Todays' last 12 laps was exciting!
Button was way in front (12 secs ahead) at 1 position becasue of strategic moves by the engineers, giving him the lead. You can see my disdain for Button. When he does well, he's happy. When not doing well, you hear him be-moan about that the car is lousy -- ya, the same car that help you win the previous race..Duh...
So the reamaining line up was Kubica (renault), Massa and alonso, these 3 having 0.5 to 1 sec gaps between.
Between Massa and Alonso, I'm not being biased, but I have seen Alonso able to overtake Massa many times was trying.
With 8 laps remaining, Hamilton started creeping closer behind on 5th postion (behind alonso), followed by Webber (red bull)
Initially, the time gap between the old rivals, Hamilton and Alonso was 9 seconds and it was cut down to 0.7 secs!!!
Radio chatter was screaming into hamilton's earpiece that the Ferrari's strategy may be failing them as they have to hold out with thier current wheels, which is wearing out fast. Pitting for the Ferraris at this stage was not an option. --> Pressure and overtake!!
Alonso da best lah...the strategy at this point paid off. For the team, he held off Hamilton and Webber, allowing the gap between him and Massa to increase, so that even if hamilton was to overtake, he wouldn't have sufficient oppotunities to snatch 3rd place from Massa, even with Massa's weak tyres. (Points in the top 3 postion as significantly higher)
At a 0.5sec gap, The Ferrari Team Radio told Alonso, "It's point-5 now, it's point-5.."
Alonso replied."OK, OK,..I don't want to know, I don't want to know!"'s true mah, here you are focussing on staving off the opponent, telling me how much he's catching up ain't helping man!
From there, alonso was great, keeping the eyeball on hamilton, who tried to peek out from the lineup of Alonso, Ham and Webber, in order to overtake, but failign each time..*evil laugh*
With two laps to go, Hamilton made his grand move.
Approaching a sharp right turn, he overtook Alonso on the left. Alonso didnt' fall back in line -- the usual method, as you should take the outer circle at the turn.
So they turned almost side by side - Ham on the outside, Alonso on the inside.
Now if you do your visualisations, with your two hands parallel then turning right, the inner car's back will threaten the outter car.
This is the point where they often say is the guts part of F1 and the split second decision. You have to be confident and know your car well, and take the risk.
Alonso, with a slight jerk, swung near to Ham's rigth nose, his back left wheel, skimming close to Ham's fromt rigth wheels.This sudden move is critical.
Several terrible things could have happened --1) since Alonso was going with the G force, his sudden move to swing into ham's lane to cut him at the turn, could mean, he'll swing all the way out of the track into the wall! Taking his car out of teh race completely.
2) A collision of wheels, which meant either or no side would survive and be taken out of the track.
Ham panicked and slowed only enough to let the ferrari pass at the turn, but still strategically, He cut right at the last moment--- hoping that if Alonso is still swinging out into left, he can speed up by overtaking on the right...
Awww...but Alonso was smarter and knew what Ham was thinking, being ahead, all he had to do was turn his car right alittle, cutting into Ham's new drive path.
Muahaha...Ham was squashed! he couldn't go ahead anymore and could only turn right harder into and awkward postion in order to preserve the car and let the Ferrari pass.
hehehe...then hor, the Red bull nipped into Ham's car...and they both swung out of the race..hehehehe
Red bull's fault lah...he shouldn't go that near with these two in front who 'chut pattern'. But maybe he was also thinking that if the two cars took each other out of the track with thier moves, he could slip by!
Split second decisions man....split second...
Anyway, red bull lost a nose, meant having to pit and redo. hamilton was fine, lost some spots but still in the top ten...
hahaha...And Alonso sneaked away..kekeke...last two laps leh...
This ensured that the entire Ferrari team keep critical points. *evil laughter*
This is where I think Alonso has grown up as a competitve driver. All F1 drivers are very competitve. You should hear them when they talk, they are a bloodthirty bunch, they want to Win. But he has matured. It's not just about overtaking Massa and securing the 3rd postion (ie. the chance to stand on the podium as top 3). But about staving off the opposition, and even if it meant taking your own car out, at least the Team still secures crucial points, under your team mate's hat.
Good grief, can't believe I yak so long about this..engrossed. =P
oh, and alonso got clipped by button at the flag off.spinning him to 22 position..n he fought back 2 4th!..muahaha
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Friday, 19 March 2010
The silly things me do with me cam...=P
Been so long since i put up photos. So take some time and do chirpy things!=)
Every CNY, I can't help but do my dracula and flit around the house. Hehe...I love madarin oranges! I did a single tooth dracula shot....
Then this one is slightly blurred,..hahaha...but i think i look like a happy walrus! =P *waves finger at self* with food!

Coming up, some photos I took during CNy visit. This year no hp camera so had to conscienciuosly carry the digital cam around =)
This is day two at my uncle's home. He's my dad's younger brother and they live in Potong Pasir area, jsut opposite Saint Andrew's village! Usually i spend day two at Ah ma's place again. But this year we're invited up coz they recently renovated the place since the younger son got married and moved in.
This is cloudy looking earnestly at my sister for food. Yep, the queen got to go visiting. Too bad this year no burberry top/ cheongsam! ( I think she abit too round liao, due to old age..hee)

In the background is my cousin Mabel. Heh, as you can see, our physical structure runs in this part of the fam!! Hahaha...she's older than me but younger than my two big sisters. I think sh'es a rabbit year...1975..she's into IT and lotsa programming and gaming. Was the only one among us all who had the chance to study overseas. She did her Dip here then degree in UK. I think she's still doing ad-hoc work for DSTA.

That's uncle on the right with my sister at the bottom right...ahahah...TVs are crucial at CNY to pass the time. =) We talk alot about football, he's a big Man U fan too. =) In the past when sis bothered, we'd make the trip to his place to catch the crucial matches coz he had cable. Since sis drove, can always get home after a match...Can't rememebr why one day it just stopped...maybe it was coz sis lazy liao..
Anyway, I feel he's a good and simple man, humble and easily happy. He leaves you alone the whole time and woudl be engrossed in reading the paper, staring at the tv and before you knwo it, he's fallen asleep on his easy chair..hahaha.

This is Ah ma, playing Gin Rummy! Hahaha...look at her so focussed. She looks forward to playing every few weeks. It's like a highlight to her, because it's the only big activity/ event with uncle and auntie go over.

Yipes! why the photo upside down one...Raaarrr...i too lazy to change..hehehe...but this is the clan playing with Ah ma lor...on the top in pink in Big Auntie, the eldest sister and sibling on my dad's side. She's very fierce and gave full time chinese tuition to the neighbourhood kids. You can imagine I was the fortunate one to be spared the torture after both my sisters went through the trauma, my parents decided otherwise for me..hehehe... bottom in red is my mum! And the last lady is the lady of the house!
She's the head nurse in KK for several years already. Probably over a decade. She power k, been a nurse since young...and still going strong! =) respect lah...she also a good cook! And ironically the only one not overweight in the fam..HAHAHAHA...
Every CNY, I can't help but do my dracula and flit around the house. Hehe...I love madarin oranges! I did a single tooth dracula shot....
Then this one is slightly blurred,..hahaha...but i think i look like a happy walrus! =P *waves finger at self* with food!
Coming up, some photos I took during CNy visit. This year no hp camera so had to conscienciuosly carry the digital cam around =)
This is day two at my uncle's home. He's my dad's younger brother and they live in Potong Pasir area, jsut opposite Saint Andrew's village! Usually i spend day two at Ah ma's place again. But this year we're invited up coz they recently renovated the place since the younger son got married and moved in.
This is cloudy looking earnestly at my sister for food. Yep, the queen got to go visiting. Too bad this year no burberry top/ cheongsam! ( I think she abit too round liao, due to old age..hee)
In the background is my cousin Mabel. Heh, as you can see, our physical structure runs in this part of the fam!! Hahaha...she's older than me but younger than my two big sisters. I think sh'es a rabbit year...1975..she's into IT and lotsa programming and gaming. Was the only one among us all who had the chance to study overseas. She did her Dip here then degree in UK. I think she's still doing ad-hoc work for DSTA.
That's uncle on the right with my sister at the bottom right...ahahah...TVs are crucial at CNY to pass the time. =) We talk alot about football, he's a big Man U fan too. =) In the past when sis bothered, we'd make the trip to his place to catch the crucial matches coz he had cable. Since sis drove, can always get home after a match...Can't rememebr why one day it just stopped...maybe it was coz sis lazy liao..
Anyway, I feel he's a good and simple man, humble and easily happy. He leaves you alone the whole time and woudl be engrossed in reading the paper, staring at the tv and before you knwo it, he's fallen asleep on his easy chair..hahaha.
This is Ah ma, playing Gin Rummy! Hahaha...look at her so focussed. She looks forward to playing every few weeks. It's like a highlight to her, because it's the only big activity/ event with uncle and auntie go over.
Yipes! why the photo upside down one...Raaarrr...i too lazy to change..hehehe...but this is the clan playing with Ah ma lor...on the top in pink in Big Auntie, the eldest sister and sibling on my dad's side. She's very fierce and gave full time chinese tuition to the neighbourhood kids. You can imagine I was the fortunate one to be spared the torture after both my sisters went through the trauma, my parents decided otherwise for me..hehehe... bottom in red is my mum! And the last lady is the lady of the house!
She's the head nurse in KK for several years already. Probably over a decade. She power k, been a nurse since young...and still going strong! =) respect lah...she also a good cook! And ironically the only one not overweight in the fam..HAHAHAHA...
Friday, 12 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
Hall mates
It's been some time since I've blogged at an early hour. =) before i ramble on, let me send out a few notes from my blog! Heee...
Ah Yin: Justin is blessed to have a loving mum like you. Hope you've managed to balance getting used to work life again. Pray for a daily dose of energy and super human work speed from God! Hahaha...hope to see you soon!
Yun: Moving fast hor, engaged then flat confirm so fast! Back to back blessings! LOL! Happy for you! =)Things are falling into place! Indeed God is good!
Next update is that bowl will be getting married in..wah...13 days time. So fast. I better go work harder on the music! It will be at HortPark. Concept will be quite interesting. Very unliek teh traditional wedding dinners. Anyway, doens't matter lah, like what I always told her. It's your wedding! hahaha
Looks like I'll probably see a small handful of my hall mates there (she told me who she invited lah)..which should make for some good catch up time. prepared for the mummy conversations! LOL...OK lah, on hindsight...2 of 4 fall in that category. I can only wonder how the convo will be like. But at least I not so outdated. *phew*
You see, each of them have not seen each other in close to 4 to 5 years! YEP! (About there lah)
Not like saying my record is any better, but got some contact ya...Hmm...let's see
1) Joyce (Mum 1) - last chat for 2 hours in Feb 09! Since then the occassional and rare online msn.
2) Beeps (mum 2) - lotsa late night msn convos. (but haven't seen her for 4 years!)
3) Lychee - met her a couple of times since she back from the states last year.
4) Geakers - meet once/ twice a year. Still remember her as my mech engineering 'da jie'..super independent!
Ok ok...all this wedding talk has made me panic over the music...better get cracking...I think i've sussed out 5 good songs so far...=)
Ah Yin: Justin is blessed to have a loving mum like you. Hope you've managed to balance getting used to work life again. Pray for a daily dose of energy and super human work speed from God! Hahaha...hope to see you soon!
Yun: Moving fast hor, engaged then flat confirm so fast! Back to back blessings! LOL! Happy for you! =)Things are falling into place! Indeed God is good!
Next update is that bowl will be getting married in..wah...13 days time. So fast. I better go work harder on the music! It will be at HortPark. Concept will be quite interesting. Very unliek teh traditional wedding dinners. Anyway, doens't matter lah, like what I always told her. It's your wedding! hahaha
Looks like I'll probably see a small handful of my hall mates there (she told me who she invited lah)..which should make for some good catch up time. prepared for the mummy conversations! LOL...OK lah, on hindsight...2 of 4 fall in that category. I can only wonder how the convo will be like. But at least I not so outdated. *phew*
You see, each of them have not seen each other in close to 4 to 5 years! YEP! (About there lah)
Not like saying my record is any better, but got some contact ya...Hmm...let's see
1) Joyce (Mum 1) - last chat for 2 hours in Feb 09! Since then the occassional and rare online msn.
2) Beeps (mum 2) - lotsa late night msn convos. (but haven't seen her for 4 years!)
3) Lychee - met her a couple of times since she back from the states last year.
4) Geakers - meet once/ twice a year. Still remember her as my mech engineering 'da jie'..super independent!
Ok ok...all this wedding talk has made me panic over the music...better get cracking...I think i've sussed out 5 good songs so far...=)
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