlight to the rest that it looked like Shen, I mean after his recent hair colour (quite similar to the golden brown crisp) and shark style of gelling his hair..hahaha..Hey, at least I say he's SMILEY ok...=P
This is called playing with your food..haha..I couldn't bear to eat it. But soon as I demonstrated in front of Anna, after emphasizing it's resemblance to our dear bro,...that WE START eating by POKING OUT the LEFT EYEBALL with the white fork VICIOUSLY WITHOUT MERCY!!!!!...WAHAHAHHA...
God vs. Science
My friend Angela was reading this article when I msn-ed her. So i ended up reading it too! Persevere till at least page 3 where the Q&A part starts...yes, my eyes boggled when I was only halfway through page 1! --> Time to brush up on my language ah! Kaishen said it reminded him of General Paper comprehension!...hahaha...
This is a TIME article in November 2006.
On 'God's side' is Dr Francis Collins, which interestingly, was an atheist till age 27 and takes time to advise young evangelical scientists on how to declare their faith in science's largely agnostic realms.
On the Atheist (strictly scientific) front, is Richard Dawkins. Both of them have books that are best sellers. Even Dawkin was a New York Times Bestseller!
I like it coz it's written in a neutral way. Helping me to reason and understand why i beleive what i believe. =) After all, God did say..." Come, let us reason..."
This is a TIME article in November 2006.
On 'God's side' is Dr Francis Collins, which interestingly, was an atheist till age 27 and takes time to advise young evangelical scientists on how to declare their faith in science's largely agnostic realms.
On the Atheist (strictly scientific) front, is Richard Dawkins. Both of them have books that are best sellers. Even Dawkin was a New York Times Bestseller!
I like it coz it's written in a neutral way. Helping me to reason and understand why i beleive what i believe. =) After all, God did say..." Come, let us reason..."
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