I landed at about 2.30pm NZ time. Almost immediately I have a testimony to share of God's grace. After getting my bag I was to get my car. The airport wasn't very big, with the international terminal next to the domestic one. I was supposed to contact the car rental guy and meet him at this 'wishing well' situated just opposite the terminals.
However, I kept getting static when i tried to call. Oh no...I pushed my trolley a little, and was scanning my surroundings for alternatives. Like a telephone booth, a shop, or at the last resort, approach a local to spare me some of his mobile phone time for a desperate traveller. Hahaha...
Thank God i spotted this Singaporean couple that i had noticed taking the same flights as me all this while. They were waiting at the Well! No time for hesitation I quickly approached them and asked if they had rented a car and were waiting for the 'delivery'. "Yes."....I held my breath.."Is it EZY car rentals?". "Yup!"...What a relief! I explained my situation and welcomed me to wait with them. Truly God at work. They were the ONLY people waiting there, AND they were from back home. Making it easier. =) They are a young couple and they had a relaxed look about them, possibly on a honeymoon.
The lady envied i was on such a long trip on my own, being just purely a holiday. =)
After the rental guy picked up the couple, i had to wait for him to return with mine. So i took a shot here outside the international terminal. It was sunny but very breezy!
My ride arrived - A Nissan Sentra. It looked quite old and smaller than what i was promised. However, i wasn't so concerned about the size since i was alone. However i griped with him that he had promised me a car with a CD player. This one was a tape deck. *growl*
He could see he was close to spoiling my holiday when i told him I'd brought all my music in CDs!
So he suggested i go to The Warehouse where i can get a converter that doesn't cost much, n return i can return the car with empty fuel. I was a little peeved having to spend my first day rectifying this. After all, it was already 3pm and I still had to find my hostel and get groceries! ( I didn't' know the sunset time was very late then)
It was a breeze driving into town. I got a little lost. But with almost everyone keeping to the speed limit of 50km/h (and no one gets angry with you when u choose to stick to the limit) and the roads were so wide, there was a road shoulder on every road and you could swing in and check your bearings. i couldn't believe i was in the city area. HAHAHA...because there was hardly any traffic!
Well, I checked in at the Coachman's Backpackers, which is right behind the famous Christchurch cathedral in the heart of town. A single room at NZ$65 for shared bathroom. (By the way, single room meant Queen size bed!) Nice! It had a charm of old days to it, previously being an inn or hotel long ago. See their site for pictures! http://www.coachmanbackpackers.co.nz/
Everything was clean and comfortable, even the bathrooms felt high class! The TV lounge was comfy with a bar. =) The lady running the place was Wendy, super helpful and friendly. =) She laughed at my 'Once a saint, always a saint' T-shirt and said it was cheeky!
As an official note, my first meal in NZ was McDonald's - it wasn't fantastic. But i was tired and just needed to settle my dinner for the day.
Was getting exhausted even before i showered for the day. And thoughts of "Why am i here alone...gotta recheck my route for tomorrow...so much to do...no one to talk to.." crept into my mind. As if on time, I got an encouraging SMS from my work friend, Angela. =) So sweet!
This is my room. the top photo i thought it'd be funny to copy the kiwi in sunglasses on the flyer. And below, my mess created and the double bed i have! I slept below. Larger bed!